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Insulin Pumpers' Journal
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Below are the 15 most recent journal entries recorded in Insulin Pumpers' LiveJournal:

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010
3:49 pm
Long time since I've been on this site. Been in and out of the hospital having my pump adjusted for level to avoid the devastating lows I've been having. Suffered also from hypothermia with the last two lows because of extreme sweating and my attendants forgetting to put dry clothes on me. Under better control now with all new settings for different times of the day. Adjusted the CHO ratio and the correction factor which has also helped tremendously.
Friday, January 23rd, 2009
3:25 pm
Blood sugar is under better control and so now my weight is climbing again.  Sick to death of the treadmill at this point and too cold to go outside.  Was in the high 50s today so went out and did some raking.  Can't wait for good weather so I can get some proper exercise on a regular basis.
Thursday, November 27th, 2008
9:47 am
Today is careful day.  Happy Thanksgiving.  Thank God for the pump!
Tuesday, November 4th, 2008
7:50 am
Have been using the variability software in the research study.  My variability is very high even though my A1c is 6.6.  October was a bad month with blood sugar swings.
Thursday, September 18th, 2008
9:58 am
Like this new part of the research study.  Just enter blood sugar results into the PDA.  Get the variable and A1c on a weekly basis.
Tuesday, July 15th, 2008
7:33 am

I just started a clinical research study on predicting and treating low blood sugars.  I carry a PDA which asks me questions about how I am feeling, what my blood sugar feels like, actual blood sugar, and how to treat it.  I do this for a year.  Sometime in that period I will be testing two computer programs on predicting low blood sugar.

Do some research on your computer for clinical studies in your area.  It's a great way to help with research, and you get paid for it.

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
7:39 pm
Occasional high blood sugars are a way of life with me.  I pump at 0.9 an hour.  My carb ratio is 1:10, and my correction factor is 1:20.  When I was diagnosed at age 9 my blood sugar was so high they couldn't measure it and I spent most of my childhood at 4+ (urne testing) in 1965 to 1988.  At that time I was able to hook up with a really good diabetic team that brought me under control but the damage was already done.  I am legally blind, have heart disease, and neuropathies.  I love the pump.  Seems like why blood sugar gets high when my catheter pulls out and I don't know it, but otherwise counting carbs and a highly regimented exercise routine are keeping me under control.  I use my treadmill for an hour a day, every day, and go to the gym 3 times a week.
Saturday, June 21st, 2008
11:19 am
 Joined a gym, Silver Sneakers program twice a week.  Workout with Don on Friday's on the machines.  Am doing the treadmill for 45-60 minutes a day.  Have lost 8 lbs already, only 30 to go.  Hopefully the weight will be all off by Christmas.
Sunday, April 20th, 2008
8:20 am
 Pump is working great.  Had to get up during the night and change the tubing.  BS of 451 and sick to my stomach.  Apparently there was an occlusion even though that error did not come up.  No problem now.  Just wish it hadn't happened after I had already done the cartridge and tubing just last evening.  Feeling better though so all is well.
Monday, April 7th, 2008
10:40 am
 Tomorrow is the big day!  My pump will be inserted for the first time.  All the information is overwhelming but I'm sure as I become more familiar with the pump it will become more clear.  I only wish the cartridges were prefilled with insulin, but filling them is not a big deal either and certainly cheaper.
Wednesday, March 19th, 2008
8:42 pm
Tomorrow morning I am to receive my new AccuChek Disetronic insulin pump called Spirit.  This is a really good deal folks.  You get your main pump plus a backup, glucose monitoring system, software, and educational material via internet.  Trainer will come out to educate the client at their convenience.  Wish me luck!
Friday, March 14th, 2008
6:45 pm
Financial help is available for diabetics, you just have to know where to look for it.  Try the local churches and social service programs, write to pump manufacturers and glucose strip manufacturers (Life Scan will sometimes give you a certificate for a certain number of strips or even mail you the strips).  Don't give up.  Contact JDF even. 
Monday, March 10th, 2008
11:19 am
Wow!  Just received a notice that Disetronic is going to give me a 50! discount on my new pump and supplies for 1 year, renewable each year if I meet the income limits.  I'm really excited because this will enable me to get my pump even sooner! 
Wednesday, March 5th, 2008
10:15 pm
 A1c is 7.8, same as last time.  Don't all these lows count for something? Sigh!!!!!?
Tuesday, March 4th, 2008
11:51 am
 Well, I did it!  Splurged on those blueberry biscuits at Hardees this morning after having nearly every ounce of blood drawn from me to test the normal, A1c, fasting glucose, Cpeptide, and antibodies?!  Can they think of anything else?