The following snippet explains how the Gutenberg repository is structured omitting irrelevant or obvious items with further explanations:
├── .editorconfig
├── .eslintignore
├── .eslintrc
├── .jshintignore
├── .eslintignore
├── .prettierrc.js
├── .stylelintignore
├── .stylelintrc.json
├── .markdownlintignore
├── .npmpackagejsonlintrc.json
├── phpcs.xml.dist
│ Dot files and config files used to configure the various linting tools
│ used in the repository (PHP, JS, styles...).
├── .browserslistrc
├── babel.config.js
├── jsconfig.json
├── tsconfig.json
├── tsconfig.base.json
├── webpack.config.js
│ Transpilation and bundling Config files.
├── .wp-env.json
│ Config file for the development and testing environment.
│ Includes WordPress and the Gutenberg plugin.
├── composer.lock
├── composer.json
│ Handling of PHP dependencies. Essentially used for development tools.
│ The production code don't use external PHP dependencies.
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
│ Handling of JavaScript dependencies. Both for development tools and
│ production dependencies.
│ The package.json also serves to define common tasks and scripts
| used for day to day development.
├── changelog.txt
├── readme.txt
│ Readme and Changelog of the Gutenberg plugin hosted on the WordPress
│ plugin repository.
├── gutenberg.php
│ Entry point of the Gutenberg plugin.
├── post-content.php
│ Demo post content used on the Gutenberg plugin to showcase the editor.
├── .github/*
│ Config of the different GitHub features (issues and PR templates, CI, owners).
├── bin/api-docs
│ Tool/script used to generate the API Docs.
├── bin/packages
│ Set of scripts used to build the WordPress packages.
├── bin/plugin
│ Tool use to perform the Gutenberg plugin release and the npm releases as well.
├── docs/tool
│ Tool used to generate the Block editor handbook's markdown pages.
├── docs/*.md
│ Set of documentation pages composing the [Block editor handbook](
├── platform-docs
│ Documentation website targeted to non WordPress developers
│ using Gutenberg in their own applications.
│ Deployed on [](
├── lib
│ PHP Source code of the Gutenberg plugin.
├── lib/compact/wordpress-x.x
│ PHP code that was include in WordPress ont the WordPrexx X.X version.
│ It is kept to ensure plugin compatibility with older WordPress versions.
├── packages
│ Source code of the WordPress packages.
│ Packages can be:
│ - Production JavaScript scripts and styles loaded on WordPress
│ and the Gutenberg plugin or distributed as npm packages.
│ - Development tools available on npm.
├── packages/{packageName}/package.json
│ Dependencies of the current package.
├── packages/{packageName}/
├── packages/{packageName}/
├── packages/{packageName}/src/**/*.js
├── packages/{packageName}/src/**/*.scss
│ Source code of a given package.
├── packages/{packageName}/src/**/*.test.js
│ JavaScript unit tests.
├── packages/{packageName}/src/**/{ComponentName}/index.js
│ Entry point of a given component.
├── packages/{packageName}/src/**/{ComponentName}/style.scss
│ Style entry point for a given component.
├── packages/{packageName}/src/**/{ComponentName}/stories/*.js
│ Component Stories to load on the Gutenberg storybook.
├── phpunit
│ Unit tests for the PHP code of the Gutenberg plugin.
├── storybook
│ Config of the [Gutenberg Storybook](
├── test/integration
│ Set of WordPress packages integration tests.
├── test/native
│ Configuration for the Gutenberg Mobile unit tests.
├── test/unit
│ Configuration for the Packages unit tests.
├── test/e2e
│ End-2-end tests of the Gutenberg plugin.
├── test/performance
│ Performance metrics. Results are tracked on the [Gutenberg performance dashboard](
├── tools/eslint
│ Configuration files for the ESLint linter.
├── tools/webpack
│ Configuration files for the webpack build.