? ?
15 February 2009 @ 05:13 pm
Hi folks :D It feels like it's been forever since my last icon post... probably because it's been over 5 months O_o I'm so sorry the requests are taking forever. Here's the first part. Don't worry, the second part will definitely not take me another 5 months. That's a promise. I hope I didn't mix anything up and I hope you like yours!
There are some other icons in this post, some really old, some rather new. Hope you like them!

REQUESTS misc tv shows, movies, actors and actresses
TV Dexter // Heroes // Supernatural
MOVIES Blade Trinity // Silence of the Lambs // Hard Candy // Batman Returns
MUSIC The Ting Tings

...Collapse )
feeling: deviousdevious
31 August 2007 @ 07:13 pm
Oh well, it's time for another icon dump, but this one is not nearly as neatly assorted as the last one. You'll see what I mean if you dare to click the cut :D
But first... we posted the interest icons a few days ago here... just to make sure no one misses them ^_^

[01-05] Rosario Dawson
[06-09] Placebo
[10-12] Sarah Connor Chronicles
[13-15] Buffy // Prison Break // Heroes
[16-35] The 4400
[36-45] Death Proof

I was alone, falling free, trying my best not to forget.Collapse )
located: Bremen
feeling: exhaustedexhausted
listening to: this picture - placebo
27 August 2007 @ 11:14 pm
Sooo, here they are, finally. The interest icons from our happy little 100 watchers celebration... thing. Thank you again to everyone who friended the community so far ♥ (I just had a quick look at the UI and - wow - we have 153 watchers already!)
Sorry these took so long but with all the vacations and distractiions it took us a little while to get organized xD

Anyways, on to the icons. They're all shareable (I just went through the request post again and some of you didn't say whether the icons should be shareable or not, so let us know if you'd rather like to keep them for yourself ^^).


30 icons behind this shiny cutCollapse )
located: Bremen
feeling: bouncybouncy
listening to: potter stinks! - draco and the malfoys
Hey there, it's me again. No textures this time, I come bearing icons :D
(but if you're rather interested in textures, I posted some new ones yesterday in this post... in case you missed it ^^)

So I really got into watching The 4400 recently, even though season 3 was canceled on german TV after 2 weeks :/ Not cool. But the dubbing sucks anyway, so I bought the DVD set instead. Uhm, off topic. So I re-started watching The 4400 and - because I had too - here are my very first 4400 icons :D
Also, finally, my Supernatural muse returned from her not really well deserved hiatus. Wow, three months since my last Supernatural icon post (not counting the John Winchester icons). That's a long long time.
But enough talk, here're the icons ^^

15 :: Supernatural (random season 1 and 2)
15 :: Heroes (season one promo shots)
15 :: The 4400 (episode: Wake-Up Call, season 2)
15 :: NCIS (misc. quotes)

there is no running that can hide you, coz I can see in the darkCollapse )
located: Bremen
feeling: flirtyflirty
listening to: infra-red - placebo
... or whaterver you wanna call them/use them for.

Moin, it's me again :D I'm done with all my exams now and... have been really lazy in the past week. I didn't really make anything photoshop-ish, so what I'm posting here is mostly stuff I made while I should have been studying. It's a pretty messy collection of some challenge icons, icon-icons and larger graphics that were meant to be headers... but then I changed my layout and now they don't fit anymore and... you people so don't care about my layout problems, do you?
So on to the stuff-things

11 Friday Night Lights | 09 Heroes | 03 Hayden Panettiere | 20 NCIS (season 2)
02 Ali Larter | 02 Heroes | 01 Hayden Panettiere | 01 Adrianne Palicki | 01 Aimee Teegarden
01 Jessica Alba | 01 Sarah Michelle Gellar | 01 Rachel Weisz | 01 Alona Tal | 01 Sasha Alexander
01 Supernatural | 01 Jensen Ackles

And, in case you're interested, I updated my 100 John Winchester icons for spnicon100, here

i'll tell you something, i am a demon, some say my biggest weaknessCollapse )
located: Bremen
feeling: deviousdevious
listening to: U2 - stuck in a moment
I've barely touched my laptop in the past few weeks. Exams are in a week and I've been busy hanging round the library and making mind-maps and fun stuff like that. But after passing through the stages of ambition and desperation, I've finally reached the phase I like to call denial. Exams, what exams?
So subsequently I got a Photoshop-rush that ended with these icons... and I'd also like to blame already_used, who posted awesome purty inspiring icons a few days ago and sort of resurrected my muse.
Enjoy ^_^

Haha, I forgot to mention...:
45 Heroes
18 Friday Night Lights
15 Dark Angel

dance to the words of my miseryheadCollapse )
feeling: blankblank
listening to: Miseryhead - Ours
03 July 2007 @ 10:00 pm
Yep it's me, you're right. :D Nearly 2 months since my last icon post. GUH! Time is running, srsly. I've been busy with exams and then my muse was gone. Yadda yadda. Lame excuses, I know. >:O
Anyway. Here I am and I'm bringing a new icon batch. YAY. I'm not very satisfied with most of the icons since I tried some tutorials and new things so it'd be great if you could tell me what you like and what not, alright? ^_^ And I won't bite hard if you don't like them at all. It's just me fiddling around with photoshop; so no big deal ;)

I also made animated icons because I got this huge animated-icon-making rush because of an animated mood theme I'm making right now but will never finish *coughs* xD I hope the animations aren't too fast and feel free to point out scenes you wanna see iconed. I can't promise anything but I'm always having a hard time finding good scenes; so tell me :D

[035] Prison Break
[025] Heroes
[020] NCIS
[003] Wallpaper (Prison Break; Heroes; NCIS)


I'm breaking the habit tonight.Collapse )
feeling: rushedrushed
listening to: Death Cab For Cutie - What Sarah Said
15 June 2007 @ 05:58 pm
Oooo-kay, this is so already_used's fault, who made me want to watch Heroes so bad that I caught up with the entire first season in just one week. So here we are, my very first Heroes icons :D I know, most of these scenes have probably been iconed to death but please cut a newbie some slack.
There are also some NCIS icons that have been on my HD for a while now.
My Supernatural mojo has not returned (which sucks, cause I have to make lots of John icons soooon, my time's almost up), but I'm confident. I almost made a Sammy icon today :D (okay, random, I'm sorry... on to the icons)

[36] Heroes
[12] NCIS


&&Collapse )
feeling: chipperchipper
listening to: for the widows in paradise, for the fatherless in ypsilanti - sufjan stevens
22 April 2007 @ 12:47 am
Here I am. My 1st Icon-Post to our new community and I'm bringing tons of icons. *whee*
Some of them are really old and I'm sorry for that. :O

I had to split my icon post because livejournal told me it's too long. *sniffles*
So this is the first part and here is the 2nd part.

Possibly spoilers! So stay away if you don't wanna be spoiled.

013 Bones
030 Heroes
045 House MD
111 NCIS
065 Torchwood
057 The Nine, Grey's Anatomy, Criminal Minds etc.


Maybe you want it.Collapse )
feeling: bouncybouncy
listening to: Placebo - Sleeping With Ghosts