German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Energy Systems Analysis
Estimates for the greenhouse gas emissions caused by maritime transportation account for approx. 870 million tonnes of CO2 tonnes in 2018, increasing the awareness of the public in general and requiring the development of alternative... more
Die Theoriestudie dient als Basis fur die wissenschaftlichen Analysen und die Umsetzungsprojekte zur Klimaanpassung in ‚nordwest2050‘ und soll die Entwicklung von erfolgreichen Klimaanpassungsstrategien unterstutzen. Die Theoriestudie... more
Purpose The concept of criticality concerns the probability and the possible impacts of shortages in raw-material supply and is usually applied to regional economies or specific industries. With more and more products being highly... more
The greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping were estimated to be 2.1% of the global emissions by 2012. In order to decrease them in the future, new measures are being taken but also new alternative power systems employing... more
Sowie über 150 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer, die an den während der Projektlaufzeit veranstalteten Veranstaltungen, wie Workshops, Vorlesungsreihe und Treffen teilgenommen haben. Zu den Veranstaltungen und Workshops zählen je zwei... more
The aviation sector is estimated to require a widespread deployment of sustainable fuels next to developments in aircraft technology and improvements in operations and infrastructure to efficiently reduce its climate impact. A possible... more
Climate changes, incidents like nuclear disasters, and associated political objectives call for significant changes to the current energy system. Despite these far-reaching transformation processes, within the intended changes security of... more
• A hybrid system approach for primary frequency control provision is presented. • Significant reduction in battery investment costs by a combination with power to heat. • Improved economic benefit of systems with capacity-to-power ratios... more
Abbildung 1: Das wasserstoffbetriebene Brennstoffzellenauto des DLR-Instituts für Vernetzte Energiesysteme galt im Februar 2017 als das erste in Niedersachsen verkaufte wasserstoffbetriebene Fahrzeug. Im Jahr 2030 könnten Prognosen der... more