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昨天的乘船遊覽很棒!我們的船長Laurie真的很有趣!評論很搞笑,真的為我們做了!很高興能夠在船上喝一杯葡萄酒!以前去過約克很多次,但從來沒有做過這次旅行......需要一個小時,是遊覽約克和很多關於這個城市的信息的可愛方式。強烈推薦!- 菲奧娜·克拉克
乘船穿越城市,很可愛。需要1小時。船上有茶、咖啡和簡單的小吃,還有一個廁所。美麗的景色,推薦。坐在裡面,因為上面很冷!穿著相應的衣服。每 40 分鐘一班。- 伊斯馬伊爾 J.

Celebrate Your Sweet Sixteen Birthday on the Water in York, UK

Sixteen candles on a cake commemorates a big birthday. In fact, around the globe, people host Sweet Sixteen birthday parties as a way to celebrate the guest of honor as they symbolically begin to embark on adulthood. Which means throwing...

Mother’s Day Fun in York: The Perfect Way to Treat Mum (2025)

Mother’s Day is the perfect occasion to show your love and appreciation for the most important woman in your life. This year, why not treat your mum to a unique and unforgettable day out in York? A city famous for...

You’ll Love Dining on York’s Waterfront

As one of England’s most celebrated cities for its beauty, culture, and history, York, UK, features a unique combination of Roman and Viking roots, hidden gems, and innovative experiences for everyone who visits there. Its popular waterfront along the River...

Set Sail with Christmas Spirit for a Magical Dining Experience with Santa

The holiday season is a time for family, fun, and creating lasting memories. One of the most magical ways to celebrate this joyful time of year is by embarking on a City Cruises experience and dining with Santa Claus himself!...

How to Throw the Ultimate Retirement Party in York, UK

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3 Days in York: History, Charm, and Adventure

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Halloween in York, UK: Europe’s Most Haunted City (2024)

Did you know York is considered one of Europe’s most haunted cities? This makes it the perfect place to spend Halloween 2024. With its rich history, medieval architecture, and famously

The Top 10 Reasons to Have an Epic Wedding on the Water

Your wedding day is one of the most significant moments in your life—a celebration of love, commitment, and the beginning of a new chapter in your love story. So why not make it unforgettable by hosting it on a luxury...

The Most Romantic Proposal Ideas to Start Your Fairy-Tale Love

Once upon a time… proposing to the love of your life is a fairy-tale moment. It is a significant occasion that deserves to be the ultimate highlight of your love story. When it comes to planning a romantic proposal, every...





  1. 參觀約克大教堂 - 北歐最大的哥特式大教堂之一,擁有令人敬畏的中世紀彩色玻璃收藏。
  2. 漫步在The Shambles周圍,這是一條狹窄的中世紀街道,兩旁是古色古香的商店,出售從軟糖到哈利波特紀念品的各種商品。
  3. 漫步在約克歷史悠久的市中心風景如畫的街道上,欣賞傳統建築。
  4. 探索約維克維京中心(Jorvik Viking Centre)——一個互動博物館,將約克的維京歷史帶入生活。
  5. 參觀克利福德塔(Clifford's Tower),這是一座13世紀的城堡,坐落在俯瞰烏斯河(River Ouse)的山頂上。
  6. 沿著河邊乘船遊覽,從不同的角度欣賞這座城市。
  7. 在市中心的幽靈徒步之旅中瞭解約克的鬼魂和食屍鬼。
  8. 在約克眾多迷人的茶室之一享用下午茶。
  9. 在約克的一個農貿市場品嘗一些當地產品。
  10. 在大歌劇院觀看演出,這是一個壯觀的愛德華時代劇院,上演各種音樂劇、歌劇和芭蕾舞劇。


    1. 約克是一座有城牆的城市,因此城牆內有許多歷史建築和遺址可供探索。
    2. 市中心的許多街道都很狹窄,鵝卵石鋪成,所以舒適的步行鞋是必須的!
    3. 約克位於英格蘭北部,因此根據您一年中訪問的時間,天氣可能會非常寒冷和潮濕。
    4. 約克有很多酒館和酒吧,但很多酒吧很早就關門了(晚上 11 點左右),所以不要太晚離開!您也可以考慮進行晚餐巡遊,因為他們也提供飲料!