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Cromeium [userpic]
Slightly Bewildered
by Cromeium (cromeium)
at April 30th, 2009 (10:41 pm)

Slightly Bewildered
by ~
cromeium on

IndigoTea [userpic]
Attention Artists: You Might Not Own Your Work Anymore
by IndigoTea (indigotea)
at May 2nd, 2008 (07:19 am)
pissed off

current mood: pissed off

I'm not sure how many of you have heard of the latest Orphan Works bill, but here's some intel:

The following is an article, published to give readers a general understanding of the issue:

From the article:

"If the Orphan Works legislation passes, you and I and all creatives will lose virtually all the rights to not only our future work but to everything we've created over the past 34 years, unless we register it with the new, untested and privately run (by the friends and cronies of the U.S. government) registries. Even then, there is no guarantee that someone wishing to steal your personal creations won't successfully call your work an orphan work, and then legally use it for free.



Here's a link to the petition:

I also urge you to contact your elected representative on this issue. Here's the lookup link:

Please don't think "Oh, this doesn't matter to me." It does. Your work is your legacy, your language, your vision - why should you have to pay to claim it as your own?

Cromeium [userpic]
digital painting from reference
by Cromeium (cromeium)
at March 23rd, 2008 (06:32 pm)

IndigoTea [userpic]
OMG!!! I'm gonna be in a *PRINT* magazine! ImagineFX!!!
by IndigoTea (indigotea)
at November 21st, 2007 (10:13 am)

current mood: jubilant

OMG!!!! Wow!!! I started a small gallery at ImagineFX Magazine's online site a little while back, and added a few of my pieces there, including "Josephine - Revenge". Well, "Josephine - Revenge" was selected as an "Image of the Day" for their site. In addition, they want to include "Josephine..." and two other samples of my work in their Issue 27 DVD!!! I don't think I'll actually be on the pages, but to be included in the monthly DVD - dude!!!

BTW - if you've never heard of ImagineFX - they have the most beautiful print magazine, full of art tips, techniques, and workshops - one of my favorite digital art periodicals, bar none!

"Josephine: Revenge"

IndigoTea [userpic]
Urban Biker Goddess: Heather
by IndigoTea (indigotea)
at October 11th, 2007 (09:57 am)

current mood: creative
current song: Queen Latifah - "Trav'lin' Light"

From my 2008 Urban Biker Goddess Calendar.  Daz Studio 1.7, Photoshop CS for postwork. 
Urban Biker Goddess: Heather 

Chris Fredrick [userpic]
by Chris Fredrick (cabochonwolf)
at June 7th, 2007 (10:57 pm)


This is my first time posting my work here...I mostly work with landscapes, but dabble with some still life--All photomanipulated, of course. Here are a few samples...

parkCollapse )

winter lakeCollapse )

Sesu Dake [userpic]
Mushroom Planet
by Sesu Dake (eldritch48)
at May 31st, 2007 (10:26 pm)

This one is the first in a series (well, at least the first of two) based loosely on the Miyazaki anime "Nausicca: Valley of the Wind". The 2nd one is probably a bit more true to the source, but it's still in the process of rendering.

In the meantime, if you want to see the first one, here it is: The Mushroom Planet

Poser 6/Vue 6 Infinite/SkinVue 6.2/Photoshop CS2

Lemme know what you think!

tiffany_toland [userpic]
ATC/ACEO OOAK and limited auctions ending in 19h or less!
by tiffany_toland (tiffany_toland)
at April 26th, 2007 (03:44 pm)

Under the cut are some preview images and links to their auctions (click the image to view the auction). These are all one of a kind ATC/ACEO, they are all remarqued and hand embellished. They come in plastic sleeves to keep them safe. I am going to be uploading some more ATC/ACEOs of my other work, some remarqued one of a kind prints and some OSWOAs later on today, so if you don't see something you like now, check my store tonight or tomorrow for some more auctions.

click for more...Collapse )

tiffany_toland [userpic]
Items ending in less than 2 hours
by tiffany_toland (tiffany_toland)
at April 20th, 2007 (09:21 am)

I have several auctions up on eBay right now that are ending in about 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Many are one of a kind items like limited edition prints. They sell fast so snatch them up while they're still available!

images and more links behind the cutCollapse )

tiffany_toland [userpic]
eBay auctions ending in the next 24 hours
by tiffany_toland (tiffany_toland)
at April 19th, 2007 (04:53 pm)

I have several auctions up on eBay right now that are ending in about 18 hours. Many are one of a kind items including limited edition prints. Snatch them up while you can, they don't stick around very long!

images and more links behind the cutCollapse )

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