Papers by Ahmet Emirhan Bulut
Kurul Kalesi’nde 2021 yılı itibari ile on ikinci kazı sezonu tamamlamıştır. En eski seviyesini Or... more Kurul Kalesi’nde 2021 yılı itibari ile on ikinci kazı sezonu tamamlamıştır. En eski seviyesini Orta-Üst Jürasik ve Alt Kretase dönemleriyle yaşıt kireç taşı kayalarının oluşturduğu bir jeolojik formasyon içinde yer alan, Karadeniz kıyısına 9 km. mesafedeki Kurul Kayalıkları’nın zirvesindeki kale, Melet Irmağı’nın hemen batı yakasında yükselen, Ordu ilini çevreleyen en yüksek noktalardan birisi üzerinde yer almaktadır. Dar ve uzun bir yerleşim imkânı sunan kayalığın zirvesindeki çalışmalar 2019 yılına kadar İç Kale ve Kuzey Teras olarak adlandırılan iki ana kazı sektöründe yürütülmüştür. 2019 yılında ise bu alanlara ek olarak Kuzey Teras’ın en uç noktasını oluşturan İdari Yapılar Alanı (İYA) olarak adlandırılan kesimde çalışmalara başlanmıştır. 2020 ve 2021 kazı sezonlarında yalnızca bu sektörde kazı çalışmaları yürütülmüştür.

Anadolu Araştırmaları/Anatolian Research, 2022
Kurul Fortress is located within the Turkish province of Ordu on the top of steep rocks rising fr... more Kurul Fortress is located within the Turkish province of Ordu on the top of steep rocks rising from the nearby Melet River. It was heavily settled during the reign of Mithridates VI Eupator (120-63 BC), the last ruler of the Kingdom of Pontos. Despite fortress as a term specifically bringing to mind military functions at first, this settlement was also a cultic place where various gods had been worshipped starting in earlier periods. The unearthed storage structures containing hundreds of terracotta pithoi and amphorae in different sectors prove that Kurul Fortress had the function of preserving agricultural products and commercial goods within the military and administrative hinterland of Kurul Fortress. Due to being located at a strategic point, Kurul Fortress presents a settlement model that took maximum advantage of the terrain, as much as the topographical conditions permitted. The configuration of Kurul Fortress’ settlements
preferred to face both the western and eastern slopes of the narrow but long summit of the rock on which it is located. Because no later settlement existed on the site after the late Hellenistic period, relatively well-preserved architectural elements have survived to the present day. This paper aims to evaluate the settlement’s structures that were unearthed between 2010-2019, their possible functions, the materials that constituted the structures, the architectural texture, and the contemporary settlement of the region, which also shows similar architectural characteristics. This study is considered to be significant because it will create an opportunity for the settlements in the Kingdom of Pontos to be compared with its territory in terms of architectural
features and will provide abundant information on what a settlement during the reign of Mithridates VI Eupator was like.

Seleucia, 2020
Pontos Bölgesi, Anadolu’da bugüne kadar tespit edilmiş basamaklı tünellerin en yoğun görüldüğü an... more Pontos Bölgesi, Anadolu’da bugüne kadar tespit edilmiş basamaklı tünellerin en yoğun görüldüğü antik coğrafyalardan bir tanesidir. Bu çalışma, söz konusu bölgedeki, VI. Mithradates dönemi içerisinde kullanım gördüğü antik kaynaklar ve arkeolojik veriler aracılığıyla bilinen basamaklı tüneller hakkında genel bir değerlendirme yapmayı, kullanım amaç ve kökenlerine dair bazı öneriler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Pontos Bölgesi’ndeki basamaklı tünellerle ilgili yeterli kazı ve araştırmalar olmasa da, az sayıdaki yeni kazı ve alan araştırmaları bu konuda bazı yeni önerilerin sunulmasına olanak sağlamıştır.
Pontos is one of the ancient regions where stepped tunnels have been most extensively recorded so far in Anatolia. Th is study aims to make a general assessment of the stepped tunnels which ancient sources and archaeological finds evidenced that they were in use during Mitradates VI Eupator era and presents suggestions on their possible origins and functions. Although lack of suff icient research and excavations related to the stepped tunnels in Pontos region, several recent excavations and surveys make it possible to put forward some new suggestions on related topics.
41. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, Cilt 4, 2020
2018 çalışmalarında doğu yamaçta bulunan mekânların açığa çıkarılması en önemli hedeflerden biris... more 2018 çalışmalarında doğu yamaçta bulunan mekânların açığa çıkarılması en önemli hedeflerden birisi olmuştur. CP-113, CR-112, CR-113, CR-114, CS-112 ve CS-113 açmalarında yürütülen çalışmalarda Dionysos Kutsal Alanı ve etrafındaki mekanlar ile doğu sur duvarının küçük bir uzantısı da tespit edilmiştir.
37. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı, Cilt 1: 171-192. , 2020
40. Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, 2019
Results of 2016 season excavations at Kurul Fortress, Ordu.
TEBE, 2018
Ordu ili Bayadı Mahallesi sınırları içerisinde yer alan Kurul Kalesi, kuzeyindeki Karadeniz’den k... more Ordu ili Bayadı Mahallesi sınırları içerisinde yer alan Kurul Kalesi, kuzeyindeki Karadeniz’den kuş uçuşu yaklaşık 9 kilometre güneyde yer almaktadır. Doğu ve Orta Karadeniz bölümlerini birbirinden ayıran Melet Irmağı (Melanthios) Kurul Kalesi’nin doğusu boyunca Karadeniz’e akmaktadır. Kurul Kalesi arkeolojik kazıları 2010 yılından beri Ordu Müzesi başkanlığı ve Prof. Dr. S. Yücel Şenyurt’un bilimsel sorumluluğundaki bir ekiple yürütülmektedir.Üzerinde bulunduğu kayalığın doğal yapısıyla uyumlu bir biçimde güneybatı-kuzeydoğu yönünde gelişim gösteren bir yerleşim dokusuna sahip Kurul Kalesi’nin kazı verilerine göre, VI. Mithradates Dönemi phrourion’larından bir tanesi olduğu anlaşılmıştır.
Book Reviews by Ahmet Emirhan Bulut
Seleucia, 2016
Seleucia, uluslararası hakemli dergidir ve her yıl Mayıs ayında bir sayı olarak basılır. Yollanan... more Seleucia, uluslararası hakemli dergidir ve her yıl Mayıs ayında bir sayı olarak basılır. Yollanan çalışmalar, giriş sayfalarında belirtilen yazım kurallarına uygunsa yayınlanır, çalışması yayınlanan her yazar, çalışmanın baskı olarak yayınlanmasını kabul etmiş ve telif haklarını Seleucia yayınına devretmiş sayılır. Seleucia kopya edilemez ancak dipnot referans gösterilerek yayınlarda kullanılabilir.
Thesis Chapters by Ahmet Emirhan Bulut
Conference Presentations by Ahmet Emirhan Bulut
Books by Ahmet Emirhan Bulut

Kerpic'23. Gain Information from the Traditional Earthen Architecture, 2023
Mudbrick is a basic architectural material that has been used for thousands of years to satisfy t... more Mudbrick is a basic architectural material that has been used for thousands of years to satisfy thehuman need for shelter. Mudbrick is still in common use, especially in rural areas, and can beconsidered a carrier of thousands of years of knowledge, tradition and culture – a phenomenon that can clearly be seen at Kurul Fortress – a Late Hellenistic period settlement (120–63 BC) that contributes significantly to the archeological knowledge of the Black Sea region. Aside from the large number of mudbrick fragments dislodged from the walls that have been found inside the rooms, thousands of mudbrick blocks that formed the walls have been unearthed in-situ. An analysis of mudbrick samples reveals them to be created from local soils, aggregates, and, in some samples, dried grass or straw. Considering the use of mudbrick for the construction of the walls of almost all of the structures of the Kurul Fortress, it can be understood that tens of thousands of mudbricks were produced, and when the time, climate, labor force and cost associated with mudbrick production is considered, it can be understood that a highly elaborate production process would have been required to support the construction of the Fortress.
This paper provides qualitative and quantitative information about the mudbrick blocks used in the construction of Kurul Fortress, which can be considered an important source of data due to theexistence of in-situ mud-brick walls, of which there are few examples from the Hellenistic period.The acquired data can contribute further to literature through comparisons with otherarchaeological settlements in terms of the constructed architectural features.
MORS IMMATURA. In the Shadow of Amanus in Memoriam Hayriye Akıl, 2020
Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü 2019-2020 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları, 2022
Ordu İli Altınordu İlçesi Bayadı Mahallesi sınırları içinde yer alan Kurul Kalesi’nde 2019 ve 202... more Ordu İli Altınordu İlçesi Bayadı Mahallesi sınırları içinde yer alan Kurul Kalesi’nde 2019 ve 2020 yılları kazı çalışmaları Ordu Müze Müdürlüğü’nün başkanlığı ve Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Arkeoloji Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Dr. S. Yücel Şenyurt’un bilimsel danışmanlığı altındaki bir ekip tarafından yürütülmüştür. 2019 yılı çalışmaları 01.08.2019-05.11.2019 tarihleri arasında, 2020 çalışmaları ise 18.08.2020-31.12.2020 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Papers by Ahmet Emirhan Bulut
preferred to face both the western and eastern slopes of the narrow but long summit of the rock on which it is located. Because no later settlement existed on the site after the late Hellenistic period, relatively well-preserved architectural elements have survived to the present day. This paper aims to evaluate the settlement’s structures that were unearthed between 2010-2019, their possible functions, the materials that constituted the structures, the architectural texture, and the contemporary settlement of the region, which also shows similar architectural characteristics. This study is considered to be significant because it will create an opportunity for the settlements in the Kingdom of Pontos to be compared with its territory in terms of architectural
features and will provide abundant information on what a settlement during the reign of Mithridates VI Eupator was like.
Pontos is one of the ancient regions where stepped tunnels have been most extensively recorded so far in Anatolia. Th is study aims to make a general assessment of the stepped tunnels which ancient sources and archaeological finds evidenced that they were in use during Mitradates VI Eupator era and presents suggestions on their possible origins and functions. Although lack of suff icient research and excavations related to the stepped tunnels in Pontos region, several recent excavations and surveys make it possible to put forward some new suggestions on related topics.
Book Reviews by Ahmet Emirhan Bulut
Thesis Chapters by Ahmet Emirhan Bulut
Conference Presentations by Ahmet Emirhan Bulut
Books by Ahmet Emirhan Bulut
This paper provides qualitative and quantitative information about the mudbrick blocks used in the construction of Kurul Fortress, which can be considered an important source of data due to theexistence of in-situ mud-brick walls, of which there are few examples from the Hellenistic period.The acquired data can contribute further to literature through comparisons with otherarchaeological settlements in terms of the constructed architectural features.
preferred to face both the western and eastern slopes of the narrow but long summit of the rock on which it is located. Because no later settlement existed on the site after the late Hellenistic period, relatively well-preserved architectural elements have survived to the present day. This paper aims to evaluate the settlement’s structures that were unearthed between 2010-2019, their possible functions, the materials that constituted the structures, the architectural texture, and the contemporary settlement of the region, which also shows similar architectural characteristics. This study is considered to be significant because it will create an opportunity for the settlements in the Kingdom of Pontos to be compared with its territory in terms of architectural
features and will provide abundant information on what a settlement during the reign of Mithridates VI Eupator was like.
Pontos is one of the ancient regions where stepped tunnels have been most extensively recorded so far in Anatolia. Th is study aims to make a general assessment of the stepped tunnels which ancient sources and archaeological finds evidenced that they were in use during Mitradates VI Eupator era and presents suggestions on their possible origins and functions. Although lack of suff icient research and excavations related to the stepped tunnels in Pontos region, several recent excavations and surveys make it possible to put forward some new suggestions on related topics.
This paper provides qualitative and quantitative information about the mudbrick blocks used in the construction of Kurul Fortress, which can be considered an important source of data due to theexistence of in-situ mud-brick walls, of which there are few examples from the Hellenistic period.The acquired data can contribute further to literature through comparisons with otherarchaeological settlements in terms of the constructed architectural features.