Tuesday, June 12th, 2007
8:32 am
| Sunday, June 10th, 2007
2:10 pm

Where is everybody? We've won or tied the last four series, and we're about to win another one. =(
| Thursday, May 31st, 2007
12:01 pm

Tampa Bay Devil Rays
Come on Rays!! We're on a 1 game winning streak lets try to make it a 4 game winning by the time this series is over. Were at the Trop so lets go out there and support them!!
We went 2-2 against them earlier in the season and we were at the Metrodome. So now we have home field advantage this time. Lets SWEEP!!!!!
Our starters havent pitched well against the Twins so we need all the help we can get. Our hitters have been doing well. Hitters 1-9 have been phenominal. Reyes have been a god-send with our bullpen.
Game1- Sidney Ponson(1-3 8.44ERA) vs Edwin Jackson(0-3 6.10ERA) Game2- Boof Bonser (0-1 5.26ERA) vs Jae Seo(1-2 9.51ERA) Game3- Ramon Ortiz (3-1 2.57ERA) vs. James Shields (2-0 3.75ERA)
Our starters and bullpen need to step it up to win this series to get a couple games in front of the Yankees
| Tuesday, December 26th, 2006
8:38 pm - Zobrist enjoys Christmas with family
| Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006
11:16 am
| Sunday, July 16th, 2006
1:17 pm - Huff N Stuff

Okay everyone. The Aubrey Huff trade. What do we all think?
| Monday, July 3rd, 2006
9:44 pm

Good job that kazmir did. Beckett did all he could to keep the redsox in it. But good lucks in the cellar were in first and hopefully u guys can knock out the orioles for fourth place. toronto is too good to be fourth or fifth. but dont get too cocky u had ur best guy pitch against us. now its just regular pitchers picthing. good luck guys on the last three games
| Wednesday, March 1st, 2006
1:32 pm

What players if any are going to make it from the non-roster invitees list?
| Wednesday, October 5th, 2005
10:15 pm

So anyone have any comments on the season, or the new transfer of ownership?
I think our season was crap, although our second half was nice, and I enjoyed how great our hitters were, and I'm happy that Jorge Cantu suddenly became a 30/100 guy.
Thoughts about the season/new ownership. GO!!!
current mood: tired
| Friday, August 26th, 2005
7:52 am

Did anyone see the story on SportsCenter about the blind Spanish radio announcer for the D-Rays? That's one hell of a story.
| Wednesday, August 10th, 2005
3:02 pm

hey, does anybody have any information on rocco baldelli? like if and when he's coming back this season?
| Thursday, July 14th, 2005
3:56 pm

Delmon Young was sent to AAA Durham. It's only a matter of weeks before he's in the bigs.... Imagine next year's outfield of Crawford, Baldelli and Young, with Gomes and Gathright on the bench...... You can almost taste the playoffs.
current mood: thirsty
| Sunday, July 10th, 2005
8:11 pm

I created, and I'm a mod for this community, so feel free to join. It's just about MLB, no teams in particular.
current mood: bored
| Saturday, July 9th, 2005
3:08 pm

The wife of the Devil Rays broadcaster Dewayne Staats, passed away last night. In 2001, Dee Staats had surgery to remove a brain tumor. I'm not sure if it's related.
My prayers go out to the Staats family.
RIP Dee Staats....
current mood: morose
| Tuesday, July 5th, 2005
10:23 am
| Tuesday, June 21st, 2005
10:48 pm

What the hell just happened?
| Wednesday, May 25th, 2005
9:27 pm

I really hope everyone saw that first inning tonight. That was some exciting baseball.
| Monday, May 16th, 2005
5:07 pm
| Wednesday, May 4th, 2005
4:28 pm

Hey, I guess I'm the new mod. So um. Knock yourselves out, but keep it clean. We don't need no sassmouth in a baseball community. And you should advertise too. Because we need more people to post here. Thank you and go Nomo.
current mood: ecstatic
| Wednesday, April 27th, 2005
11:43 pm

Hey, DRAYS fans.
I hate the Yankees, and RedSox. Watching Rocco Baldelli is the only thing that I love about the AL EAST. He's an exciting player, hes really attractive, and he's just all around talented. Anyways, I was surfing MLB.com and I saw that he had a brother, Nick, who goes to Trinity College in Hartford, where I live. So on Sunday I'm going to see him play and I'm wicked excited.
Rocco is my 3rd favorite player after Torii and Dontrelle,and I love him for the same reasons, he just plays his heart out.
BTW, On the website it says that he'll be out until May 22 AND until the ALL-STAR break. I'm worried because he is so amazing and I love watching him play. Any news?