Papers by Pius Pietrzyk
This published doctoral thesis examines the status of certain convents of the Order of Preachers ... more This published doctoral thesis examines the status of certain convents of the Order of Preachers in the United States under both Canon Law and the corporate law of various States of the United States of America. It seeks to provide both the historical and philosophical background of the development of the notion of juridic persons in the canonical and civil traditions and to reconcile the two approaches in a practical way.
This tessina for the License in Canon Law examines the relationship between the power of sacred o... more This tessina for the License in Canon Law examines the relationship between the power of sacred order and the power of jurisdiction (power of governance) in the Catholic Church. The paper argues for the distinction, but integral relation, between these two powers, both theologically and juridically. This is understood as each contributing to the mission entrusted to the Church, and carried out in the Church as a societas perfecta.
This thesis will attempt to examine St. Thomas Aquinas‘s theological inquiry into the revelation ... more This thesis will attempt to examine St. Thomas Aquinas‘s theological inquiry into the revelation of the Trinity, especially in his most systematic presentation of his views, the Summa Theologiæ. Given the fundamental place of trinitarian theology in Christianity, an exhaustive account of Aquinas‘s views would be a massive undertaking.4 Instead, we will seek to focus one the role of one aspect of his theology, namely the processions. For it is in the theological account of the processions in God that Aquinas is able to bridge the apparent contraries of unity and tri-unity.
Book Reviews by Pius Pietrzyk
This is a review of the book "The Art of Good Governance: A Guide to the Administrative Procedure... more This is a review of the book "The Art of Good Governance: A Guide to the Administrative Procedure for Just Decision-
Making in the Catholic Church" by William L. Daniel, published by Wilson & Laflur (Montreal, 2015) (ISBN: 978-28-9689-302-7). It was published in the journal Angelicum, vol. 93 (2016), no. 2, pp. 360-364.
Papers by Pius Pietrzyk
Book Reviews by Pius Pietrzyk
Making in the Catholic Church" by William L. Daniel, published by Wilson & Laflur (Montreal, 2015) (ISBN: 978-28-9689-302-7). It was published in the journal Angelicum, vol. 93 (2016), no. 2, pp. 360-364.
Making in the Catholic Church" by William L. Daniel, published by Wilson & Laflur (Montreal, 2015) (ISBN: 978-28-9689-302-7). It was published in the journal Angelicum, vol. 93 (2016), no. 2, pp. 360-364.