In the context of discrete Fourier transforms the idea of aliasing as due to approximation errors in the integral defining Fourier coefficients is introduced and explained. This has the positive pedagogical effect of getting to the heart... more
- by James Foadi
Author(s) of this paper may load this reprint on their own web site or institutional repository provided that this cover page is retained. Republication of this article or its storage in electronic databases other than as specified above... more
• What is x-ray crystallography? • Statistical applications in x-ray crystallography • Use of R in crystallographic research • Description of cRy Statistical applications in x-ray crystallography The probability distribution of x-ray... more
- by James Foadi
The reciprocal lattice is derived through the Fourier transform of a generic crystal lattice, as done previously in the literature. A few key derivations are this time handled in detail, and the connection with x-ray diffraction is... more
An ab initio method is described for solving protein structures for which atomic resolution (better than 1.2 A Ê ) data are available. The problem is divided into two stages. Firstly, a substructure composed of a small percentage ($5%) of... more
Although cartesian orthogonal coordinates are very intuitive and easy to use, it is often found more convenient to work with other coordinate systems. Being able to change all variables and expression involved in a given problem, when a... more
- by James Foadi