German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Earth Observation Center
Knowledge of accurate travel times between various origins and destinations is a valuable information for daily commuters as well as for security related organizations (BOS) during emergencies, disasters, or big events. In this paper, we... more
The usage of airborne camera systems for near real time applications will increase in the near future. This paper purposes a new hardware/software architecture to establish real time computation of images obtained from the DLR wide area... more
- by Franz Kurz
Knowledge of accurate digital surface models (DSMs) is a valuable information for security authorities and organizations during emergencies, disasters, or big events. In this context, the potential of the recently developed digital... more
- by Franz Kurz
To estimate parameters of large-scale vegetation heterogeneity for the determination of soil heterogeneity a method based on fusion of multisensor image and pointwise ground-truth data is proposed. Regression analysis of multispectral... more
- by Franz Kurz
We propose a general framework to set up a method to estimate vegetation parameters from multidimensional remote sensing data using a physical model and a moderate amount of ground control data. This framework is exemplarily demonstrated... more
We propose a general framework to set up a method to estimate vegetation parameters from multidimensional remote sensing data using a physical model and a moderate amount of ground control data. This framework is exemplarily demonstrated... more
A near real time airborne monitoring system for monitoring of natural disasters, mass events, and large traffic disasters was developed in the last years at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). This system consists of an optical wide-angle... more
In this paper we propose a new model based traffic parameter estimation approach in congested situations in time series of airborne optical remote sensing data. The proposed approach is based on the combination of various techniques:... more
Purpose A new model based approach for the traffic congestion detection in time series of airborne optical digital camera images is proposed. Methods It is based on the estimation of the average vehicle speed on road segments. The method... more
Purpose Large area traffic monitoring with high spatial and temporal resolution is a challenge that cannot be served by today available static infrastructure. Therefore, we present an automatic near real-time traffic monitoring approach... more
We present an automatic traffic monitoring approach using data of an airborne wide angle camera system. This camera, namely the "3K-Camera", was recently developed at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). It has a coverage of 8 km... more
Vehicle detection has been an important research field for years as there are a lot of valuable applications, ranging from support of traffic planners to real-time traffic management. Especially detection of cars in dense urban areas is... more
- by Franz Kurz
A real time airborne monitoring system for monitoring of natural disasters, mass events, and large traffic disasters was developed in the last years at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). This system consists of an optical wide-angle... more
- by Franz Kurz
This paper examines and describes improvements of the processing time of an airborne wide area monitoring system which is under development at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Aboard the aircraft a computer network equipped with three... more
- by Franz Kurz
A world with growing individual traffic requires sufficient solutions for traffic monitoring and guidance. The actual ground based approaches for traffic data collection may be barely sufficient for everyday life, but they will fail in... more
- by Franz Kurz
In this paper we analyze the usefulness of shadow to reconstruct height information from monocular images. Our goal is to derive height information from the measurement of the image coordinates of a point on a shadow edge and its... more
- by Franz Kurz
Real-time monitoring of natural disasters, mass events, and large accidents with airborne optical sensors is an ongoing topic in research and development. Airborne monitoring is used as a complemental data source with the advantage of... more
- by Franz Kurz
Überwachungsaufgaben ist nun als Prototyp einsatzfähig. Der Sensor wurde gewichtsoptimiert, klein und mit preisgünstigen Bauteilen in einem Pylon seitlich am Hubschrauber konzipiert. Es mussten jedoch aufgrund der geforderten... more
- by Franz Kurz
Remote sensing applications like disaster or mass event monitoring need the acquired data and extracted information within a very short time span. Airborne sensors can acquire the data quickly and on-board processing combined with data... more
- by Franz Kurz