Living With Diabetes

Educate teachers, school personnel and other child care providers about taking care of your child with type 1 diabetes. Download this helpful guide now. 

Support for Parents of Children with Diabetes: PEP Squad

Whether your family is new to diabetes or you’re a parent of a child with diabetes encountering a new set of challenges, the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation is here to help. After all, we’re in this together.

Our PEP Squad — Parents Empowering Parents — offers emotional support and practical tips from diabetes professionals and fellow parents who are coping with a child with type 1 diabetes. On our private PEP Squad group on Facebook, you can connect with other parents of children with diabetes, share stories and struggles, complain, vent, or mentor and shed new light. Someone is usually “out there” at any time of day — even in the wee hours after that 3 a.m. blood sugar check. Sometimes, all you need is to know you’re not alone and that someone else “gets it.”  

The DRI Foundation takes the opinions of the PEP Squad group seriously. We respond to members’ concerns and because this is a closed, or private, Facebook group, only approved members are able to read posts.

Some of the topics discussed include diabetes insurance issues, nighttime blood sugar testing, tips for traveling with diabetes, dealing with diabetes during the holidays, facing fears of diabetes, bragging rights (about the brave kids!), tools, teens and tantrums. Whatever the issue, there are usually comments or suggestions. However, please remember that everyone is different, and you should check with your health care professionals before changing something your doctor had previously advised.

Sign Up for Some PEP Talk

Get monthly news-you-can-use like type 1 diabetes tips for parents, tips for having a newly diagnosed child with type 1 diabetes, balancing your diabetes life at work and at home, travel tips, parental grief, managing diabetes sick days, baby sitters and more. Learn from diabetes experts and parents just like you who might already have dealt with the same issue you’re facing now. Sign up as a DRI Insider and we’ll email the next “PEP Talk” to your inbox.

My Child is Not Always With Me!

Put your mind at ease and download “A Guide for School Personnel and Child Care Providers” — a useful tool for all teachers, nurses, counselors, lunchroom staff, recreation leaders, hall monitors, bus drivers, and anyone else who might come in contact with your child with diabetes.

Need More Info?

Our diabetes educators and other professionals have written helpful tips on a wide variety of day-to-day management topics. You can find News You Can Use  and Diabetes Resources and Tips to help you and your family.

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