Papers by Ferran Falomir Granell

Se presenta un estudio preliminar de los restos faunísticos del recinto fortificado de época islá... more Se presenta un estudio preliminar de los restos faunísticos del recinto fortificado de época islámica del Tossal de la Vila (Serra d’en Galceran, Castellón) recuperados durante los trabajos arqueológicos realizados entre 2012 y 2020. El yacimiento está situado en la intersección entre el territorio de Tortosa, Valencia y las últimas estribaciones del Sistema Ibérico, y en época andalusí presenta fases de ocupación desde finales del siglo VIII hasta la primera mitad del siglo X. El estudio revela como la mayoría de los restos identificados provienen de animales domésticos, entre los cuales los caprinos (ovejas y cabras) y las gallinas dominan absolutamente la muestra frente a una meramente testimonial presencia de ganado vacuno y porcino. Los restos de caza por su parte representan un porcentaje ínfimo, con presencia de conejos y ciervos. La proporción equilibrada de ovejas y cabras parece sugerir que ambas especies tendrían el mismo peso en los rebaños locales, en contraste con el d...
La intención de esta breve nota es dar a conocer el alcance de la última excavación realizada en ... more La intención de esta breve nota es dar a conocer el alcance de la última excavación realizada en el recinto superior del Castillo de Xivert, en Castellón. Los niveles excavados recogen básicamente toda la secuencia de la ocupación islámica y cristiana, llegando a documentar la última fase de ocupación ibérica, de finales del siglo 11 y principios del I aC.
Quaderns de prehistòria i arqueologia de Castelló, 2010
Resumen El siguiente avance da a conocer los resultados preliminares de la excavación de una de l... more Resumen El siguiente avance da a conocer los resultados preliminares de la excavación de una de las agrupaciones funerarias de la necrópolis tumular de Los Cabañiles. La agrupación esta constituida por 19 estructuras tumulares gregarias alrededor dos túmulos completamente circulares. Riassunto Si presentano i risultati preliminari dello scavo di la necropoli a tumuli di Los Cabañiles (Zucaina, Castellón). Il gruppo è composto da 19 sepolcri a tumuli aggregati a altre due completamente circolari.
Damos a conocer en esta noticia los resultados de la limpieza y documentación arqueológica realiz... more Damos a conocer en esta noticia los resultados de la limpieza y documentación arqueológica realizados en el castillo de Cuila. Los trabajos han sido motivados por la realización de un campo de trabajo organizado por el Instituto Valenciano de la Juventud, con la colaboración del Ayuntamiento de la localidad.
Presentamos en esta breve noticia los últimos res~ltados de la excavación en el asentamiento de L... more Presentamos en esta breve noticia los últimos res~ltados de la excavación en el asentamiento de Los Cabañiles (Zucaina, Alto Mijares). Destacamos tres aspectos del'conjunto: el urbanístico con la excavación del Edificio C; el ritual funerario, con el descubrimiento de una nueva inhumación infantil en urna; y el cronológico, dentro de un contexto de paso del siglo VII al VI aC en dos fases sucesivas a nivel constructivo.

This paper focuses on the anthropic dynamics of environmental transformation and natural resource... more This paper focuses on the anthropic dynamics of environmental transformation and natural resource management in the specific case of the archaeological site of Tossal de la Vila in Castelló, Spain, a hillfort located at the end of the Eastern Iberian Cordillera. It presents two phases of occupation determined by multiple radiocarbon dating analyses: the first phase during the late Bronze Age (8th–7th centuries BCE) and the second at the beginning of the al-Andalus period (8th–10th centuries CE). The results of the comparison of the subsistence strategies and the biotic configuration of the natural environment in the same place at two different times have shown us that in the protohistoric period, the diversity of economic activities represented in the archaeobiological record is certainly heterogeneous, while in the al-Andalus period the complexity of these options is reduced to much less significant limits, possibly due to the different functionality of this space in both periods.

Nemus: revista de l'Ateneu de Natura, 2021
This work classifies material of the phylum Mollusca, of both marine and continental origin, whic... more This work classifies material of the phylum Mollusca, of both marine and continental origin, which was found within a fortified building in an Iron Age Iberian settlement dated to the VII-VI centuries BC, located on a hilltop in Vinaròs (the Baix Maestrat; Valencian Country). It is highly probable that the fortified residence belonged to the elite who controlled the surrounding territory. The objective of the work is to supplement the information obtained from the rest of the archaeological material with data on the contemporary malacological fauna in the settlement, since much of it shows signs of having suffered from the fire that affected the building. The material was obtained in the excavation campaigns of 2016 and 2018 and was found in the same stratigraphic level. The shells of 5 species of marine and 4 continental molluscs were found within the building. Marine molluscs were intentionally collected from the thanatacoenoses of a gravel beach and transported to the fortified residence. Given that the shells had marine encrustations within them, showed obvious signs of having been dragged and eroded through wave action and had perforations caused by marine predators, it is clear that they were empty when collected and could not have been used as a food source. It must therefore be assumed that there was some other reason, maybe recreational, for their collection. With regards to the continental molluscs, there is no data showing that they were collected intentionally. The presence of some burned specimens could be interpreted as showing that they were contemporary with the fire or buried naturally soon afterwards. The ecological characteristics of the four species allows us to infer that the appearance and vegetation of that time was very similar to the current one (Mediterranean scrub) and that therefore some clearing of the original forests, probably through the use of burning, had already taken place and that could have occurred quite some time prior to the construction of the building.
Quaderns de prehistòria i arqueologia de Castelló, 2019
Estudi arqueològic mitjançant tècniques digitals de baix cost d’unes empremtes d’objectes confecc... more Estudi arqueològic mitjançant tècniques digitals de baix cost d’unes empremtes d’objectes confeccionats amb fibres tèxtils vegetals al jaciment arqueològic del Tossal de la Vila.
Jornades d'arqueologia de la Comunitat Valenciana: 2016-2017-2018, 2020, ISBN 978-84-482-6485-7, págs. 61-70, 2020

Lucentum, 2022
Este trabajo presenta los recientes resultados procedentes de la excavación en extensión del sect... more Este trabajo presenta los recientes resultados procedentes de la excavación en extensión del sector 14 del yacimiento arqueológico del Tossal de la Vila (Serra d’en Galceran, Castellón), durante la cual se ha recuperado un edificio que identificamos como la mezquita comunitaria adscrita a este recinto fortificado de época emiral. Se trata de un oratorio rural situado dentro de una fortificación que no cuenta con un área de poblamiento estable anexa a ella, y que presenta una secuencia de ocupación que abarca, según los múltiples análisis radiocarbónicos realizados, desde finales del siglo VIII hasta la primera mitad del siglo X. Diversos factores que consideramos coincidentes con nuestra propuesta, como la orientación del edificio, su morfología y distribución espacial, la técnica constructiva claramente diferenciada de la del resto de construcciones del fortín o sus paralelismos con otros oratorios conocidos, son indicios de entidad para considerar a sus ocupantes como un grupo tem...
Herein, we present the first results obtained during the archeological study carried out in the c... more Herein, we present the first results obtained during the archeological study carried out in the castle of Peniscola within the framework of the “Project of restoration and adaptation of spaces for museum use on the ground floor and the papal chambers of the first floor of the castle of Peniscola” under the auspices of the Diputacion de Castellon. The tasks have consisted in the archeological study of the work and execution of excavation of the aforementioned chambers in the project and in the “Plaza de Armas”. The objectives are centered as much on the documentation of the shapes of the constructed spaces in areas of intervention as in the study of the topographical history of the castle.

Poliorcetics, architectural morphology and construction techniques at Tossal de la Vila, a fortif... more Poliorcetics, architectural morphology and construction techniques at Tossal de la Vila, a fortified enclosure from the Emirate period in the northernmost end of Šarq al-AndalusThis work focuses on the first results from the systematic excavation of the Tossal de la Vila (Serra d’en Galceran, Castelló) archaeological site. This is, a hillfort build during the Emirate of al-Andalus in the intersection between the territories of Tortosa, Valencia and the Iberian System mountain ranges. Our case study is framed within the historiographic discussion on the subject of rocky and castellated settlements in this area set forth thirty years ago by André Bazzana. A debate that was largely enriched by several works pending the last years on the subject of hilly occupations between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages. In that direction, we analyse here the architectural questions that have been raised by the recent archaeological works at the site. Specifically, we will try to systematise the ...
We present the results of excavations carried out in the Tossal de la Vila settlement. At the sit... more We present the results of excavations carried out in the Tossal de la Vila settlement. At the site, we have identified human occupations of the VIII century and the beginning of the VII BC, finished by fire, which has permitted the recovery of a notable inventory of archaeological material. Later, in the tenth century, an Islamic military emplacement was established over the ancient remains. In this work, we present the first results about the first occupation of the final of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the old-iron age.
Tras un breve resumen de la primera etapa de intervenciones, se presentan los resultados de las c... more Tras un breve resumen de la primera etapa de intervenciones, se presentan los resultados de las campañas de excavación realizadas entre los años 2005 y 2008 en el yacimiento arqueológico de Orpesa la Vella (Oropesa del Mar, Plana Alta, Castellón). Finalmente se efectúa un ensayo de contextualización completa de la secuencia del yacimiento.
Quaderns De Prehistoria I Arqueologia De Castello, 2002
Papers by Ferran Falomir Granell