is an experimental tool that makes it easier to get access to diagnostics information in a dotnet process.
When running a dotnet application differences in diverse local and production environments can make collecting diagnostics artifacts (e.g., logs, traces, process dumps) challenging. dotnet-monitor
aims to simplify the process by exposing a consistent REST API regardless of where your application is run.
This blog post details how to get started with dotnet-monitor
and covers the following:
- How to setup
- What diagnostics artifacts can be collected; and
- How to collect each of the artifacts
Tour of dotnet-monitor
Setup dotnet-monitor
will be made available via two different distribution mechanism:
- As a .NET Core global tool; and
- As a container image available via the Microsoft Container Registry (MCR)
The setup instructions for dotnet-monitor
vary based on the target environment. The following section covers some common environments.
In the default configuration dotnet-monitor
binds to two different groups of URLs. The URLs controlled via the --urls
parameter (defaults to expose all the collection endpoints. The URLs controlled via the --metricUrls
parameter (defaults to only expose the /metrics
endpoint. Since diagnostics artifacts such as logs, dumps, and traces can leak sensitive information about the application, it is strongly recommended that you do not publicly expose these endpoints.
Local Machine
To get started with dotnet-monitor
locally, you will need to have .NET Core installed on your machine. You can then installdotnet-monitor
as a global tool using the following command:
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-monitor --add-source --version 5.0.0-preview.*
Once installed you can run dotnet-monitor
via the following command:
dotnet monitor collect
Running in Docker
When consuming dotnet-monitor
as a container image, it can be pulled from MCR using the following command:
docker pull
Once you have the image pulled locally, you will need to share a volume mount between your application container and dotnet-monitor
using the following commands:
docker volume create diagnosticserver
docker run -d --rm -p 8000:80 -v diagnosticsserver:/tmp
docker run -it --rm -p 52323:52323 -v diagnosticsserver:/tmp --urls http://*:52323
Running in a Kubernetes cluster
When running in a cluster, it is recommend to run the dotnet-monitor
container as a sidecar alongside your application container in the same pod. The sample Kubernetes manifest below shows how to configure your deployment to include a sidecar container.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: dotnet-hello-world
replicas: 1
app: dotnet-hello-world
app: dotnet-hello-world
- name: diagnostics
emptyDir: {}
- name: server
- containerPort: 80
- mountPath: /tmp
name: diagnostics
- name: sidecar
- containerPort: 52325
# args: ["--urls", "*:52323", "--metricUrls", "*:52325"]
- name: diagnostics
mountPath: /tmp
Unlike other target environments, this configuration does not make the diagnostics endpoint available on your host network. You will need to port forward traffic from your host to your target cluster.
To do this, obtain the name of the pod you wish to forward traffic to using the kubectl
$ kubectl get pod -l app=dotnet-hello-world
dotnet-hello-world-dc6f67566-t2dzd 2/2 Running 0 37m
Once you have your target pod name, forward traffic using the kubectl port-forward
In PowerShell,
PS> $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { kubectl port-forward pods/dotnet-hello-world-dc6f67566-t2dzd 52323:52323 }
In bash,
$ kubectl port-forward pods/dotnet-hello-world-dc6f67566-t2dzd 52323:52323 >/dev/null &
Once you have started forwarding traffic from your local network to the desired pod, you can make your desired API call. As an example, you can run the following command:
In PowerShell,
PS> Invoke-RestMethod http://localhost:52323/processes
In bash,
$ curl -s http://localhost:52323/processes | jq
Once you have completed collecting the desired diagnostics artifacts, you can stop forwarding traffic into the container using the following command:
In PowerShell,
PS> Stop-Job $job
PS> Remove-Job $job
In bash,
$ pkill kubectl
The REST API exposed by dotnet-monitor exposes the following endpoints:
In the sections that follow, we’ll look at the functionality exposed by each of these endpoints and use these endpoints to collect diagnostics artifacts.
The /processes
endpoint returns a list of target processes accessible to dotnet-monitor
To get a list of available processes, run the following command:
In PowerShell,
PS> Invoke-RestMethod
In bash,
$ curl -s http://localhost:52323/processes | jq
"pid": 1
As a convenience, when there is only one accessible process, dotnet-monitor
does not require you to specify a process id for the remaining diagnostic endpoints.
Known Issue: When running locally the
tools lists itself as one of the target processes.
The /dump
endpoint returns a process dump of the target process.
To collect a process dump, run the following command:
In PowerShell,
PS> Start-Process http://localhost:52323/dump
In bash,
$ wget --content-disposition http://localhost:52323/dump
A dump artifact cannot be analyzed on a machine of a different OS/Architecture than where it was captured. When collecting a dump from a Kubernetes cluster running Linux, the resulting core dump cannot be analyzed on a Windows or a macOS machine. You can however use the existing dotnet-dump tool to analyze the generated dump in a Docker container using the following commands:
docker run --rm -it -v C:/dumpFiles:/dumpFiles /bin/sh
# Now in the context of the docker container
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-dump
/root/.dotnet/tools/dotnet-dump analyze /dumpFiles/core_20200618_083349
GC Dump
The /gcdump
endpoint returns a GC dump of the target process.
To collect a GC dump, run the following command:
In PowerShell,
PS> Start-Process http://localhost:52323/gcdump
In bash,
$ wget --content-disposition http://localhost:52323/gcdump
Unlike a process dump, a GC dump is a portable format which can be analyzed by Visual Studio and perfview regardless of the platform it was collected on. To learn more about when to collect GC dumps and how to analyze them, take a look at our earlier blog post.
The /trace
endpoint returns a trace of the target process. The default trace profile includes sampled CPU stacks, HTTP request start/stop events, and metrics for a duration of 30 seconds.
The duration of collection can be customized via the durationSeconds
querystring parameter. The diagnostic data present in the trace can be customized via the profile
querystring parameter to include any combination of the preset profiles:
(CPU profiler),Http
(Request start/stop events from ASP.NET Core),Logs
(Logging from theEventSourceLogger
library); andMetrics
(Runtime and ASP.NET CoreEventCounters
For example, a request to /trace?profile=cpu,logs
will enable the collection of the CPU profiler and logs.
In addition to the GET
endpoint, there is POST
version of the endpoint which allows you to specify what EventSource
providers to enable via the request body.
To collect a trace of the target process, run the following command:
In PowerShell,
PS> Start-Process http://localhost:52323/trace
In bash,
$ wget --content-disposition http://localhost:52323/trace
The resulting .nettrace
file can be analyzed with both Visual Studio and PerfView.
The /logs
endpoint will stream logs from the target process for a duration of 30 seconds.
The duration of collection can be customized via the durationSeconds
querystring parameter. The logs endpoint is capable of returning either newline delimited JSON (application/x-ndjson) or the Event stream format (text/event-stream) based on the specified Accept
header in the HTTP request.
To start streaming logs from the target process, run the following command:
In PowerShell,
PS> Start-Process http://localhost:52323/logs
In bash,
$ curl -H "Accept:application/x-ndjson" --no-buffer
{"LogLevel":"Information","EventId":"1","Category":"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics","Message":"Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET ","Scopes":{"RequestId":"0HM0N9ARKHVJK:00000002","RequestPath":"/","SpanId":"|88c401de-4df03365b379aaa4.","TraceId":"88c401de-4df03365b379aaa4","ParentId":""},"Arguments":{"Protocol":"HTTP/1.1","Method":"GET","ContentType":null,"ContentLength":null,"Scheme":"http","Host":"localhost:7001","PathBase":"","Path":"/","QueryString":""}}
{"LogLevel":"Information","EventId":"ExecutingEndpoint","Category":"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware","Message":"Executing endpoint \u0027/Index\u0027","Scopes":{"RequestId":"0HM0N9ARKHVJK:00000002","RequestPath":"/","SpanId":"|88c401de-4df03365b379aaa4.","TraceId":"88c401de-4df03365b379aaa4","ParentId":""},"Arguments":{"EndpointName":"/Index","{OriginalFormat}":"Executing endpoint \u0027{EndpointName}\u0027"}}
The /metrics
endpoint will return a snapshot of runtime and ASP.NET Core metrics in the prometheus exposition format. Unlike the other diagnostics endpoints, the metrics endpoint will not be available if dotnet-trace
detects more than one target process. In addition to being accessible via the URLs configured via the --urls
parameters, the metrics endpoint is also accessible from the URLs configured via the --metricUrls
. When running in Kubernetes, it may be suitable to expose the metrics URL to other services in your cluster to allow them to scrape metrics.
When deploying in-cluster, a common pattern to collect metrics is to use Prometheus or another monitoring tool to scrape the metrics endpoint exposed by your application. As an example, when running in Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS), you can configure Azure Monitor to scrape prometheus metrics exposed by dotnet-monitor
. By following the instructions in the linked document, you can enable Azure Monitor to enable monitoring pods that have been annotated.
Like in the case of the other diagnostics endpoints, it is also possible to view a snapshot of current metrics by running the following command:
In PowerShell,
PS> Invoke-RestMethod http://localhost:52323/metrics
In bash,
$ curl -S
# HELP systemruntime_alloc_rate_bytes Allocation Rate
# TYPE systemruntime_alloc_rate_bytes gauge
systemruntime_alloc_rate_bytes 96784 1592899673335
systemruntime_alloc_rate_bytes 96784 1592899683336
systemruntime_alloc_rate_bytes 96784 1592899693336
# HELP systemruntime_assembly_count Number of Assemblies Loaded
# TYPE systemruntime_assembly_count gauge
systemruntime_assembly_count 136 1592899673335
systemruntime_assembly_count 136 1592899683336
systemruntime_assembly_count 136 1592899693336
# HELP systemruntime_active_timer_count Number of Active Timers
# TYPE systemruntime_active_timer_count gauge
systemruntime_active_timer_count 1 1592899673335
systemruntime_active_timer_count 1 1592899683336
systemruntime_active_timer_count 1 1592899693336
# ...
# (Output truncated)
While metrics collection is enabled by default when dotnet-monitor
detects exactly one target process, it can be configured to disable to collection of metrics entirely via the --metrics
parameter. In the example below, metrics collection will not be enabled.
dotnet monitor collect --metrics false
While we are excited about the promise dotnet-monitor holds, it is an experimental project and not a committed product. During this experimental phase we expect to engage deeply with anyone trying out dotnet-monitor to hear feedback and suggestions.
dotnet-monitor is currently committed as an experiment until .NET 5 ships. At which point we will be evaluating what we have and all that we’ve learnt to decide what we should do in the future.
We are excited to introduce the first preview of dotnet-monitor
and want your feedback. Let us know what we can do to make it easier to diagnose what’s wrong with your dotnet application. We’d love for you to try it out and let us know what you think.
You can create issues or just follow along with the progress of the project on our GitHub repository.
Thank you very much for the awesome tool that simplifies the debugging process for containerized netcore apps.
If I run the dotnet-monitor container with a certain restricted security context, I face the error:
So the app is user-dependent, can you share the user ID it expects?
And where is the Dockerfile for the image located? I could not locate it while browsing
A grafana dashboard to go along with these metrics would be a great addition!
Having access to the trace information in a sidecar, could you foresee being able to use this to support code coverage analysis of a running application out in the cloud?
When i run the command “dotnet monitor collect”
Tried in my local machine
I am getting this error “Process id 0, does not support event pipe”
It’s a amazing new tool! Great!
Checking if this monitoring tool can provided details of running dot net application … like method class /method/ line executed …. something on the lines of coverage?
While dotnet-monitor itself provide any runtime code analysis, the mechanism used by it (connecting via the diagnostics server) does allow for attaching profilers. Assuming there is an existing profiler you use for this coverage, it should allow for the possibility to plug this into dotnet-monitor in the future.
It is a very good start, but this is not what large corporations need, when we have a production problem, we start a phone meeting, gather a lot of people on it, and scramble to find someone with server access ☹ then that guy tries to run command lines on the server or extract logs and send their results to the people waiting on the line, and that is too slow.
Management gets frustrated from how long it takes to troubleshoot, everyone blames Donte (You can’t blame the stupid process our very smart managers put in place 😊, except me, I...
Appreciate the feedback! In hindsight, the post could have a better job stating that dotnet-monitor isn’t a replacement for your existing APM tool like Azure Application Insights. dotnet-monitor merely serves a mechanism for collecting deeper diagnostics artifacts that most APM tools don’t offer today. By exposing a consistent API surface to collect these artifacts, you can automate the collection of some of these artifacts by plugging into your existing monitoring infrastructure.
Additionally, we are evaluating additional triggers (e.g., time or metric-based) and additional egress mechanisms (e.g., Azure blob storage) in upcoming releases of dotnet-monitor.
As a workaround: write a PowerShell Module which does exactly the things you need (“run command lines”, “extract logs”, “send results”) and put into a release pipeline. If you have problem: create a new release for the stage you have problems with, set some parameters / variables and you probably dont need a someone with server access
It’s exactly what I’m searching for !
Nice implementation 😁
Thanks, greate job
How is it working? How do aspnetapp write data to
volume?The runtime creates diagnostics server which binds to a Unix domain socket in the diagnosticsserver volume. dotnet-monitor communicates with the runtime via IPC using this socket.
What about crash dumps?
It is already possible to collect dumps on process crash. On Windows, you can configure Windows Error Reporting (WER) to collect a process dump on crash.
On Linux, you can configure the runtime to collect process dump on crash using the following configuration knobs.