Papers by Sherap Bhutia

IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, 2014
The Constitution of India provides for a bicameral Parliament consisting of the President and two... more The Constitution of India provides for a bicameral Parliament consisting of the President and two Houses known as the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) and the House of the People (Lok Sabha). With an over a billion people, the Republic of India is the world's largest democracy. The Lok Sabha elections will be held to 543 constituencies of India, while two seats will be reserved for nominations from the Anglo-Indian community. West Bengal has 42 parliamentary constituencies, out of which, 10 are reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, and 2 are reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes. The state has held regular elections since independence and is known for its political activism. West Bengal elects 42 representatives to the lower house of the Parliament or Lok Sabha, the third highest in the country. The present exercise examines how far the distribution of votes of a party in one election follows the distribution in the preceding election. The parties with well-defined socioeconomic bases show up well in terms of spatial support consistency. The data has been collected from Election Commission of India for two consecutive Lok Sabha election 2009 & 2014 respectively for comparative study of the voting pattern in the state. The data consist of parliamentary constituency-wise voting pattern of electors, party-wise votes, and voter turnout in 42 constituencies over two elections. The study uses the cartographic technique like pie diagram, bar diagram and proportional circles to show the different pattern of voting for analysis. It has been observed that major political events cast their shadows on electoral politics due to which the spatial patterns of support leads to change in political landscape in West Bengal. The support pattern of the AITC is increasing whereas the Left Front which had ruled the government in the state consecutively for 34 years is losing their votes pattern. AITC has swept the state comprehensively, and with 34 parliamentary seats won in 2014 election, it has emerged as the fourth largest political party in India.

Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2015
The overall changes in population characteristics effect the development and environment of any r... more The overall changes in population characteristics effect the development and environment of any region. Environment is the source of life on earth and it not only directs but also determines the existence, growth and development of mankind and all its activities. The relationship between population and environment are diverse and diversifying, as even more complex population-environment situations evolve. The present study is based on one of the least economically developed regions of West Bengal i.e. Darjeeling Himalaya which comprises the three hill subdivisions of Darjeeling District viz. Darjeeling Sadar, Kurseong and Kalimpong. This Himalayan region is unique from environmental and eco-perception with a fragile terrestrial system, which is much too often disturbed by various developmental processes & environmental catastrophes. The current paper is based on the analysis of secondary data from census of India, other Government publications, reports, research journals and field observation. This paper throws light on the different issues of development & environment in Darjeeling Himalayan region and to study the relevant changes in demographic pattern for better understanding of the concept. There was complete coordination and co-existence between man, development and environment but with the rapid growth of population with limited resource this balance has not only been disturbed in this himalayan region of West Bengal but has become a threat to the ecosystem and is now responsible for the environmental crisis in the neighboring region as well. It is essentially man's influence that has upset the natural balance, and it is in the adaptation of his interaction with the environment that we must seek for ways to restore it. The major conclusion that has emerged from the present study is that the causes of environmental degradation can never be totally controlled but can be checked to a great extent. The development process in Darjeeling himalaya should practice without neglecting the present environmental issues and its ecosystem. It is, therefore, necessary to pay attention to the problems of environmental degradation and to strike a balance between conservation of nature and population growth. It is, therefore, more essential to take effective and remedial measures for eco-development and to maintain the health of our hill environment.

International Journal of Research in Geography, 2017
Water is life and is an absolute basic necessity which plays a very vital role in our day to day ... more Water is life and is an absolute basic necessity which plays a very vital role in our day to day life. One of the most important civic amenities provided by Darjeeling Municipality is supply of drinking water. Sources of water supply in the Darjeeling Town are mainly the natural springs; these springs directly depend upon the topography and its rainfall. It is a known fact to the people of Darjeeling from every walks of life that the Darjeeling Town is supplied with drinking water from twin Senchal lakes (South Lake with capacity of 13 million gallons built in 1910 & North Lake with capacity of 20 million gallons built in 1932) having its source from 26 number of perennial springs in the Senchal Catchments Area, which is 15 kms. away from Darjeeling Town. Now due to indiscriminate deforestation and illegal construction near the catchments area, out of 26 springs only 14 springs are continue to exist. The study reveals that Darjeeling Municipal Town is still suffering by the heavy storage of water supply and the per capita availability of water in the town. Darjeeling requires a daily supply of about 15-18 lakh gallons of water. During the dry period, the municipality can supply only about 7-8 lakh gallons. The present population of Darjeeling town is more than 1.18 lakhs with 21,782 number of households and with the opening of schools, colleges and tourist flow, population is added by another 1 to 2 lakhs. Therefore it is to conclude that the people of Darjeeling town have to depend on rain water harvesting and on private water carrier because of scarcity of water in this hill town.

In this paper an attempt has been made to identify the nature and present scenario of urbanizatio... more In this paper an attempt has been made to identify the nature and present scenario of urbanization and their constraints to economic development and future prospect. Urbanization is usually thought to be a consequence of the growth of large scale industries, expansion of administrations, development of transport and communication and growth of trading activities. As a process, urbanization has not been deeply involved in the economic emancipation of this hill region, but there is no denying the fact that acting as major nodes, they have always taken a leading role in its economic reorganization. The current paper is based on the analysis of secondary data from Census of India (1981-2011) and other Government publications and some observation in the area. These throw light on the vice-versa relationship of the urbanization in this Himalayan region and its impact on development. The study revealed that the Darjeeling Himalaya experience the fluctuation of urban growth in compare to ru...

Northeastern part of India comprising the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya,... more Northeastern part of India comprising the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim possesses great physical and human diversities to project it as one of the most potential areas of the country in respect of tourism. The North-Eastern states of India are lesser explored as compared to the rest of the country, despite their scenic beauty. In the context of a globally growing sector like tourism, North-East India with both physical and human diversities is one of the most promising regions of the country in respect of tourism. Considering the significance of the tourism sector as a catalyst for regional development, an attempt has been made in this article to visualize the trend and development of tourism sector in Northeastern region and focus on the need for adoption of a sustainable tourism development strategy. Furthermore, the present study is also an attempt to address the key determinants of sustainability of tourism industry...
Routledge Handbook of South Asian Criminology, 2019

Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research, 2015
At present tourism has been seriously considered in the national sustainable development strategi... more At present tourism has been seriously considered in the national sustainable development strategies of many developing countries and placed on the agenda of many international conferences on Sustainable Development/ Tourism in a broader sense has existed for a long time in this Hill region of Darjeeling in West Bengal. The tourism activities are still in its conventional state, not put in the track of modern concept though efforts are being made to give it the real shape under eco-tourism but no avail. Sustainable tourism development provides the opportunity to take proactive approaches based on broad participation by stakeholders, which would contribute to more effective policies and plans. Based on secondary sources, literature search and discussions with key stake holders and interaction with the tourist, the existing touristsĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ scenario and situation were studied. The information collected from different sources has been verified with the field experience. Darjeeling receives a...

The physical environment influences the type of economic activities especially so in Darjeeling D... more The physical environment influences the type of economic activities especially so in Darjeeling District, where both hills and plains form the district. The economy is largely based on tea, tourism, agriculture, plantation, business and services, where the former has played a significant role in the development of the region since the beginning. The study of occupational structure dealing with working (main and marginal) and non-working population has been carried out in the present study. Along with the tabular presentation, numerous diagrams have been prepared for visual presentation and analysis. It reveals from the study that the area under study proves to be a complicated region requiring considerable care & attention in the matter of intensive development. It is further concluded that the plains area of the region has more concentration of workers as compared to the hill areas of the district. The total working force in the district is recorded 37.02% of the total population.

Tourism as a modern term is applicable to both international and domestic tourists. Tourism aims ... more Tourism as a modern term is applicable to both international and domestic tourists. Tourism aims to recognize the importance of the continuity of natural resources and the continuity of culture and the balances within culture. Tourism generates local employment both directly in the tourism sector and in various support and resource management sectors. Tourism stimulates improvements to local transportation, communication and other basic community infrastructures in West Bengal. The paper provides a theoretical framework for tourism development in West Bengal and their associated issues and concerns. The main objective of this is to promote West Bengal as preferred destination for visitors and provides opportunities for Tourism business which will improve the economy of the people and thereby generates revenue for the State as well. The success of tourism depends on the ability of destinations to engage in sustainable use and conservation of vital resources. West Bengal has improved ...

In this paper an attempt has been made to identify the nature and present scenario of urbanizatio... more In this paper an attempt has been made to identify the nature and present scenario of urbanization and their constraints to economic development and future prospect. Urbanization is usually thought to be a consequence of the growth of large scale industries, expansion of administrations, development of transport and communication and growth of trading activities. As a process, urbanization has not been deeply involved in the economic emancipation of this hill region, but there is no denying the fact that acting as major nodes, they have always taken a leading role in its economic reorganization. The current paper is based on the analysis of secondary data from Census of India (1981-2011) and other Government publications and some observation in the area. These throw light on the vice-versa relationship of the urbanization in this Himalayan region and its impact on development. The study revealed that the Darjeeling Himalaya experience the fluctuation of urban growth in compare to ru...
Khoj:An International Peer Reviewed Journal of Geography, 2016

International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 2014
Environment is the source of life on earth and it not only directs but also determines the existe... more Environment is the source of life on earth and it not only directs but also determines the existence, growth and development of mankind and all its activities. The entire aspect of planning the environment has a social dimension just because man is at the core of the problem. As society developed, man's impact on environment grew in scope and strength. Human interferencedue to excessive population growthis fast extending in Darjeeling Himalaya, leading to degradation of mountain environment. Destruction of the ecosystem is taking place in this Himalayan region despite the population's knowledge of the situation, and this constitutes the particular tragedy of the hills. The Darjeeling Himalaya constitutes a fragile and unique ecological system. The region is frequently plagued by environmental catastrophes. The environmental problems are varied and interlinked and owe their origin to ignorance and lack of integrated approach to socio-economic development based on various considerations of the environment. This paper attempt to identify the nature of population growth in this mountain region and its impact on environment and their future prospect. The interaction between population and environment is very complex and dynamic. Therefore it is necessary to study the relevant concepts for better understanding of the changing pattern of man-environment relationship. It reveals from the study that the mountain environment of Darjeeling Himalaya is visibly deteriorating at a rapid pace. The trend is now increasingly that of its beautiful blend of

Tij S Research Journal of Social Science Management Rjssm, Jul 27, 2014
The physical environment influences the type of economic activities especially so in Darjeeling D... more The physical environment influences the type of economic activities especially so in Darjeeling District, where both hills and plains form the district. The economy is largely based on tea, tourism, agriculture, plantation, business and services, where the former has played a significant role in the development of the region since the beginning. The study of occupational structure dealing with working (main and marginal) and non-working population has been carried out in the present study. Along with the tabular presentation, numerous diagrams have been prepared for visual presentation and analysis. It reveals from the study that the area under study proves to be a complicated region requiring considerable care & attention in the matter of intensive development. It is further concluded that the plains area of the region has more concentration of workers as compared to the hill areas of the district. The total working force in the district is recorded 37.02% of the total population.
sherap bhutia by Sherap Bhutia
Papers by Sherap Bhutia
sherap bhutia by Sherap Bhutia