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Devilish Fashion

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Ebay Auctions! [16 Nov 2014|09:27pm]

New Auctions posted!

Some brands this round include: Betsey Johnson & Betseyvilly, Guess, Hollister, Hell Bunny, Too Fast, Sourpuss, Hot Topic.

I will be posting much more for the holidays, like coats, jackets, dresses, boots and much more, so add me to your favorites list!
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Recycled - Upcycled Handmade Goodness [01 Jul 2013|09:48am]

 photo EbayJuly12013_zps1e479d66.jpg

Click the image above to view the auctions


Click the link below

Jen Ells Revenge on Ebay
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[28 May 2013|12:33am]


steampunk apocalypse outfit front

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DIRECT SALE : Buffalo white towers platforms EU SIZE 36 [13 May 2013|09:45am]

- I live in France
- I accept paypal only
- If you want more informations or photos, just let me know :) !

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Clothing, Accessories, Footwear & Much Much More :) [12 May 2013|12:19pm]


Lots of NEW items added including Black Milk, Jane Doe, Skin Two, Mico Couture, Irregular Choice, Dane, Maya Hansen, Versatile Fashions, Corsetry, Swears, Transmuters, Plastik Wrap, Cyberdog, Lip Service, Demonia, TUK, Darkus Corpse, Futurstate, Midnight Forge, Squeezy Corsets, Jeannie Nitro and loads more.

Items available for Both Men and Women.

I ship Worldwide, happy to consider offers and will do deals on multiple purchases. I also offer payment plans. All details/prices etc are located in the photo albums on my Facebook profile (ignore the mobile uploads album)

Clothing from UK6 all the way up to UK28
Footwear from UK3.5 up to UK11 and accessories inc hair pieces, dreads, fascinators, bags, belts, scarves and more!

If you don't like the price please make me an offer x

Over 600 items can be found in approximately 16 separate photo albums here on my Facebook profile:

Feel free to let peeps know they can add me as a friend :)

Sent from my iPhone

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Clothing, Accessories, Footwear & Much Much More :) [12 May 2013|12:17pm]


Lots of NEW items added including Black Milk, Jane Doe, Skin Two, Mico Couture, Irregular Choice, Dane, Maya Hansen, Versatile Fashions, Corsetry, Swears, Transmuters, Plastik Wrap, Cyberdog, Lip Service, Demonia, TUK, Darkus Corpse, Futurstate, Midnight Forge, Squeezy Corsets, Jeannie Nitro and loads more.

Items available for Both Men and Women.

I ship Worldwide, happy to consider offers and will do deals on multiple purchases. I also offer payment plans. All details/prices etc are located in the photo albums on my Facebook profile (ignore the mobile uploads album)

Clothing from UK6 all the way up to UK28
Footwear from UK3.5 up to UK11 and accessories inc hair pieces, dreads, fascinators, bags, belts, scarves and more!

If you don't like the price please make me an offer x

Over 600 items can be found in approximately 16 separate photo albums here on my Facebook profile:

Feel free to let peeps know they can add me as a friend :)

Sent from my iPhone

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Lots & Lots Of New Sales (FREE UK POSTAGE if paid for today 2/5) [02 May 2013|05:27pm]


I ship Worldwide, happy to consider offers and will do deals on multiple purchases. I also offer payment plans.


Lots of NEW items added including Black Milk, Dane, Maya Hansen, Versatile Fashions, Corsetry, Swears, Transmuters, Plastik Wrap, Cyberdog, Lip Service, Demonia, TUK, Darkus Corpse, Futurstate, Midnight Forge, Squeezy Corsets, Jeannie Nitro and loads more.

For Blokes & Wimmins.

Clothing from UK6 all the way up to UK28
Footwear from UK3.5 up to UK11 and accessories inc hair pieces, dreads, fascinators, bags, belts, scarves and more!

If you don't like the price please make me an offer x

Over 600 items can be found in approximately 16 separate photo albums here on my Facebook profile:

Feel free to let peeps know they can add me as a friend :)

Sent from my iPhone

Just A Small Sample.......Collapse )

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New Noms for Sale [27 Feb 2013|11:52pm]


Buy these and much much more sizes from super small to super curvaceous and blokes items too!

20% off flash sale for all items purchased in full between now and 8am GMT 1st of March xxx

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Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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[23 Feb 2013|08:32pm]

this is a very long massive post!!!!
i am busy unpacking my last boxes and trying to find place for everything, but sadly my new house is much much smaller than my old one.
and all these pretty clothes need to go to a new home..
mostly gothy & alternative style and little bit old cyber stuff.

collage sale

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January Sales [05 Jan 2013|02:57pm]


Please note that after Jan 31st all prices on brand new items made by Midnight Forge will increase. This will be your last chance to snap up these amazing designs at such a low price. So strike while the iron is hot :D

Selling lots of things, need to make some pennies. Feel free to share with your friends :)

Loads of new items added!!! Please take a peek! In a range of different styles for both guys and gals.

Sizes from UK6 all the way up to UK28 and for feet from UK3.5 up to UK11 and accessories inc hair pieces, dreads, fascinators, bags, belts, scarves and more!
All Offers Welcome, especially for immediate bank transfer payments!!!! Brands include Swears, Transmuters, Plastik Wrap, Cyberdog, Lip Service, Demonia, TUK, Darkus Corpse, Midnight Forge, Squeezy Corsets, Jeannie Nitro and even more.

If you don't like the price please feel free to make me an offer x

Over 600 items can be found in approximately 18 separate photo albums here on my Facebook profile:

Feel free to add me as a friend :)

Posted via

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[17 Dec 2012|04:11am]

this is a very long massive post!!!!
i am moving house shortly to a smaller place and really need to downsize.
so this is your gain my loss
check all these pretty clothes. :)
mostly in gothy & alternative style and little bit old cyber stuff.


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[17 Aug 2012|11:36am]

New pieces now available in my Etsy store

Take me to Etsy

all items are available for shipping anywhere worldwide

Thank you for looking
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eBay Sales -- everything currently $10 or less! [29 Jul 2012|11:39pm]

I have six items up for sale, all women's clothing. Items include a tuxedo dress, a militaristic vest, and several variations on the black button-down shirt. Most auctions are ending in two days, and all items are currently at under $10, most under $5.

Please check them out here! Thanks!
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New Sales, Make Offers, Will Do Great Deals for Immediate Payment and Multibuys :D [20 Jul 2012|03:40pm]

Brand New Sales, Latex, Swears, Bunkers, Lip Service, Cyberdog, Plastik Wrap and MoreCollapse )

Clothes in sizes UK6 up to UK28, XS-XXL, Corsets, Footwear in Sizes UK3.5 up to UK11
Women's & Men's Clothes, Accessories & Much More! Take A Peek xxx

I have over 600 items for sale so as I can't list all of them, I've listed a sample. All my sales can be found here in approx 14+ albums:

If you think a price is too high please feel free to make a lower counter offer xxx
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[09 Jul 2012|05:19pm]

for sale:


-UV boot panels
-craig morrison bug bag 
-fleece arm-warmers
-industrial noise CD's
-mini skirts
-hole leggings
-blue cyber corset


click for moreCollapse )
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Ebay Sales, very low prices [04 Jul 2012|08:25pm]

I have a few items up on eBay, in new or excellent used condition. Some are ending in less than 24 hours, and I want all these items to find a nice new home in someone's goth/boho wardrobe! There is also a silver Tiffany bracelet, if that's your style. :)

Most items are a Juniors size Large or comparable. Here is one great piece:

More pics under the cut!Collapse )

ALL ITEMS LISTED HERE! Thanks for looking.
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Direct Sales [25 Jun 2012|01:44am]

More Items added to my sales, please take a peek -

Please have a good look through all my sales albums, various sizes from UK6-UK28 for women and XS-XXL in men's.
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Ghostbusters [04 Jun 2012|03:13pm]

Click the image to view the auctions
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[18 Apr 2012|04:43pm]

Excellent vintage LiP SERViCE Quilted pattern coat/jacket.

SIZE SMALL $40 obo (postage within USA included)

International buyers welcome also (add $8)

My ebay feedback can be viewed here

click_here_for_more_images_Collapse )

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[16 Mar 2012|07:27pm]

for sale:

-boot panels for demonia's & transmuters
-fleece arm-warmers
-industrial noise CD's
-random hole leggings
-metallic cyber corset

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