We are making changes to the WhatsApp Business Platform pricing model.
Effective July 1, 2025 for all businesses on our platform:
See Pricing Updates on the WhatsApp Business Platform for additional details.
This document explains how conversation-based pricing works on the WhatsApp Business Platform.
Charges are applied per conversation, not per individual message sent or received.
Conversations are 24-hour message threads between you and your customers. They are opened and charged when messages you send to customers are delivered. The criteria that determines when a conversation is opened and how it is categorized is explained below.
Businesses are responsible for reviewing the category assigned to their approved templates. Whenever a template is used, a business accepts the charges associated with the category applied to the template at time of use.
Conversations are categorized with one of the following categories:
Marketing, utility, and authentication conversations can only be opened with template messages. Service conversations can be opened with any type of message other than a template message.
See Message Types to learn more about the various types of messages you can send to customers.
Conversations are opened when you send a message to a customer under the following conditions.
When you send an approved marketing, utility, or authentication template to a customer, we check if an open conversation matching the template's category already exists between you and the customer. If one exists, no new conversation is opened. If one does not exist, a new conversation of that category is opened, lasting 24 hours.
For example:
To learn more about template categories and how to choose an appropriate category when creating templates, see Template Categorization.
For additional examples, see our
pricing explainer PDF.
Service conversations are now free. See Pricing Updates. This change does not affect how service conversations are opened.
A service conversation is opened when any message other than a template message is delivered to your customer and no open conversation of any category exists between you and the customer.
Note that a customer service window must exist between you and the customer before you can send them a non-template message.
For example:
For additional examples, see our
pricing explainer PDF.
Marketing, utility, authentication, and service conversations last 24 hours unless closed by a newly opened free-entry point conversation.
Free-entry point conversations last 72 hours.
It is possible to have multiple open conversations between you and a customer. This can happen in the following situations:
As of November 1, 2024, you can open an unlimited number of service conversations at no charge. See Free Service Conversations in our Pricing Updates document.
A free entry point conversation is opened if (1) a customer using a device running Android or iOS messages you via a Click to WhatsApp Ad or Facebook Page Call-to-Action button and (2) you respond within 24 hours. If you do not respond within 24 hours, a free entry point conversation is not opened and you must use a template to message the customer, which opens a marketing, utility, or authentication conversation, per the category of the template.
The free entry point conversation is opened as soon as your message is delivered and lasts 72 hours. When a free entry point conversation is opened, it automatically closes all other open conversations between you and the customer, and no new conversations will be opened until the free entry point conversation expires.
Once the free entry point conversation is opened, you can send any type of message to the customer without incurring additional charges. However, you can only send non-templates messages if there is an open customer service window between you and the customer.
For example, if the customer messages you via a Click to WhatsApp Ad at 10am and you respond via a template message at 10pm the same day:
Rates vary based on conversation category and country/region rate. You can download the rate card below that corresponds to your WhatsApp Business Account's currency to see our rates by country/region for each conversation category.
These rates apply for any conversation opened on or after June 1, 2023 at 12:00 AM, based on WhatsApp Business Account time zone.
These rate cards represent the current rates on our platform.
Starting June 1, 2024, we are introducing authentication-international rates. See Authentication-International Rates to learn about these rates and if they apply to you.
Marketing Messages Lite API ("MM Lite API") has different rates. See the MM Lite API pricing document for these rates.
As announced in June 2024, we may update rates up to quarterly.
Charges for conversations are based on the country of the user’s phone number. We rely on your customer's country calling code and network prefix (area code) to determine their country. The table below shows how we map country codes to countries or regions. If a country is not listed below, it maps to Other.
Markets |
Calling Code
(and network prefix if applicable) |
Countries | |
North America | |
Rest of Africa | |
Rest of Asia Pacific | |
Rest of Central & Eastern Europe | |
Rest of Western Europe | |
Rest of Latin America | |
Rest of Middle East | |
Other |
The information in the table above is also available in a CSV file:
Pricing information is included in all message webhooks. See:
Billing and billing-related actions are handled through the Meta Business Suite. See About Billing For Your WhatsApp Business Account for more information.
If you are using the Marketing Messages Lite API ("MM Lite API"), such usage is subject to MM Lite API pricing. See the MM Lite API pricing document for MM Lite API pricing information and rate cards.