Used internally to get a list of comment IDs matching the query vars.
protected function get_comment_ids() {
global $wpdb;
// Assemble clauses related to 'comment_approved'.
$approved_clauses = array();
// 'status' accepts an array or a comma-separated string.
$status_clauses = array();
$statuses = wp_parse_list( $this->query_vars['status'] );
// Empty 'status' should be interpreted as 'all'.
if ( empty( $statuses ) ) {
$statuses = array( 'all' );
// 'any' overrides other statuses.
if ( ! in_array( 'any', $statuses, true ) ) {
foreach ( $statuses as $status ) {
switch ( $status ) {
case 'hold':
$status_clauses[] = "comment_approved = '0'";
case 'approve':
$status_clauses[] = "comment_approved = '1'";
case 'all':
case '':
$status_clauses[] = "( comment_approved = '0' OR comment_approved = '1' )";
$status_clauses[] = $wpdb->prepare( 'comment_approved = %s', $status );
if ( ! empty( $status_clauses ) ) {
$approved_clauses[] = '( ' . implode( ' OR ', $status_clauses ) . ' )';
// User IDs or emails whose unapproved comments are included, regardless of $status.
if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['include_unapproved'] ) ) {
$include_unapproved = wp_parse_list( $this->query_vars['include_unapproved'] );
foreach ( $include_unapproved as $unapproved_identifier ) {
// Numeric values are assumed to be user IDs.
if ( is_numeric( $unapproved_identifier ) ) {
$approved_clauses[] = $wpdb->prepare( "( user_id = %d AND comment_approved = '0' )", $unapproved_identifier );
} else {
// Otherwise we match against email addresses.
if ( ! empty( $_GET['unapproved'] ) && ! empty( $_GET['moderation-hash'] ) ) {
// Only include requested comment.
$approved_clauses[] = $wpdb->prepare( "( comment_author_email = %s AND comment_approved = '0' AND {$wpdb->comments}.comment_ID = %d )", $unapproved_identifier, (int) $_GET['unapproved'] );
} else {
// Include all of the author's unapproved comments.
$approved_clauses[] = $wpdb->prepare( "( comment_author_email = %s AND comment_approved = '0' )", $unapproved_identifier );
// Collapse comment_approved clauses into a single OR-separated clause.
if ( ! empty( $approved_clauses ) ) {
if ( 1 === count( $approved_clauses ) ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['approved'] = $approved_clauses[0];
} else {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['approved'] = '( ' . implode( ' OR ', $approved_clauses ) . ' )';
$order = ( 'ASC' === strtoupper( $this->query_vars['order'] ) ) ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
// Disable ORDER BY with 'none', an empty array, or boolean false.
if ( in_array( $this->query_vars['orderby'], array( 'none', array(), false ), true ) ) {
$orderby = '';
} elseif ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['orderby'] ) ) {
$ordersby = is_array( $this->query_vars['orderby'] ) ?
$this->query_vars['orderby'] :
preg_split( '/[,\s]/', $this->query_vars['orderby'] );
$orderby_array = array();
$found_orderby_comment_id = false;
foreach ( $ordersby as $_key => $_value ) {
if ( ! $_value ) {
if ( is_int( $_key ) ) {
$_orderby = $_value;
$_order = $order;
} else {
$_orderby = $_key;
$_order = $_value;
if ( ! $found_orderby_comment_id && in_array( $_orderby, array( 'comment_ID', 'comment__in' ), true ) ) {
$found_orderby_comment_id = true;
$parsed = $this->parse_orderby( $_orderby );
if ( ! $parsed ) {
if ( 'comment__in' === $_orderby ) {
$orderby_array[] = $parsed;
$orderby_array[] = $parsed . ' ' . $this->parse_order( $_order );
// If no valid clauses were found, order by comment_date_gmt.
if ( empty( $orderby_array ) ) {
$orderby_array[] = "$wpdb->comments.comment_date_gmt $order";
// To ensure determinate sorting, always include a comment_ID clause.
if ( ! $found_orderby_comment_id ) {
$comment_id_order = '';
// Inherit order from comment_date or comment_date_gmt, if available.
foreach ( $orderby_array as $orderby_clause ) {
if ( preg_match( '/comment_date(?:_gmt)*\ (ASC|DESC)/', $orderby_clause, $match ) ) {
$comment_id_order = $match[1];
// If no date-related order is available, use the date from the first available clause.
if ( ! $comment_id_order ) {
foreach ( $orderby_array as $orderby_clause ) {
if ( str_contains( 'ASC', $orderby_clause ) ) {
$comment_id_order = 'ASC';
} else {
$comment_id_order = 'DESC';
// Default to DESC.
if ( ! $comment_id_order ) {
$comment_id_order = 'DESC';
$orderby_array[] = "$wpdb->comments.comment_ID $comment_id_order";
$orderby = implode( ', ', $orderby_array );
} else {
$orderby = "$wpdb->comments.comment_date_gmt $order";
$number = absint( $this->query_vars['number'] );
$offset = absint( $this->query_vars['offset'] );
$paged = absint( $this->query_vars['paged'] );
$limits = '';
if ( ! empty( $number ) ) {
if ( $offset ) {
$limits = 'LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $number;
} else {
$limits = 'LIMIT ' . ( $number * ( $paged - 1 ) ) . ',' . $number;
if ( $this->query_vars['count'] ) {
$fields = 'COUNT(*)';
} else {
$fields = "$wpdb->comments.comment_ID";
$post_id = absint( $this->query_vars['post_id'] );
if ( ! empty( $post_id ) ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['post_id'] = $wpdb->prepare( 'comment_post_ID = %d', $post_id );
// Parse comment IDs for an IN clause.
if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['comment__in'] ) ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['comment__in'] = "$wpdb->comments.comment_ID IN ( " . implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['comment__in'] ) ) . ' )';
// Parse comment IDs for a NOT IN clause.
if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['comment__not_in'] ) ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['comment__not_in'] = "$wpdb->comments.comment_ID NOT IN ( " . implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['comment__not_in'] ) ) . ' )';
// Parse comment parent IDs for an IN clause.
if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['parent__in'] ) ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['parent__in'] = 'comment_parent IN ( ' . implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['parent__in'] ) ) . ' )';
// Parse comment parent IDs for a NOT IN clause.
if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['parent__not_in'] ) ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['parent__not_in'] = 'comment_parent NOT IN ( ' . implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['parent__not_in'] ) ) . ' )';
// Parse comment post IDs for an IN clause.
if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['post__in'] ) ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['post__in'] = 'comment_post_ID IN ( ' . implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['post__in'] ) ) . ' )';
// Parse comment post IDs for a NOT IN clause.
if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['post__not_in'] ) ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['post__not_in'] = 'comment_post_ID NOT IN ( ' . implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['post__not_in'] ) ) . ' )';
if ( '' !== $this->query_vars['author_email'] ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['author_email'] = $wpdb->prepare( 'comment_author_email = %s', $this->query_vars['author_email'] );
if ( '' !== $this->query_vars['author_url'] ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['author_url'] = $wpdb->prepare( 'comment_author_url = %s', $this->query_vars['author_url'] );
if ( '' !== $this->query_vars['karma'] ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['karma'] = $wpdb->prepare( 'comment_karma = %d', $this->query_vars['karma'] );
// Filtering by comment_type: 'type', 'type__in', 'type__not_in'.
$raw_types = array(
'IN' => array_merge( (array) $this->query_vars['type'], (array) $this->query_vars['type__in'] ),
'NOT IN' => (array) $this->query_vars['type__not_in'],
$comment_types = array();
foreach ( $raw_types as $operator => $_raw_types ) {
$_raw_types = array_unique( $_raw_types );
foreach ( $_raw_types as $type ) {
switch ( $type ) {
// An empty translates to 'all', for backward compatibility.
case '':
case 'all':
case 'comment':
case 'comments':
$comment_types[ $operator ][] = "''";
$comment_types[ $operator ][] = "'comment'";
case 'pings':
$comment_types[ $operator ][] = "'pingback'";
$comment_types[ $operator ][] = "'trackback'";
$comment_types[ $operator ][] = $wpdb->prepare( '%s', $type );
if ( ! empty( $comment_types[ $operator ] ) ) {
$types_sql = implode( ', ', $comment_types[ $operator ] );
$this->sql_clauses['where'][ 'comment_type__' . strtolower( str_replace( ' ', '_', $operator ) ) ] = "comment_type $operator ($types_sql)";
$parent = $this->query_vars['parent'];
if ( $this->query_vars['hierarchical'] && ! $parent ) {
$parent = 0;
if ( '' !== $parent ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['parent'] = $wpdb->prepare( 'comment_parent = %d', $parent );
if ( is_array( $this->query_vars['user_id'] ) ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['user_id'] = 'user_id IN (' . implode( ',', array_map( 'absint', $this->query_vars['user_id'] ) ) . ')';
} elseif ( '' !== $this->query_vars['user_id'] ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['user_id'] = $wpdb->prepare( 'user_id = %d', $this->query_vars['user_id'] );
// Falsey search strings are ignored.
if ( isset( $this->query_vars['search'] ) && strlen( $this->query_vars['search'] ) ) {
$search_sql = $this->get_search_sql(
array( 'comment_author', 'comment_author_email', 'comment_author_url', 'comment_author_IP', 'comment_content' )
// Strip leading 'AND'.
$this->sql_clauses['where']['search'] = preg_replace( '/^\s*AND\s*/', '', $search_sql );
// If any post-related query vars are passed, join the posts table.
$join_posts_table = false;
$plucked = wp_array_slice_assoc( $this->query_vars, array( 'post_author', 'post_name', 'post_parent' ) );
$post_fields = array_filter( $plucked );
if ( ! empty( $post_fields ) ) {
$join_posts_table = true;
foreach ( $post_fields as $field_name => $field_value ) {
// $field_value may be an array.
$esses = array_fill( 0, count( (array) $field_value ), '%s' );
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQLPlaceholders.UnfinishedPrepare
$this->sql_clauses['where'][ $field_name ] = $wpdb->prepare( " {$wpdb->posts}.{$field_name} IN (" . implode( ',', $esses ) . ')', $field_value );
// 'post_status' and 'post_type' are handled separately, due to the specialized behavior of 'any'.
foreach ( array( 'post_status', 'post_type' ) as $field_name ) {
$q_values = array();
if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars[ $field_name ] ) ) {
$q_values = $this->query_vars[ $field_name ];
if ( ! is_array( $q_values ) ) {
$q_values = explode( ',', $q_values );
// 'any' will cause the query var to be ignored.
if ( in_array( 'any', $q_values, true ) || empty( $q_values ) ) {
$join_posts_table = true;
$esses = array_fill( 0, count( $q_values ), '%s' );
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQLPlaceholders.UnfinishedPrepare
$this->sql_clauses['where'][ $field_name ] = $wpdb->prepare( " {$wpdb->posts}.{$field_name} IN (" . implode( ',', $esses ) . ')', $q_values );
// Comment author IDs for an IN clause.
if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['author__in'] ) ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['author__in'] = 'user_id IN ( ' . implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['author__in'] ) ) . ' )';
// Comment author IDs for a NOT IN clause.
if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['author__not_in'] ) ) {
$this->sql_clauses['where']['author__not_in'] = 'user_id NOT IN ( ' . implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['author__not_in'] ) ) . ' )';
// Post author IDs for an IN clause.
if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['post_author__in'] ) ) {
$join_posts_table = true;
$this->sql_clauses['where']['post_author__in'] = 'post_author IN ( ' . implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['post_author__in'] ) ) . ' )';
// Post author IDs for a NOT IN clause.
if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['post_author__not_in'] ) ) {
$join_posts_table = true;
$this->sql_clauses['where']['post_author__not_in'] = 'post_author NOT IN ( ' . implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['post_author__not_in'] ) ) . ' )';
$join = '';
$groupby = '';
if ( $join_posts_table ) {
$join .= "JOIN $wpdb->posts ON $wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID";
if ( ! empty( $this->meta_query_clauses ) ) {
$join .= $this->meta_query_clauses['join'];
// Strip leading 'AND'.
$this->sql_clauses['where']['meta_query'] = preg_replace( '/^\s*AND\s*/', '', $this->meta_query_clauses['where'] );
if ( ! $this->query_vars['count'] ) {
$groupby = "{$wpdb->comments}.comment_ID";
if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['date_query'] ) && is_array( $this->query_vars['date_query'] ) ) {
$this->date_query = new WP_Date_Query( $this->query_vars['date_query'], 'comment_date' );
// Strip leading 'AND'.
$this->sql_clauses['where']['date_query'] = preg_replace( '/^\s*AND\s*/', '', $this->date_query->get_sql() );
$where = implode( ' AND ', $this->sql_clauses['where'] );
$pieces = array( 'fields', 'join', 'where', 'orderby', 'limits', 'groupby' );
* Filters the comment query clauses.
* @since 3.1.0
* @param string[] $clauses {
* Associative array of the clauses for the query.
* @type string $fields The SELECT clause of the query.
* @type string $join The JOIN clause of the query.
* @type string $where The WHERE clause of the query.
* @type string $orderby The ORDER BY clause of the query.
* @type string $limits The LIMIT clause of the query.
* @type string $groupby The GROUP BY clause of the query.
* }
* @param WP_Comment_Query $query Current instance of WP_Comment_Query (passed by reference).
$clauses = apply_filters_ref_array( 'comments_clauses', array( compact( $pieces ), &$this ) );
$fields = isset( $clauses['fields'] ) ? $clauses['fields'] : '';
$join = isset( $clauses['join'] ) ? $clauses['join'] : '';
$where = isset( $clauses['where'] ) ? $clauses['where'] : '';
$orderby = isset( $clauses['orderby'] ) ? $clauses['orderby'] : '';
$limits = isset( $clauses['limits'] ) ? $clauses['limits'] : '';
$groupby = isset( $clauses['groupby'] ) ? $clauses['groupby'] : '';
$this->filtered_where_clause = $where;
if ( $where ) {
$where = 'WHERE ' . $where;
if ( $groupby ) {
$groupby = 'GROUP BY ' . $groupby;
if ( $orderby ) {
$orderby = "ORDER BY $orderby";
$found_rows = '';
if ( ! $this->query_vars['no_found_rows'] ) {
$found_rows = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS';
$this->sql_clauses['select'] = "SELECT $found_rows $fields";
$this->sql_clauses['from'] = "FROM $wpdb->comments $join";
$this->sql_clauses['groupby'] = $groupby;
$this->sql_clauses['orderby'] = $orderby;
$this->sql_clauses['limits'] = $limits;
// Beginning of the string is on a new line to prevent leading whitespace. See
$this->request =
if ( $this->query_vars['count'] ) {
return (int) $wpdb->get_var( $this->request );
} else {
$comment_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $this->request );
return array_map( 'intval', $comment_ids );
- apply_filters_ref_array( ‘comments_clauses’,
string[] $clauses ,WP_Comment_Query $query ) Filters the comment query clauses.
Version | Description |
4.4.0 | Introduced. |
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