This manual describes how to install and configure MySQL Connector/Python, a self-contained Python driver for communicating with MySQL servers, and how to use it to develop database applications.
The latest MySQL Connector/Python version is recommended for use with MySQL Server version 8.0 and higher.
For notes detailing the changes in each release of Connector/Python, see MySQL Connector/Python Release Notes.
For legal information, see the Legal Notices.
For help with using MySQL, please visit the MySQL Forums, where you can discuss your issues with other MySQL users.
Licensing information. This product may include third-party software, used under license. If you are using a Commercial release of MySQL Connector/Python, see the MySQL Connector/Python 9.2 Commercial License Information User Manual for licensing information, including licensing information relating to third-party software that may be included in this Commercial release. If you are using a Community release of MySQL Connector/Python, see the MySQL Connector/Python 9.2 Community License Information User Manual for licensing information, including licensing information relating to third-party software that may be included in this Community release.
Document generated on: 2025-03-11 (revision: 81148)
Table of Contents
- Preface and Legal Notices
- 1 Introduction to MySQL Connector/Python
- 2 Guidelines for Python Developers
- 3 Connector/Python Versions
- 4 Connector/Python Installation
- 5 Connector/Python Coding Examples
- 6 Connector/Python Tutorials
- 7 Connector/Python Connection Establishment
- 8 The Connector/Python C Extension
- 9 Connector/Python Other Topics
- 10 Connector/Python API Reference
- 10.1 mysql.connector Module
- 10.2 connection.MySQLConnection Class
- 10.2.1 connection.MySQLConnection() Constructor
- 10.2.2 MySQLConnection.close() Method
- 10.2.3 MySQLConnection.commit() Method
- 10.2.4 MySQLConnection.config() Method
- 10.2.5 MySQLConnection.connect() Method
- 10.2.6 MySQLConnection.cursor() Method
- 10.2.7 MySQLConnection.cmd_change_user() Method
- 10.2.8 MySQLConnection.cmd_debug() Method
- 10.2.9 MySQLConnection.cmd_init_db() Method
- 10.2.10 MySQLConnection.cmd_ping() Method
- 10.2.11 MySQLConnection.cmd_process_info() Method
- 10.2.12 MySQLConnection.cmd_process_kill() Method
- 10.2.13 MySQLConnection.cmd_query() Method
- 10.2.14 MySQLConnection.cmd_query_iter() Method
- 10.2.15 MySQLConnection.cmd_quit() Method
- 10.2.16 MySQLConnection.cmd_refresh() Method
- 10.2.17 MySQLConnection.cmd_reset_connection() Method
- 10.2.18 MySQLConnection.cmd_shutdown() Method
- 10.2.19 MySQLConnection.cmd_statistics() Method
- 10.2.20 MySQLConnection.disconnect() Method
- 10.2.21 MySQLConnection.get_row() Method
- 10.2.22 MySQLConnection.get_rows() Method
- 10.2.23 MySQLConnection.get_server_info() Method
- 10.2.24 MySQLConnection.get_server_version() Method
- 10.2.25 MySQLConnection.is_connected() Method
- 10.2.26 MySQLConnection.isset_client_flag() Method
- 10.2.27 MySQLConnection.ping() Method
- 10.2.28 MySQLConnection.reconnect() Method
- 10.2.29 MySQLConnection.reset_session() Method
- 10.2.30 MySQLConnection.rollback() Method
- 10.2.31 MySQLConnection.set_charset_collation() Method
- 10.2.32 MySQLConnection.set_client_flags() Method
- 10.2.33 MySQLConnection.shutdown() Method
- 10.2.34 MySQLConnection.start_transaction() Method
- 10.2.35 MySQLConnection.autocommit Property
- 10.2.36 MySQLConnection.unread_results Property
- 10.2.37 MySQLConnection.can_consume_results Property
- 10.2.38 MySQLConnection.charset Property
- 10.2.39 MySQLConnection.collation Property
- 10.2.40 MySQLConnection.connection_id Property
- 10.2.41 MySQLConnection.database Property
- 10.2.42 MySQLConnection.get_warnings Property
- 10.2.43 MySQLConnection.in_transaction Property
- 10.2.44 MySQLConnection.raise_on_warnings Property
- 10.2.45 MySQLConnection.server_host Property
- 10.2.46 MySQLConnection.server_port Property
- 10.2.47 MySQLConnection.sql_mode Property
- 10.2.48 MySQLConnection.time_zone Property
- 10.2.49 MySQLConnection.unix_socket Property
- 10.2.50 MySQLConnection.user Property
- 10.3 pooling.MySQLConnectionPool Class
- 10.4 pooling.PooledMySQLConnection Class
- 10.5 cursor.MySQLCursor Class
- 10.5.1 cursor.MySQLCursor Constructor
- 10.5.2 MySQLCursor.add_attribute() Method
- 10.5.3 MySQLCursor.clear_attributes() Method
- 10.5.4 MySQLCursor.get_attributes() Method
- 10.5.5 MySQLCursor.callproc() Method
- 10.5.6 MySQLCursor.close() Method
- 10.5.7 MySQLCursor.execute() Method
- 10.5.8 MySQLCursor.executemany() Method
- 10.5.9 MySQLCursor.fetchall() Method
- 10.5.10 MySQLCursor.fetchmany() Method
- 10.5.11 MySQLCursor.fetchone() Method
- 10.5.12 MySQLCursor.nextset() Method
- 10.5.13 MySQLCursor.fetchsets() Method
- 10.5.14 MySQLCursor.fetchwarnings() Method
- 10.5.15 MySQLCursor.stored_results() Method
- 10.5.16 MySQLCursor.column_names Property
- 10.5.17 MySQLCursor.description Property
- 10.5.18 MySQLCursor.lastrowid Property
- 10.5.19 MySQLCursor.rowcount Property
- 10.5.20 MySQLCursor.statement Property
- 10.5.21 MySQLCursor.with_rows Property
- 10.6 Subclasses cursor.MySQLCursor
- 10.6.1 cursor.MySQLCursorBuffered Class
- 10.6.2 cursor.MySQLCursorRaw Class
- 10.6.3 cursor.MySQLCursorBufferedRaw Class
- 10.6.4 cursor.MySQLCursorDict Class
- 10.6.5 cursor.MySQLCursorBufferedDict Class
- 10.6.6 cursor.MySQLCursorNamedTuple Class
- 10.6.7 cursor.MySQLCursorBufferedNamedTuple Class
- 10.6.8 cursor.MySQLCursorPrepared Class
- 10.7 constants.ClientFlag Class
- 10.8 constants.FieldType Class
- 10.9 constants.SQLMode Class
- 10.10 constants.CharacterSet Class
- 10.11 constants.RefreshOption Class
- 10.12 Errors and Exceptions
- 10.12.1 errorcode Module
- 10.12.2 errors.Error Exception
- 10.12.3 errors.DataError Exception
- 10.12.4 errors.DatabaseError Exception
- 10.12.5 errors.IntegrityError Exception
- 10.12.6 errors.InterfaceError Exception
- 10.12.7 errors.InternalError Exception
- 10.12.8 errors.NotSupportedError Exception
- 10.12.9 errors.OperationalError Exception
- 10.12.10 errors.PoolError Exception
- 10.12.11 errors.ProgrammingError Exception
- 10.12.12 errors.Warning Exception
- 10.12.13 errors.custom_error_exception() Function
- 11 Connector/Python C Extension API Reference
- 11.1 _mysql_connector Module
- 11.2 _mysql_connector.MySQL() Class
- 11.3 _mysql_connector.MySQL.affected_rows() Method
- 11.4 _mysql_connector.MySQL.autocommit() Method
- 11.5 _mysql_connector.MySQL.buffered() Method
- 11.6 _mysql_connector.MySQL.change_user() Method
- 11.7 _mysql_connector.MySQL.character_set_name() Method
- 11.8 _mysql_connector.MySQL.close() Method
- 11.9 _mysql_connector.MySQL.commit() Method
- 11.10 _mysql_connector.MySQL.connect() Method
- 11.11 _mysql_connector.MySQL.connected() Method
- 11.12 _mysql_connector.MySQL.consume_result() Method
- 11.13 _mysql_connector.MySQL.convert_to_mysql() Method
- 11.14 _mysql_connector.MySQL.escape_string() Method
- 11.15 _mysql_connector.MySQL.fetch_fields() Method
- 11.16 _mysql_connector.MySQL.fetch_row() Method
- 11.17 _mysql_connector.MySQL.field_count() Method
- 11.18 _mysql_connector.MySQL.free_result() Method
- 11.19 _mysql_connector.MySQL.get_character_set_info() Method
- 11.20 _mysql_connector.MySQL.get_client_info() Method
- 11.21 _mysql_connector.MySQL.get_client_version() Method
- 11.22 _mysql_connector.MySQL.get_host_info() Method
- 11.23 _mysql_connector.MySQL.get_proto_info() Method
- 11.24 _mysql_connector.MySQL.get_server_info() Method
- 11.25 _mysql_connector.MySQL.get_server_version() Method
- 11.26 _mysql_connector.MySQL.get_ssl_cipher() Method
- 11.27 _mysql_connector.MySQL.hex_string() Method
- 11.28 _mysql_connector.MySQL.insert_id() Method
- 11.29 _mysql_connector.MySQL.more_results() Method
- 11.30 _mysql_connector.MySQL.next_result() Method
- 11.31 _mysql_connector.MySQL.num_fields() Method
- 11.32 _mysql_connector.MySQL.num_rows() Method
- 11.33 _mysql_connector.MySQL.ping() Method
- 11.34 _mysql_connector.MySQL.query() Method
- 11.35 _mysql_connector.MySQL.raw() Method
- 11.36 _mysql_connector.MySQL.refresh() Method
- 11.37 _mysql_connector.MySQL.reset_connection() Method
- 11.38 _mysql_connector.MySQL.rollback() Method
- 11.39 _mysql_connector.MySQL.select_db() Method
- 11.40 _mysql_connector.MySQL.set_character_set() Method
- 11.41 _mysql_connector.MySQL.shutdown() Method
- 11.42 _mysql_connector.MySQL.stat() Method
- 11.43 _mysql_connector.MySQL.thread_id() Method
- 11.44 _mysql_connector.MySQL.use_unicode() Method
- 11.45 _mysql_connector.MySQL.warning_count() Method
- 11.46 _mysql_connector.MySQL.have_result_set Property
- Index