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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyMuseum StudiesMuseums and Exhibition Design
Working title for upcoming BU Archaeology Brown Bag lecture
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyIslamic ArchaeologyCultural Heritage Management
• Islamic State reportedly accelerated its deliberate destruction of heritage places in northern Iraq following the February 26, 2015, release of a video showing earlier deliberate destructions in the Mosul Museum and at the site of... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeology
During the reporting period, Islamic State continued its accelerated campaign of performative deliberate destructions of religious heritage sites in northern Iraq and Syria. Recent video footage and photographs released by Islamic State... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyAnthropologyArt History
•Analyses of Digital Globe satellite imagery by ASOR CHI and UNITAR-UNOSAT reveal probable intentional destruction at the site of Nimrud, Iraq in the Northwest Palace. •The Idlib Museum in Syria is increasingly threatened by the recent... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
• During the reporting period, claims of combat damage to heritage sites in Syria and related in-country damage assessments continued at a slightly elevated rate, continuing a month-long trend relative to average rates documented for the... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural StudiesArchaeology
• ISIL militants destroyed the Northwest Palace at Nimrud and on April 11 released a video showing this performative deliberate destruction and denouncing connections between the pre-Islamic past and modern Iraqi identity. (pp. 34–52) •... more
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      SociologyArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
The armed conflict that began in Syria in 2011 rapidly precipitated a massive humanitarian catastrophe. In 2014 the crisis escalated and became regional in scope with the take-over of Mosul by ISIS, followed by the group’s rapid... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureHistoric PreservationIslamic State of Iraq and the Levant
When Giorgio Vasari wrote in the 1568 edition of the Lives that Michelangelo had surpassed the ancients, art, and nature itself, he codified a familiar characterization that had already been current in critical commentaries and published... more
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This essay examines the relationship between sixteenth-century critical texts that define the stylistic accomplishments of Renaissance painters and the evidence of the paintings themselves. Central to this relationship was the synthesis... more
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    • The Classical Tradition
In his dedicatory preface to the emperor Titus (AD 77), Pliny described his goals in writing the Natural History with capacious reflection: My subject is a barren one-the world of nature, or in other words life.. .. Moreover, the path is... more
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