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Disney Singles

For Single Fans of all things Disney!

Journal created:
on 2 January 2008 (#14582317)
on 7 September 2009
Disney Singles~A Community For Single Fans of Disn
Maine, United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
A place for all single fans of Disney to meet and mingle!
Okay everyone, gather 'round. :-) This comm is for Disney fans who are single and wish to meet other singles who are also Disney fans. Sounds like fun? Good! :-)

Firstly, lets not be too ribald here. I don't want LJ to come down on me! :-)

Secondly, this is my first time creating a comm, so any suggestions? As for the interest section, I put in the first few things that came to MY mind, what comes to YOUR mind when YOU think of Disney? Any and all suggestions welcome!

Thirdly, this comm is open to members from all over the WORLD! Don't live in Orlando or Anaheim? No problem! So you live in the Outback of Australia? The Steppes of Russia? You love Disney? THEN JOIN! :-)

The following is a list of questions that I threw together as a 'Getting To Know You' kind of thing. If you do decide to join, please think about filling this out, so we can all say 'Hi!', we're a pretty friendly group! :0)

Name (or if you'd just like to give a nickname for now, that's fine too!) :
What part of the country do you live in?:

For work I:


I'm looking for a (guy/girl) between the ages of__ & __ OR Are you just looking for some new Disney friends?

Fave Disney Theme Park:

First Trip to Disney was in:

Is the rest of your extended family (parents, siblings, friends) as into Disney as you are?:

Mickey Bar or Popcorn?:

Fave animated film:

Fave live action film:

I see myself as this character:

But if I could be any character for a day, I'd be:

Best Disney song:

Best sit-down restaurant:

Best counter-service restaurent:

Fave resort?:

What do you think is the most romantic spot in all of Disney World?:

Which ride do you think is the most romantic?:

Fave Villian:

Fave Hero:

Fave Disney Dog:

Anything you'd like to add about yourself?:

What would you consider your style?:
