Ahmat Fauzi
- Loka Riset Mekanisasi Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan, KKP, Indonesia (2019-2022)
- Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Indonesia (2022-now)
Phone: +628158784960
Address: - Loka Riset Mekanisasi Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan, BRSDMKP;
Jl. Imogiri Barat km. 11,5, Jetis, Bantul, DI. Yogyakarta. Indoensia.
- Pusat Riset Teknologi dan Proses Panga, BRIN, Jl Raya Yogya-Wonosari km. 31,5, Gunungkidul, DI. Yogyakarta. Indoensia.
- Loka Riset Mekanisasi Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan, KKP, Indonesia (2019-2022)
- Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Indonesia (2022-now)
Phone: +628158784960
Address: - Loka Riset Mekanisasi Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan, BRSDMKP;
Jl. Imogiri Barat km. 11,5, Jetis, Bantul, DI. Yogyakarta. Indoensia.
- Pusat Riset Teknologi dan Proses Panga, BRIN, Jl Raya Yogya-Wonosari km. 31,5, Gunungkidul, DI. Yogyakarta. Indoensia.
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Papers by Ahmat Fauzi
it. One of them is the application of Phase Change Material (PCM) in refrigeration
systems. This study aims to investigate the ability of PCM to accelerate the freezing
of fish in the household freezers. The tuna used was stored in the freezer with PCM,
which was put on a surface wall cabinet then compared with storage in the freezer
without PCM. Besides, the door of the freezer was also opened frequently (three
times a day, 1 hr each time) to find out the effect of fluctuating temperatures and
freezing operations for 60 hr. The parameters observed include the evolution temperature of the air cabinet and fish, energy consumption of the freezer, and thawing
loss. Results showed that PCM accelerated the cooling rate of air cabinets and fish
but could not suppress the fluctuation temperature. The quality of the frozen tuna
improved, which was indicated by a decreased thawing loss parameter from 3.10% to
1.76%. Overall, this finding revealed PCM has significant potential to improve the fish
freezing process.
Practical Applications: The household chest freezer is widely used to freeze fish by
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The most important factors in freezer
preferences are simple operations and low energy consumption. But, the freezer
worked at slow freezing, which caused higher thawing losses of the product. Hence,
the application of PCM to the household freezer potentially improves the freezing
process of the fish. So, sellers and retailers of fish could maintain their products without replacing the freezer with an advanced one.
second highest cost of operational behind feed supply. Most of wheel aerators are driven by electric motors than diesel engines as their easy operations. The electric motors need high electrical energy to drive wheel aerators along day and night. The common type of motor used is Alternating Current (AC) or induction motor, however Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor has potential electrical energy saving which need to be explored. This study objectives to find out performance of BLDC and AC motor as paddle wheel aerator driver. The motor’s performances were compared in term of operation of paddle wheel at various static loads. Both motor also challenged by On/Off running every 5 minutes, the treatment goal was to determine their reliability. Parameters observed included consumption of power, wheel rotary, torque, and efficiency, motor temperature as well. Results showed energy consumption of BLDC motor 51% lower than AC motor, and BLDC motor attained 89.99% of maximum efficiency while AC motor efficiency had 73.16%, however rotary wheel and torque both of them were similar. The On/Off treatment caused rising temperature of AC motor but did not affect the temperature of BLDC motor. Therefore, applied BLDC motor as paddle wheel aerator driver could be alternative way to reduce energy consumption without reducing its performance.
Kata kunci : Eucheuma cottonii, impurities, kadar air, pengayakan, penjemuran, pra penyimpanan
sistem chilling storage menggunakan media pendinginan air atau air laut pada palka pada suhu
sekitar 0 °C. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kinerja chilling storage dengan
beban air dan air garam 3,5% pada kapal kapasitas 1,3 ton. Pengujian dilakukan dengan
mendinginkan air 1000 kg dan air garam 3,5% sebanyak 930 kg yang dimasukkan ke dalam
palka kemudian didinginkan menggunakan sistem pendingin kompresi uap sampai suhu
mendekati 0 °C. Parameter pengamatan yaitu suhu air, suhu air garam, suhu udara di dalam
palka, tekanan dan suhu kondensor, tekanan dan suhu evaporator, laju alir air pendingin
kondensor, suhu lingkungan, beban pendinginan dan kecepatan penurunan pendinginan.
Pengamatan dilakukan tiap 30 menit sampai suhu media mendekati 0 °C. Hasil pengujian
menunjukkan bahwa waktu pendinginan air tawar dan air garam masing-masing adalah 13,5
dan 9,5 jam. Kecepatan penurunan suhu media pendinginan air tawar dan air garam masingmasing adalah 1,52 dan 3,0 oC/jam. Kecepatan pembuangan panas pada media air tawar dan
air garam masing-masing adalah 2,14 kW dan 3,47 kW. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa
media pendingin air tawar memiliki kecepatan pendinginan yang lebih rendah sehingga
memerlukan waktu pendinginan yang lebih lama.
Kata kunci : media pendingin, air tawar, air garam, penurunan suhu, chilling storage
Kata kunci: air pendingin, chilling storage, COP, kondensor, laju alir
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa secara teknis penurunan suhu ruang Altis-2 dan lama proses manufacturing serta analisa aspek ekonomis berupa harga pasar bahan baku komponen heatsink. Perlakuan yang digunakan ialah heatsink dengan bahan dasar tembaga (Cu) dan heatsink dengan bahan dasar Cu dan Al (aluminium). Metode yang digunakan ialah manufacturing heatsink berbahan dasar Cu dan Al, perhitungan laju penurunan suhu ruang Altis-2 dan analisa keekonomian bahan baku Cu dan Al. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan laju penurunan suhu heatsink menggunakan bahan baku Cu sebesar 12,3oC selama 90 menit sedangkan laju penurunan suhu heatsink dengan bahan baku Cu dan Al sebesar 11,3 oC selama 90 menit. Lama proses manufacturing heatsink Cu selama 2 jam per unit, dan heatsink Al 1 jam per unit, harga heatsink dengan bahan baku Cu sebesar Rp957.000,00 sedangkan harga heatsink Cu dan Al sebesar Rp416.000,00.
Kata kunci : heatsink, penurunan suhu, manufacturing, Altis-2
it. One of them is the application of Phase Change Material (PCM) in refrigeration
systems. This study aims to investigate the ability of PCM to accelerate the freezing
of fish in the household freezers. The tuna used was stored in the freezer with PCM,
which was put on a surface wall cabinet then compared with storage in the freezer
without PCM. Besides, the door of the freezer was also opened frequently (three
times a day, 1 hr each time) to find out the effect of fluctuating temperatures and
freezing operations for 60 hr. The parameters observed include the evolution temperature of the air cabinet and fish, energy consumption of the freezer, and thawing
loss. Results showed that PCM accelerated the cooling rate of air cabinets and fish
but could not suppress the fluctuation temperature. The quality of the frozen tuna
improved, which was indicated by a decreased thawing loss parameter from 3.10% to
1.76%. Overall, this finding revealed PCM has significant potential to improve the fish
freezing process.
Practical Applications: The household chest freezer is widely used to freeze fish by
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The most important factors in freezer
preferences are simple operations and low energy consumption. But, the freezer
worked at slow freezing, which caused higher thawing losses of the product. Hence,
the application of PCM to the household freezer potentially improves the freezing
process of the fish. So, sellers and retailers of fish could maintain their products without replacing the freezer with an advanced one.
second highest cost of operational behind feed supply. Most of wheel aerators are driven by electric motors than diesel engines as their easy operations. The electric motors need high electrical energy to drive wheel aerators along day and night. The common type of motor used is Alternating Current (AC) or induction motor, however Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor has potential electrical energy saving which need to be explored. This study objectives to find out performance of BLDC and AC motor as paddle wheel aerator driver. The motor’s performances were compared in term of operation of paddle wheel at various static loads. Both motor also challenged by On/Off running every 5 minutes, the treatment goal was to determine their reliability. Parameters observed included consumption of power, wheel rotary, torque, and efficiency, motor temperature as well. Results showed energy consumption of BLDC motor 51% lower than AC motor, and BLDC motor attained 89.99% of maximum efficiency while AC motor efficiency had 73.16%, however rotary wheel and torque both of them were similar. The On/Off treatment caused rising temperature of AC motor but did not affect the temperature of BLDC motor. Therefore, applied BLDC motor as paddle wheel aerator driver could be alternative way to reduce energy consumption without reducing its performance.
Kata kunci : Eucheuma cottonii, impurities, kadar air, pengayakan, penjemuran, pra penyimpanan
sistem chilling storage menggunakan media pendinginan air atau air laut pada palka pada suhu
sekitar 0 °C. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kinerja chilling storage dengan
beban air dan air garam 3,5% pada kapal kapasitas 1,3 ton. Pengujian dilakukan dengan
mendinginkan air 1000 kg dan air garam 3,5% sebanyak 930 kg yang dimasukkan ke dalam
palka kemudian didinginkan menggunakan sistem pendingin kompresi uap sampai suhu
mendekati 0 °C. Parameter pengamatan yaitu suhu air, suhu air garam, suhu udara di dalam
palka, tekanan dan suhu kondensor, tekanan dan suhu evaporator, laju alir air pendingin
kondensor, suhu lingkungan, beban pendinginan dan kecepatan penurunan pendinginan.
Pengamatan dilakukan tiap 30 menit sampai suhu media mendekati 0 °C. Hasil pengujian
menunjukkan bahwa waktu pendinginan air tawar dan air garam masing-masing adalah 13,5
dan 9,5 jam. Kecepatan penurunan suhu media pendinginan air tawar dan air garam masingmasing adalah 1,52 dan 3,0 oC/jam. Kecepatan pembuangan panas pada media air tawar dan
air garam masing-masing adalah 2,14 kW dan 3,47 kW. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa
media pendingin air tawar memiliki kecepatan pendinginan yang lebih rendah sehingga
memerlukan waktu pendinginan yang lebih lama.
Kata kunci : media pendingin, air tawar, air garam, penurunan suhu, chilling storage
Kata kunci: air pendingin, chilling storage, COP, kondensor, laju alir
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa secara teknis penurunan suhu ruang Altis-2 dan lama proses manufacturing serta analisa aspek ekonomis berupa harga pasar bahan baku komponen heatsink. Perlakuan yang digunakan ialah heatsink dengan bahan dasar tembaga (Cu) dan heatsink dengan bahan dasar Cu dan Al (aluminium). Metode yang digunakan ialah manufacturing heatsink berbahan dasar Cu dan Al, perhitungan laju penurunan suhu ruang Altis-2 dan analisa keekonomian bahan baku Cu dan Al. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan laju penurunan suhu heatsink menggunakan bahan baku Cu sebesar 12,3oC selama 90 menit sedangkan laju penurunan suhu heatsink dengan bahan baku Cu dan Al sebesar 11,3 oC selama 90 menit. Lama proses manufacturing heatsink Cu selama 2 jam per unit, dan heatsink Al 1 jam per unit, harga heatsink dengan bahan baku Cu sebesar Rp957.000,00 sedangkan harga heatsink Cu dan Al sebesar Rp416.000,00.
Kata kunci : heatsink, penurunan suhu, manufacturing, Altis-2
es dapat mempertahankan mutu ikan, namun terdapat
permasalahan pada ikan yang terletak pada bagian bawah
palka, ikan hasil tangkapan dapat mengalami kerusakan
fisik akibat terjadi gesekan es dengan permukaan ikan
serta mendapat tekanan es selama penyimpanan di dalam
Teknologi Air Laut yang Direfrigerasi (ALREF) adalah salah satu teknologi pendinginan
dengan cara mendinginkan air laut yang dapat digunakan
untuk menyimpan ikan hasil tangkapan nelayan.
Keunggulan ALREF di antaranya adalah dapat menyimpan
ikan di atas kapal dalam jangka waktu yang relatif tidak
lama melalui pendinginan pada suhu sekitar 0 oC, serta
dapat mengurangi risiko kerusakan fisik ikan yang
biasanya terjadi pada penggunaan es akibat tekanan dan
gesekan permukaan ikan dengan es.
Untuk kapal 10 - 15 GT dapat digunakan rancangan
ALREF dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut: bak penyimpan
ikan dengan kapasitas palka sampai 1,3 ton ikan,
evaporator berupa pipa tembaga berdiameter 5/8 inch
dengan panjang 84 m dan tebal pipa 1,6 mm, kondensor
Alfalaval McDEW 25 tipe shell and tube, kompresor adalah
Blitzer Tipe LH IVY untuk refrigeran R-22 dan sumber
energi penggerak berasal dari mesin diesel yang tersedia
di kapal.