Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
School of Celtic Studies
The Anglo-Norman ‘invasion’ had a profound impact on the names used by Irish families. New names such as Seán and Uilliam, introduced in the thirteenth, became widespread by the fourteenth century. In a number of cases a link can be... more
This version does not contain necessarily contain corrections made at the proofing stage. Only the published version should be used for citation purposes. The Themes and Structure of Aided Echach maic Maireda Aided Echach maic Maireda is... more
This version does not contain corrections made at the proofing stage. Only the published version should be used for citation purposes. The different versions of Aided Chonchobair 1 The medieval tale Aided Chonchobair, which tells the... more
Describes five 9th-century Fulda manuscript fragments, places them within their palaeographical context and discusses their later transmission.
Discusses Fulda manuscript fragments in the town archives of Allendorf
This version does not necessarily contain corrections made at the proofing stage. Only the published version should be used for citation purposes. Altirische Erzählkunst, rev. ed. Johan Corthals. CreateSpace, 2016. 123pp. €9.95. ISBN... more
List of Caroline and Insular manuscripts linked to Hersfeld in the secondary literature with a note on Insular script features in these manuscripts.
The words etar and ceta have a first syllable with a variable vowel: either e (e-variant) or i (i-variant). This paper investigates the diachronic distribut ion of these two variants. The innovation of the i-variants occurred by the... more
Petyt 1980, 59-60). Is ininic malartaiocht Ihorleathan ma leithéid de cheantar. Is cosüil go bhfuil canüintI (lárnacha no iarsmüla) sa Ghaeilge nach bhfuil chomh malartach le Gaeilge
Arna fhoilsiú ag COMHAR Teoranta le cabhair deontais i gcomhair tograí Gaeilge a d'íoc an tÚdarás um Ard-Oideachas trí Choláiste na hOllscoile, Corcaigh. Gabhann COMHAR buíochas le hAcadamh Ríoga na hÉireann as a dtacaíocht leis an... more
This book presents the results of a substantial study completed by a team of colleagues, most of whom are at the University of the Highlands and Islands. The analysis considers the use of Scottish ...
This grammar is based on extensive fieldwork, published and unpublished lore, and recent as well as older recordings, particularly those held in the archives of Roinn Bhéaloideas Éireann and Raidió na Gaeltachta. These sources provide a... more
Tá cur síos san alt seo ar chur chuige Fishmanach maidir le mionteangú na Gaeilge. Tráchtaim ar an nua-aoiseachas agus a chuid impleachtaí le haghaidh mhionteangacha an domhain. Tá cur síos ann ar imeallú na Gaeilge agus mionteangacha go... more