Ubuntu Flutter Community Desktop Jam (Idea)

Hello, I’m sorry if I put this in the wrong place-- I’m new here.

I’m from the Ubuntu Flutter Community and we are planning on hosting a “jam” for desktop applications built in flutter.

The ides is inspired from the traditional game jam and the fact that flutter is an underutilized toolkit for desktop apps. It certainly has the potential for desktop use— we can see that with the fantastic installer and app store on Ubuntu, and we’d like to have more of them!

It’s very WIP right now, we had the idea over the new year and decided to wait until after FOSDEM before presenting it anywhere. We do have a copy of the rules which I’ll link here, but the basics is we want to have a fun competition to see who can make the coolest app in a span of a week or weekend, and maybe get some more excitement on the desktop flutter world.

Rules: WIP Ubuntu Flutter Comunity Desktop Jam · ubuntu-flutter-community · Discussion #2 · GitHub

When we came up with the idea, we wanted to see if Canonical would like to help with the jam, whether that be in the form of working together to have prizes and judges, or just having Ubuntu posting about it on their social media.

I spoke with a few of Canonical’s flutter devs on the UFC discord server, and they suggested I try contracting Canonical’s community team. This was one of the ways I told I could get to them.

If it isn’t the best way, It would be great to see what everyone else thinks. Does anybody have suggestions on good ways to do this/ when would be the most convenient time for the community as a whole?

Oh also, if anyone is just interested in the Ubuntu Flutter community team check out the discord: https://discord.gg/vJgPV9Yn3n we have a chat dedicated to the jam there as well.


I think this is an excellent idea! We can certainly help build up some hype and get the word out from our side.

When you have a firm date, I think it would be great to include in our Community Events calendar.


This is an excellent idea.
I would love to take part, as I keep having ideas for desktop apps for Ubuntu. Having a focused time to work on it, with friends who are smart and friendly, sounds like a winning plan.

love it when a plan comes together


Can you build games using flutter? curious.

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It’s possible, just like how GNOME developers have made games with GTK and KDE has made games with qt. There are actually some game frameworks for flutter, such as the Flame Engine. I’m not an expert, though, some other UFC members probably know better.

The jam idea was centered more towards desktop apps. I’d have to ask the others, but if someone wanted to make a game, I don’t think there’d be any issue-- especially if it was similar to one of the more utility kind of game like Tetris or Solitare.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Developing retro games on Ubuntu

Update on this: We chatted in the UFG and someone said that usually when jams allow both games and apps that the games steal the spotlight-- so we’ll end up focusing on apps for this jam.

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