! I N F O Welcome to digitalkingdom, formerly known as digking_icons. All content on this community is created by lindsical. This comm is strictly for icon/graphics, there will be no talk of real life drama. If you don't want to wade through posts, you could always wade through her icon databases.
! G U I D E L I N E S » When taking an icon please leave a comment stating which icon you took. » Credit either lindsical or digitalkingdom in the keywords. » No hotlinking. Right-click then look for Save Picture As... » Blanks are NOT bases.
! R E Q U E S T S lindsical will only do requests for close friends and if you're a stranger you might get lucky. If you're not a friend then you need to comment with specifics of the icon you want, even provide an example if you can.
! C R E D I T Some images taken from Google Image Search and GettyImages. Some icons were made by using a font. I use my own gradients. All brushes/textures/fonts are not mine. They're other people's. I belong to some brushes communities and when I find all the brushes I've used, I'll get around to putting a list of credits here.