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Kulturgeschichte ist Handlungsgeschichte. Res gestae als Geschichtsbegriff formuliert, wie Handlungen geplant, wahrgenommen und erinnert werden. Objekte und Artefakte sind dabei, neben der festen Kontur der Sprache, Erzählungen in ihren... more
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    • Vilem Flusser
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    • Psychology
This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the prevailing cc-by-nc-nd License.
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      ArtArtistic Literature
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    • Psychology
His research focuses on word and image studies as well as on contemporary French poetry and literature. Some recent publications are:
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      ArtArtistic Literature
INTERACCT is a project where two universities in Vienna (University of Applied Arts Vienna: Institute of Art Sciences and Art Education, Department of Design, Architecture and Environment for Education; University of Vienna: Faculty of... more
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Processing of ambiguous visual stimuli has been associated with an increased activation of the left lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) in neuroimaging studies. Nevertheless, the functional role of prefrontal activity in this process is not... more
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      Object Recognition (Computer Vision)Semantic MemoryTranscranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
The meaning of the body's movements is elusive in its nature - often only to be understood in relation to its action on or within an environment. Yet, what does an arbitrary bend of the knee have to do with elated joy? What does the... more
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      CommunicationDance StudiesEmotions (Social Psychology)Dance and the brain
This research will confront the challenge of gaining a further comprehensive understanding of the transition from one emotional state( disgust) to another emotional state (pleasure). Previous models indeed set extensive criteria of the... more
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      Personality PsychologyEmotionAestheticsPerforming Arts
Processing of ambiguous visual stimuli has been associated with an increased activation of the left lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) in neuroimaging studies. Nevertheless, the functional role of prefrontal activity in this process is not... more
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      Cognitive ScienceObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Semantic MemoryTranscranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
Processing of ambiguous visual stimuli has been associated with an increased activation of the left lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) in neuroimaging studies. Nevertheless, the functional role of prefrontal activity in this process is not... more
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      Cognitive ScienceObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Semantic MemoryTranscranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)