By Amanda Silver
I just wanted to let you know that we’re working furiously on turning the VB9 features into an actual product, understanding how the debugger and editor should support them, and getting another CTP out to you all. Your feedback so far as been invaluable. Hopefully you’ll see that we’ve responded to your feedback in the next CTP (due out this spring.) One of the things you’ll see is changes to the syntax for XML LateBinding as Avner talks about. Brian Beckman has posted some cool entries on writing a VM using VB9 and hash joins with VB9. And Erik Meijer comes out with a gem every once in a while as a guest blogger on lambda the ultimate.
Overall, there’s been some pretty great blogging going on with regards to the new Language Integrated Query and XML features in VB9. I just wanted to point out some bloggers you should keep your eye on:
Please keep the feedback coming on the VB9 features…
- What do you think of the XML namespace support?
- What do you think about dynamic interfaces?
- What do you think of DLinq?
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