Incorrect application icon

Hi, using Fedora Linux 41 (Workstation Edition).
Since a fresh install a month ago, and using the dash-to-panel Gnome extension, when I have Firefox running and then open Thunderbird, then the correct icons are shown initially. After a while (eg an hour) I notice that the Thunderbird application icon has changed to the Firefox icon. I then see two applications in the panel both using Firefox icon. I do not know how to reproduce this. It just happens and I do not know how this is happening.

I posted this issue on the dash-to-panel issue tracker and through the help provided, did ALT + F2, rancommand enter “lg” without quotes, then on the window that appears go at the top right and click on “Windows”. Please see attachment.

Furthermore, I installed the Extension package and turned off dash-to-panel and when I press the Windows key to show all windows of all running apolications 1) The icon under the Thunderbird window shows a Firefox icon, and the dashboard show a white dot under each application icon, but there is no white dot under the Thunderbird icon.

Any help very much appreciated.

Dashtopanel after - Screenshot from 2025-02-22 20-51-10
Dashtopanelbefore - Screenshot from 2025-02-22 17-03-34

dnf info gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel

Source : gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel-65-1.fc41.src.rpm
Repository : updates
Summary : Integrated icon taskbar and status panel for Gnome Shell
URL : GitHub - home-sweet-gnome/dash-to-panel: An icon taskbar for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash into the gnome main panel so that the application launchers and system tray are combined into a single panel, similar to that found in KDE Plasma and Windows 7+. A separate dock is no longer needed for easy access to running and favorited applications.

The Gnome Extensions are developed independent of the Gnome DE. So, Fedora nor Gnome will support them.
Please look with the developer direct. You could write an issue on Github and link to this topic. So you not have to upload the pictures a second time.

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I’m not using dash to panel but saw the issue with a wrong icon on the gnome overview and had issues with my custom made shortcuts because the wmclass of Thunderbird changed.

This update in testing fixed it for me: FEDORA-2025-bd6664e83b — security update for thunderbird — Fedora Updates System

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Maybe @linfan or someone with the permissions can edit the title of this thread to include “Thunderbird”, I believe the issue is only with this application.

This update is in “stable” now, i.e. a regular update should fix the issue for all users.

Hi @dreua, I am glad that you found that the issue was resolved for you by updating Thunderbird, but that does not mean that this is the cause of and will resolve my issue as well. I will wait until I have the Thunderbird update and go from there…

It is quite likely that the change in wmclass was the cause for both of our issues but of course I can’t be sure of that. I’m looking forward to hear if it does or doesn’t fix your issue as well. The update is in stable since four days, why don’t you update your system and let us know?

Hi, I am not an IT guy so when you sent me the link:
I did not really understand what is being said
And the title just says:
I dont know if that means there is an issue with thunderbird-128.8.0-1.fc41 or that that is the fix.
I do update my system often and I currently have TB 128.8.0esr (64-bit) (that is the full version number, I am not omitting any characters) and still have the issue.
I also dont know 128.8.0esr (64-bit) is the same as thunderbird-128.8.0-1.fc41.
And I dont know if that is the version with an issue or a fix.
So if someone could help me understand that would be appreciated.

It looks like that you use thunderbird from flatpak and the flathub source. This means that you would have to check if they got an update too.

Thunderbird Versions

Going forward, Thunderbird 128 will be offered in four different versions. These are:

  • Thunderbird Daily – Updates daily with changes similar to Firefox Nightly.
  • Thunderbird Beta – Gets a major update every four weeks and smaller updates for testing before release to stable.
  • Thunderbird Release – The stable version of the email client. Gets major updates every four weeks.
  • Thunderbird ESR – The Extended Support Release version. Gets major updates once a year, minor updates and security updates regularly.

Thunderbird users who do not want to run development versions have the choice between Release and ESR. The main difference is that ESR is getting major changes once per year while Release once per month.

Thunderbird users who want stability over anything else may pick ESR, even though that means that new features will not be available for several releases.

Not sure how you would be able to tell from where I installed Thunderbird :slight_smile:
But it is installed via dnf:

dnf info thunderbird
Updating and loading repositories:
 Fedora 41 - x86_64 - Updates                                                                                                       100% |  63.1 KiB/s |  21.6 KiB |  00m00s
 Fedora 41 - x86_64 - Updates                                                                                                       100% |   2.4 MiB/s |   2.8 MiB |  00m01s
Repositories loaded.
Installed packages
Name            : thunderbird
Epoch           : 0
Version         : 128.8.0
Release         : 1.fc41
Architecture    : x86_64
Installed size  : 308.4 MiB
Source          : thunderbird-128.8.0-1.fc41.src.rpm

And to be sure I checked flatseal and Thunderbird is not listed…

Yes you have the rpm version and it is up to date. Flatseal just shows flatpaks. If you still have the problem with the extension, displaying wrong, you probably have to look with the maintainer of the extension.

By the way, have you tested the extension which comes with gnome preinstalled? “Window List” is the name.
If you just want to switch in between applications it does this.

If you use a user installed extension you will check with the developer of it (I linked it above).

I’m sorry to hear that this updated didn’t fix your issue and furthermore that I didn’t give enough detail in the first place, but I believe ilikelinux explained everything in the meantime. (Feel free to ask if anything remains unclear.)

I’m afraid that finding and fixing the cause for your issue might be quite hard without a way to reproduce it on a developer’s machine. (I just gave it a quick try and of course did not see any issue.)
Could you see any pattern in the meantime? Does it happen always after a given amount of time? Does it need interaction or would it also happen when the computer is left alone for a few hours? Do you see the icon switching at some point or do you only notice it later after the fact? I personally would try to find a hint in the journal, i.e. open journalctl --user --follow, leave it running on another monitor or in the background and break it (ctrl+c) as soon as the bug appears. Then I’d try to find some hints in the most recent log entries. However, I’m not sure that is an helpful approach for someone without some background knowledge in those kind of issues, there is a lot in the logs which is totally unimportant and it is not guaranteed that it will help at all.