A review of the species within the genus Ellobius from Turkey is provided. The Transcaucasian mol... more A review of the species within the genus Ellobius from Turkey is provided. The Transcaucasian mole vole, Ellobius lutescens, is the westernmost representative of the genus and among the most enigmatic and yet most neglected of the Palearctic placental mammals. Currently, its distribution is thought to be restricted to eastern Anatolia. The Transcaucasian mole voles inhabit a wide variety of habitats across this distribution area in semiarid or grassland territories and high-elevation cultivated fields. The species' distribution, feeding ecology, population structure, behavior, reproduction, genetics, and fossil records are reviewed here for Turkey. This paper brings together information published during the last century in books and scientific papers. Future research needs to include collation of further data on population dynamics, maximum length of the breeding season, reliable abundance estimates, and studies of distribution and migration. Other areas worthy of investigation are the identification of wintering areas, acquisition of up-todate data on reproduction and mortality, and investigations into the consequences of environmental changes for the species.
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
Diyarbakır'ın Eğil yöresinden farklı iki lokaliteden toplanan 11 (10♀♀, 1♂♂) Pipistrellus kuh... more Diyarbakır'ın Eğil yöresinden farklı iki lokaliteden toplanan 11 (10♀♀, 1♂♂) Pipistrellus kuhlii örneğinin morfolojik ve karyolojik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Morfolojik karakterler, ölçüler ve karyolojik özellikler daha önce yayınlanmış çalışmalarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Diploid kromozom sayısı 2n = 44, kromozom kol sayısı NF = 54 ve otozomal kromozom kol sayısı NFa =50'dir. X kromozomu orta büyüklükte metasentrik, Y kromozomu nokta şeklinde olup, son akrosentrik kromozom çiftlerinden daha küçüktür. Bu karşılaştırmalı çalışma sonucunda, tragus ve üst diş özellikleri dışında diğer morfolojik ve karyolojik özellikler Türkiye'deki Pipistrellus kuhlii özelliklerine sahiptir.
The aim of the present study was to determine the mRNA expression profiles of TRAIL-mediated cell... more The aim of the present study was to determine the mRNA expression profiles of TRAIL-mediated cell death related genes of the hypoxia-tolerant rodent Nannospalax nehringi under hypoxia. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of these genes were identified. Captured Nannospalax nehringi were randomly divided into normoxia and hypoxia groups. The hypoxia group was exposed to a 7% O2 + 93% N2 gas mixture for 52 h, while animals in the normoxia group were housed under normoxic conditions. Total RNAs were isolated from brain and lung tissues. The cIAP-1, cIAP-2, XIAP, DcR1, DcR2, FLIP and OPG genes were PCR amplified, and the cIAP-1, cIAP-2, XIAP, OPG, TRAIL and FLIP genes were sequenced. Sequenced genes were translated into amino acid sequences and compared with reliable sequences of closely similar species. The genes in the brain were regulated for protection against hypoxia; however, the genes in the lung were regulated differently. Many mutations and insertions were observed on the c...
In this study, we examined a total of 43 samples belonging to three Ellobius lutescens population... more In this study, we examined a total of 43 samples belonging to three Ellobius lutescens populations from Turkey, Iran and Nakhchivan, which are geographically separated by the Zagros, Tendürek and Alborz mountain ranges. We applied geometric morphometric methods (GMMs) to explore the differences in size and shape of the cranium and mandible. Indeed, we intriguingly found that the populations differed in cranium but not mandible size. Comparison of the Iranian and Turkish populations alone revealed morphological differences in the shape of the cranium and mandible that could be used as a barometer to predict the origin of individual animals. Importantly, our findings indicate that the Zagros and Tendürek mountain ranges may have acted as a barrier between these two populations, resulting in evolutionary divergence in these anatomical features. Consequently, we propose that within E. lutescens, subspecies including E. lutescens woosnami exists and in time, genetic, besides geographical...
Bu calismada, Mardin ve Siirt-Batman illerinden toplanan Nannospalax ehrenbergi’nin 2 kromozomal ... more Bu calismada, Mardin ve Siirt-Batman illerinden toplanan Nannospalax ehrenbergi’nin 2 kromozomal formuna ait 26 ornek (13 ♀♀, 13 ♂♂) Geometrik Morfometri yontemi kullanilarak taksonomik olarak degerlendirilmistir. Relative Warp Analizi (RWA), Principal Component Analizi (PCA) ve Canonical Variance Analizlerinden (CVA) elde edilen sonuclara gore 2n=52 (Mardin) ve 2n=56 (Siirt-Batman) populasyonlarinin geometrik morfometrik yonden birbirinden birbirinden farkli oldugu gorulmustur. Ayni zamanda 2n=56 (Siirt-Batman) populasyonlarinin disi ve erkek orneklerinin kafataslari CVA analizi sonuclarina gore eseysel dimorfizm gostermektedir. Orneklerin kafataslari Dicle Universitesi Fen Fakultesi Biyoloji Bolumunde muhafaza edilmektedir.
In this study, 26 (13 ♀♀, 13 ♂♂) specimens of two chromosomal forms of Nannospalax ehrenbergi fro... more In this study, 26 (13 ♀♀, 13 ♂♂) specimens of two chromosomal forms of Nannospalax ehrenbergi from Mardin and Siirt-Batman provinces were compared with using by geometric morphometrics to evaluate by taxonomically. According to the results of Relative Warp Analysis (RWA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Variance Analysis (CVA), populations of 2n=52 (Mardin) and 2n=56 (Siirt-Batman) are different from each other by geometric morphometrics. Also according to the CVA, female and male populations’ skulls of 2n=56 (Siirt-Batman) showed that sexual dimorphism. Skulls of specimens are deposited at the Biology Department, Science Faculty, Dicle University, Turkey.
Twenty-four specimens (11 males, 13 females) of the species Nannospalax ehrenbergi (Nehring, 1898... more Twenty-four specimens (11 males, 13 females) of the species Nannospalax ehrenbergi (Nehring, 1898) collected from Mardin province-Turkey were studied morphologically and karyologically. Some taxonomic peculiarities and measurements of the body and skulls have been given in the text. The chromosomal analysis was performed on preparations obtained from bone marrow. The results were compared with the previous morphological and karyological studies on this species. The diploid number of chromosomes in all studied samples are 2n=52. The fundamental number (NF) is 76 and number of the autosomal arms (NFa) is 72. Their karyotypes consists of 6 pairs of metasentric, 5 pairs of submetasentric and 14 pairs of acrosentric autosomes. The X chromosome is large and submetasentric; Y chromosome is small and acrosentric. When these results were compared with the previous studies, Nannospalax ehrenbergi specimens from Mardin province are found to have same with Diyarbak r, Elaz , rnak, Siverek and B...
Microtus guentheri (% 24,2), Crocidura suaveolens (% 13,2) ve Suncus etruscus (% 2,2) takip etmiş... more Microtus guentheri (% 24,2), Crocidura suaveolens (% 13,2) ve Suncus etruscus (% 2,2) takip etmiştir. Suncus etruscus Bismil'den ilk kez kayıt edilmiştir. 52 pelet içerisinde toplam 91 adet memeli kalıntısı, bir pelette ise en fazla 9 hayvan kalıntısı tespit edilmiştir. Pelet toplanan alanın yerleşim yerlerine yakın olması nedeniyle M. macedonicus en çok tercih edilen avdır. Kuş kalıntıları pellet içeriklerinin % 14,2'lik bölümünü oluşturmuştur. Diyarbakır Bismil'de Bubo bubo'nun av tercihinin ağırlıklı olarak muridlerden yana olduğu; ayrıca tespit edilen diğer memeli türleri ile kuş kalıntılarının Puhu kuşunun geniş bir canlı grubu ile beslendiğini göstermektedir.
Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2018
Güneydoğu Anadolu, Şanlıurfa Birecik’ten toplanmış, Çizgili İshakkuşu (Otus brucei)’na ait 26 pel... more Güneydoğu Anadolu, Şanlıurfa Birecik’ten toplanmış, Çizgili İshakkuşu (Otus brucei)’na ait 26 pelet içerisinde 31 memeli hayvan kalıntısı incelenmiştir. İki memeli ordosuna ait beş türe (Soricomorpha: Crocidura suaveolens, ve Rodentia: Microtus guentheri, Mus sp., Meriones tristrami, Cricetulus migratorius) ait kalıntılar tespit edilmiştir. Her pelette ortalama 1,85 memeli hayvan kalıntısı bulunmuştur. Pelet kapsamını % 87,1 oranında kemirgenler oluşturuken % 12,9 böcekçil memeli kalıntıları meydana getirmektedir. Ev faresi Mus sp, ve Cricetulus migratorius, kalıntılar içerisinde aynı oranda % 29,03 ile en bol bulunan türler oldukları görülmüştür.
This study was aimed to demonstrate the specific anatomical features of the skull bones of Nehrin... more This study was aimed to demonstrate the specific anatomical features of the skull bones of Nehring's blind mole rats. Eight skulls, belonging to animals of both sexes, were used. The occipital squama contributed to the formation of the caudal portion of the skull roof. The foramen magnum was quite large. The external occipital crest was present only in the males. The parietal bones formed the middle portion of the skull roof together with the well-developed inter-parietal bones. The zygomatic process of the temporal bone formed the zygomatic arch by extending to the temporal process of the zygomatic bone. The zygomatic process of the frontal bone and the frontal process of the zygomatic bone laterally bordered the orbit. There was a single septal process of the nasal bone. Each ramus of the mandibula had four processes. The mandibular ramus had an angular process on its caudal rim, which extended dorsolaterally. The dorsal free end of the mandibular ramus possessed a coronoid process. In the back, there were two other processes, situated medially and laterally. The medially situated process was referred to as a condylar process, and the laterally situated process was referred to as an alveolar process. The alveolar process detected on the mandibular ramus has not been reported in any rodent species, other than those of the family Spalacidae. Blind mole rats can be a real eyeopener for evolutionary science. The burrowing rodents are key to answering a controversial question about how new species arise.
A review of the species within the genus Ellobius from Turkey is provided. The Transcaucasian mol... more A review of the species within the genus Ellobius from Turkey is provided. The Transcaucasian mole vole, Ellobius lutescens, is the westernmost representative of the genus and among the most enigmatic and yet most neglected of the Palearctic placental mammals. Currently, its distribution is thought to be restricted to eastern Anatolia. The Transcaucasian mole voles inhabit a wide variety of habitats across this distribution area in semiarid or grassland territories and high-elevation cultivated fields. The species' distribution, feeding ecology, population structure, behavior, reproduction, genetics, and fossil records are reviewed here for Turkey. This paper brings together information published during the last century in books and scientific papers. Future research needs to include collation of further data on population dynamics, maximum length of the breeding season, reliable abundance estimates, and studies of distribution and migration. Other areas worthy of investigation are the identification of wintering areas, acquisition of up-todate data on reproduction and mortality, and investigations into the consequences of environmental changes for the species.
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi
Diyarbakır'ın Eğil yöresinden farklı iki lokaliteden toplanan 11 (10♀♀, 1♂♂) Pipistrellus kuh... more Diyarbakır'ın Eğil yöresinden farklı iki lokaliteden toplanan 11 (10♀♀, 1♂♂) Pipistrellus kuhlii örneğinin morfolojik ve karyolojik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Morfolojik karakterler, ölçüler ve karyolojik özellikler daha önce yayınlanmış çalışmalarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Diploid kromozom sayısı 2n = 44, kromozom kol sayısı NF = 54 ve otozomal kromozom kol sayısı NFa =50'dir. X kromozomu orta büyüklükte metasentrik, Y kromozomu nokta şeklinde olup, son akrosentrik kromozom çiftlerinden daha küçüktür. Bu karşılaştırmalı çalışma sonucunda, tragus ve üst diş özellikleri dışında diğer morfolojik ve karyolojik özellikler Türkiye'deki Pipistrellus kuhlii özelliklerine sahiptir.
The aim of the present study was to determine the mRNA expression profiles of TRAIL-mediated cell... more The aim of the present study was to determine the mRNA expression profiles of TRAIL-mediated cell death related genes of the hypoxia-tolerant rodent Nannospalax nehringi under hypoxia. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of these genes were identified. Captured Nannospalax nehringi were randomly divided into normoxia and hypoxia groups. The hypoxia group was exposed to a 7% O2 + 93% N2 gas mixture for 52 h, while animals in the normoxia group were housed under normoxic conditions. Total RNAs were isolated from brain and lung tissues. The cIAP-1, cIAP-2, XIAP, DcR1, DcR2, FLIP and OPG genes were PCR amplified, and the cIAP-1, cIAP-2, XIAP, OPG, TRAIL and FLIP genes were sequenced. Sequenced genes were translated into amino acid sequences and compared with reliable sequences of closely similar species. The genes in the brain were regulated for protection against hypoxia; however, the genes in the lung were regulated differently. Many mutations and insertions were observed on the c...
In this study, we examined a total of 43 samples belonging to three Ellobius lutescens population... more In this study, we examined a total of 43 samples belonging to three Ellobius lutescens populations from Turkey, Iran and Nakhchivan, which are geographically separated by the Zagros, Tendürek and Alborz mountain ranges. We applied geometric morphometric methods (GMMs) to explore the differences in size and shape of the cranium and mandible. Indeed, we intriguingly found that the populations differed in cranium but not mandible size. Comparison of the Iranian and Turkish populations alone revealed morphological differences in the shape of the cranium and mandible that could be used as a barometer to predict the origin of individual animals. Importantly, our findings indicate that the Zagros and Tendürek mountain ranges may have acted as a barrier between these two populations, resulting in evolutionary divergence in these anatomical features. Consequently, we propose that within E. lutescens, subspecies including E. lutescens woosnami exists and in time, genetic, besides geographical...
Bu calismada, Mardin ve Siirt-Batman illerinden toplanan Nannospalax ehrenbergi’nin 2 kromozomal ... more Bu calismada, Mardin ve Siirt-Batman illerinden toplanan Nannospalax ehrenbergi’nin 2 kromozomal formuna ait 26 ornek (13 ♀♀, 13 ♂♂) Geometrik Morfometri yontemi kullanilarak taksonomik olarak degerlendirilmistir. Relative Warp Analizi (RWA), Principal Component Analizi (PCA) ve Canonical Variance Analizlerinden (CVA) elde edilen sonuclara gore 2n=52 (Mardin) ve 2n=56 (Siirt-Batman) populasyonlarinin geometrik morfometrik yonden birbirinden birbirinden farkli oldugu gorulmustur. Ayni zamanda 2n=56 (Siirt-Batman) populasyonlarinin disi ve erkek orneklerinin kafataslari CVA analizi sonuclarina gore eseysel dimorfizm gostermektedir. Orneklerin kafataslari Dicle Universitesi Fen Fakultesi Biyoloji Bolumunde muhafaza edilmektedir.
In this study, 26 (13 ♀♀, 13 ♂♂) specimens of two chromosomal forms of Nannospalax ehrenbergi fro... more In this study, 26 (13 ♀♀, 13 ♂♂) specimens of two chromosomal forms of Nannospalax ehrenbergi from Mardin and Siirt-Batman provinces were compared with using by geometric morphometrics to evaluate by taxonomically. According to the results of Relative Warp Analysis (RWA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Variance Analysis (CVA), populations of 2n=52 (Mardin) and 2n=56 (Siirt-Batman) are different from each other by geometric morphometrics. Also according to the CVA, female and male populations’ skulls of 2n=56 (Siirt-Batman) showed that sexual dimorphism. Skulls of specimens are deposited at the Biology Department, Science Faculty, Dicle University, Turkey.
Twenty-four specimens (11 males, 13 females) of the species Nannospalax ehrenbergi (Nehring, 1898... more Twenty-four specimens (11 males, 13 females) of the species Nannospalax ehrenbergi (Nehring, 1898) collected from Mardin province-Turkey were studied morphologically and karyologically. Some taxonomic peculiarities and measurements of the body and skulls have been given in the text. The chromosomal analysis was performed on preparations obtained from bone marrow. The results were compared with the previous morphological and karyological studies on this species. The diploid number of chromosomes in all studied samples are 2n=52. The fundamental number (NF) is 76 and number of the autosomal arms (NFa) is 72. Their karyotypes consists of 6 pairs of metasentric, 5 pairs of submetasentric and 14 pairs of acrosentric autosomes. The X chromosome is large and submetasentric; Y chromosome is small and acrosentric. When these results were compared with the previous studies, Nannospalax ehrenbergi specimens from Mardin province are found to have same with Diyarbak r, Elaz , rnak, Siverek and B...
Microtus guentheri (% 24,2), Crocidura suaveolens (% 13,2) ve Suncus etruscus (% 2,2) takip etmiş... more Microtus guentheri (% 24,2), Crocidura suaveolens (% 13,2) ve Suncus etruscus (% 2,2) takip etmiştir. Suncus etruscus Bismil'den ilk kez kayıt edilmiştir. 52 pelet içerisinde toplam 91 adet memeli kalıntısı, bir pelette ise en fazla 9 hayvan kalıntısı tespit edilmiştir. Pelet toplanan alanın yerleşim yerlerine yakın olması nedeniyle M. macedonicus en çok tercih edilen avdır. Kuş kalıntıları pellet içeriklerinin % 14,2'lik bölümünü oluşturmuştur. Diyarbakır Bismil'de Bubo bubo'nun av tercihinin ağırlıklı olarak muridlerden yana olduğu; ayrıca tespit edilen diğer memeli türleri ile kuş kalıntılarının Puhu kuşunun geniş bir canlı grubu ile beslendiğini göstermektedir.
Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2018
Güneydoğu Anadolu, Şanlıurfa Birecik’ten toplanmış, Çizgili İshakkuşu (Otus brucei)’na ait 26 pel... more Güneydoğu Anadolu, Şanlıurfa Birecik’ten toplanmış, Çizgili İshakkuşu (Otus brucei)’na ait 26 pelet içerisinde 31 memeli hayvan kalıntısı incelenmiştir. İki memeli ordosuna ait beş türe (Soricomorpha: Crocidura suaveolens, ve Rodentia: Microtus guentheri, Mus sp., Meriones tristrami, Cricetulus migratorius) ait kalıntılar tespit edilmiştir. Her pelette ortalama 1,85 memeli hayvan kalıntısı bulunmuştur. Pelet kapsamını % 87,1 oranında kemirgenler oluşturuken % 12,9 böcekçil memeli kalıntıları meydana getirmektedir. Ev faresi Mus sp, ve Cricetulus migratorius, kalıntılar içerisinde aynı oranda % 29,03 ile en bol bulunan türler oldukları görülmüştür.
This study was aimed to demonstrate the specific anatomical features of the skull bones of Nehrin... more This study was aimed to demonstrate the specific anatomical features of the skull bones of Nehring's blind mole rats. Eight skulls, belonging to animals of both sexes, were used. The occipital squama contributed to the formation of the caudal portion of the skull roof. The foramen magnum was quite large. The external occipital crest was present only in the males. The parietal bones formed the middle portion of the skull roof together with the well-developed inter-parietal bones. The zygomatic process of the temporal bone formed the zygomatic arch by extending to the temporal process of the zygomatic bone. The zygomatic process of the frontal bone and the frontal process of the zygomatic bone laterally bordered the orbit. There was a single septal process of the nasal bone. Each ramus of the mandibula had four processes. The mandibular ramus had an angular process on its caudal rim, which extended dorsolaterally. The dorsal free end of the mandibular ramus possessed a coronoid process. In the back, there were two other processes, situated medially and laterally. The medially situated process was referred to as a condylar process, and the laterally situated process was referred to as an alveolar process. The alveolar process detected on the mandibular ramus has not been reported in any rodent species, other than those of the family Spalacidae. Blind mole rats can be a real eyeopener for evolutionary science. The burrowing rodents are key to answering a controversial question about how new species arise.
Papers by Yuksel Coskun