Conference Presentations by Alain Morau

In: Daniel Mühlrath, Joana Albrecht, Maria R. Finckh, Ulrich Hamm, Jürgen Heß, Ute Knierim und Detlev Möller (Hg.): Beiträge zur 15. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau. Innovatives Denken für eine nachhaltige Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft. Berlin: Verlag Dr. Köster., 2019
The 'farm individuality' is the underlying concept of biodynamic agriculture, but remains little ... more The 'farm individuality' is the underlying concept of biodynamic agriculture, but remains little connected with the scientific discussion. Our goal is to explain some aspects of it and its actual significance. The concept of 'farm individuality' describes the whole of animals, plants and biotope of a farm, this whole being considered as an organism of higher level. When Rudolf Steiner introduced this concept in 1924, similar approaches were developed in life sciences, particularly in ecology with the concept of holocoen. Nevertheless, such holistic approaches fell into oblivion for decades. Nowadays, the current state of scientific knowledge gives a new ground to this discussion. The formation of higher-level organisms is anew considered by, inter alia, eusocial insects, symbiotic life or multi-level selection. Such concepts can be extended to earth-plant-animal wholes being considered as 'extended organisms'. A similar thinking direction underlies the 'farm individuality' according to Steiner. We conclude that the concept of 'farm individuality' is part of these actual debates and should be further discussed in this sense. Einleitung

The biodynamic preparations have been investigated mainly in field trials. By contrast long-term ... more The biodynamic preparations have been investigated mainly in field trials. By contrast long-term project is to establish a rapid bioassay to evaluate the effectiveness of the horn manure preparation (HMP). The investigated bioassay is based on hydroponically grown cress (Lepidium sativum L.) as an indicator plant. Past results indicated its sensitivity for typical dilutions of HMP in agricultural practice. However one limiting point was the use of non-standard local well water as hydroponic solution. The aim of the present study was to standardise this parameter. A series of 8 experiments was conducted to compare a selected mineral water with well water. The results indicate a highly significant (p<0,001) effect of the HMP on the root´s length was more stable with the mineral water. The investigated mineral water therefore does ility. It can be concluded that the bioassay can be standardised with the selected mineral water as hydroponic solution. Einleitung und Zielsetzung
Papers by Alain Morau

Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 2020
Natural substances are extensively used as biostimulants in agriculture. Notably, horn-manure pre... more Natural substances are extensively used as biostimulants in agriculture. Notably, horn-manure preparation (HMP) is fermented cowmanure sprayed at low concentrations onto biodynamically cultivated fields. The present study investigated the effect of HMP on the growth of garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) cultivated in a bioassay (randomized block design, n = 20). Seedlings were cultivated in a water medium. Treatments of a drop of HMP suspension (1 µl or 0.1 µl) or of water (Control) were added to the medium. Long-term series of trials, with two different HMPs, were conducted over 18 and 9 months with 76 and 38 trials, respectively. In the first series, the effect of a 1 µl drop of HMP suspension on root growth was significant overall (−2.4%, p = 0.004, Tukey-Kramer-test) and in 35.5% of the individual trials (p < 0.05). However, the effects fluctuated strongly between the trials (from −25.7% to +19.1%). The effect of a 0.1 µl drop was similar, but lower in magnitude. The results of the second series were analogous. Comparison of statistical models provided significant evidence of a growthstabilising effect. An additional series of 22 negative control trials indicated an acceptable false positive rate. It was concluded that HMP, at low doses, significantly influenced root growth at early stages, with a stabilising pattern of action. Further development of the bioassay should improve its power and stability over time. A stabilising effect may induce an increased resilience of the agricultural system.

Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 2020
Background: The use of biostimulants like humic substances is a promising innovative approach in ... more Background: The use of biostimulants like humic substances is a promising innovative approach in agriculture to activate and sustain physiological plant processes. The development of specific bioassays is required to study their bioactivity in laboratory conditions. In previous investigations, a soil-less bioassay with cress seedlings (Lepidium sativum L.) was developed for a biostimulant used in the biodynamic agriculture, the horn-manure preparation (HMP), a fermented cow manure sprayed at low concentrations onto fields. Objectives of the present study were to refine the bioassay by investigating the interactions between the HMP bioactivity and the test factors (i) water volume, (ii) gravistimulation, and (iii) exposure to fluorescent light. Results: The interactions between the test factors and the HMP treatment were significant in all series (p < 0.05, Wald F-test). Water overdose and gravitropic stress reduced root growth (down to − 24.2% and − 19.9%, respectively, p < 0.0001, Tukey-Kramer test). The HMP treatment partly compensated these effects by enhancing root growth by (i) water overdose (up to + 4.3%, p = 0.048, n = 4), and (ii) gravitropic stress (up to + 9.5%, p = 0.0004, n = 8). (iii) Furthermore , under the combined stress factors, fluorescent light exposure enhanced the HMP enhancing effect (up to + 12.3%, p = 0.007, n = 6). Conclusions: The HMP bioactivity appeared to consist of a compensatory mode of action regarding the stress factors water overdose and gravistimulation, and a synergetic interaction with fluorescent light exposure. The HMP seems to interact with the plant sensory systems, likely stimulating the plant's adaptability to its environment by increasing self-regulating processes. The bioassay sensitivity was successfully increased by integrating these interactions in the experimental setup and adjusting the growth environment. This approach can be used to adjust the bioassay to other biostimulants.
Die Drei, 2019
Dans les deux articles précédents fut esquissé le chemin de connaissance propre au Cours aux agri... more Dans les deux articles précédents fut esquissé le chemin de connaissance propre au Cours aux agriculteurs. Ainsi furent étudiés sa méthodologie goethéenne puis ses fondements dans les concepts du Cosmique et du Terrestre. Sa mise en pratique agricole est maintenant abordée par l’étude des préparations bio-dynamiques.
Die Drei, 2019
Das »ganz Praktische« im Landwirtschaftlichen Kurs
Die Drei, 2018
Sur les concepts du Cosmique et du Terrestre dans le Cours
aux agriculteurs.
Traduction en franç... more Sur les concepts du Cosmique et du Terrestre dans le Cours
aux agriculteurs.
Traduction en français de l'article original en allemand
Die Drei, 2018
Zur Begrifflichkeit des Kosmischen und des Irdischen im Landwirtschaftlichen Kurs
Die Drei, 2018
Biodynamic Agriculture relies on a science of knowledge of which is little reflected in the prese... more Biodynamic Agriculture relies on a science of knowledge of which is little reflected in the present day. The present article shows that the care for this very basis of knowledge is of great meaning to the practical work in this anthroposophical field of life. The origin of thought of the second lecture in the Agricultural Course, which was held in Koberwitz 1924, can be traced back to the first written works of Rudolf Steiner.
Die Drei, 2018
L’agriculture bio-dynamique repose sur une théorie de la connaissance scientifique qui a été asse... more L’agriculture bio-dynamique repose sur une théorie de la connaissance scientifique qui a été assez peu réfléchie jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Le présent article met en évidence que l’attention portée à ces fondements est très importante pour le travail pratique dans ce champ de vie anthroposophique. Il expose la pensée développée dans la seconde conférence du Cours aux agriculteurs, tenu à Koberwitz en 1924, et suit ses origines dans les tout premiers écrits de Rudolf Steiner.
Die Drei, 2018
Die biologisch-dynamische Landwirtschaft beruht auf einer erkenntniswissenschaftlichen Grundlage,... more Die biologisch-dynamische Landwirtschaft beruht auf einer erkenntniswissenschaftlichen Grundlage, die bis heute wenig reflektiert wurde. Der vorliegende Beitrag verdeutlicht, dass auch die Pflege dieser Erkenntnisgrundlage für die Praxis dieses anthroposophischen Lebensfeldes bedeutungsvoll ist. Der gedankliche Ursprung der im zweiten Vortrag des 1924 in Koberwitz gehaltenen Landwirtschaftlichen Kurses lässt sich bis in die ersten Schriften Rudolf Steiners zurückverfolgen.
Conference Presentations by Alain Morau
Papers by Alain Morau
aux agriculteurs.
Traduction en français de l'article original en allemand
aux agriculteurs.
Traduction en français de l'article original en allemand