Ionospheric Physics
A response of nonlinear optic of several salt solutions in external magnetic field has been studied. An altered magnetic field varies from 0 until 0,2T used to induce samples, and then change of polarization angle β is measured by... more
Had been done experiment about influence of external magnetic field toward polarization angle of laser ray to NaCl various concentration 5%,10%,15%,20%,25%,30%,35% and water. Optical characteristic behaviors studied in this research were... more
A close link between the atmospheric Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and ionospheric plasma bubble has been proposed since the last century. But this relationship has often appeared to be less than convincing due to the simultaneous... more
We investigate the geospace response to the 2015 St. Patrickˈs Day storm leveraging on instruments spread over Southeast Asia (SEA), covering a wide longitudinal sector of the low-latitude ionosphere. A regional characterization of the... more
Himawari-8 satellite cloud observation data covers all areas of Indonesia. The cloud observation data can be used for observations of current weather conditions and short-term predictions. This paper reports the verification method of... more
29 We investigate the geospace response to the 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm leveraging on 30 instruments spread over South East Asia (SEA), covering a wide longitudinal sector of the low 31 latitude ionosphere. A regional... more
We have investigated the relationship between the maximum latitude extension of observed scintillations (Lmax) and the maximum altitude of the equatorial F-region bottomside (h’Fmax), peak of eastward electric field (Emax), and time... more
The western-equatorial meteor radar was installed at Kototabang on equatorial (0.20 o LS 100,32 o BT) and has been operational since 2002. It is used for observing meteor as they enter the Earth's atmosphere to provide the wind data... more
Space Science Center of Indonesian Institute of Aeronautics and Space called LAPAN has installed several solar radio receivers named CALLISTO in various parts of Indonesia. The equipment has made some solar radio observational data which... more
Space Science Center of Indonesian Institute of Aeronautics and Space called LAPAN has installed several solar radio receivers named CALLISTO in various parts of Indonesia. The equipment has made some solar radio observational data which... more
Beberapa metode penentuan estimasi DCB penerima GPS di Indonesia dan sekitarnya telah dibandingkan. Metode-metode tersebut adalah: (1) metode kuadrat terkecil dan (2) metode regresi linier kuadrat foF2 dengan TEC ionosfer dan (3) metode... more
Abstrak Kejadian equatorial spread F (ESF) di Biak (01 o LS, 135 o BT) telah diteliti berdasarkan data harian selama Maret dan April tahun 1992 dengan kondisi "sunspot" sedang dalam bentuk laju pertumbuhan ketidakteraturan menggunakan... more
Hubungan antara frekuensi kritis lapisan F2 ionosfer (foF2) dengan total electron content (TEC) telah dimodelkan menggunakan data foF2 keluaran model sederhana ionosfer lintang rendah Indonesia (MSILRI) dan TEC yang diturunkan dari data... more
Model Sederhana Ionosfer Regional Indonesia (MSIRI) adalah modifikasi dari simplified ionosheric regional model (SIRM) yang awalnya dikembangkan untuk pemodelan karakteristik ionosfer yang paling cocok di atas Eropa yang digunakan untuk... more
Abstrak. Ionosfer mempengaruhi gelombang elektromagnetik yang melewati lapisan tersebut dengan menginduksi suatu tambahan waktu tunda transmisi. Dalam penentuan posisi dan navigasi dengan GPS, gangguan ionosfer telah menjadi sumber... more
The effect of the ionosphere on the propagation of signals emitted from GPS satellites at an altitude of about 20,000 km is in the form of code delay or carrier advance of the signal propagation time which depends on the Total Electron... more