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this might be GOTY (game of the year)

Hey nex I know you have been busy- I just have a question if you can add the rocks and the extra power ups to the demo map? THaks for reading also I got 2~3 million credits at round 44 haha.

can u make it avalible on ios

AYOOOO The Menu Music Goes SOOO HARD!

(2 edits)

Shit he nerfed the Tactical SKS and the RPK :(

However I like it. Also I don't know if it was intentional but if you sprint and mash the crouch button you can slide really fast. And another thing, the lightning rifles aim is hella inaccurate while aiming.


Also I have just one more question. Will the next update have the field of view slider changes? like the last first UZG?

Also THANK you I knew this game would be remastered. I love your game sm

Hi nex! i really just wanted to say your game and first uzg game was the freaking best. you really helped me through the stupid boredom in school. I really appreciate you making this game thx so much for it! also can you add a thing where people can make their own custom maps like a community type thing maybe? I understand if this is a lot of work but if  you can do it then you'll probably get more people! love the game keep it up nex!!!!

Thank you! I do plan on mapping tools at some point!

(1 edit)

this game is good but can you add a revolver and also can you add a silencer someday or only if its possible and pls add the rpk and pp bizon and the guns you made in the last game  I NEED IT I NEED IT

yoylecakes a new update that i missed

Can it be available on iOS? I am a developer I understand thats it hard to port it, but like it would make the game AMAZING!

Amazing game, I really enjoyed playing it, and can't wait to see any updates!


This game has great potential, the idea and mechanics are well done, I would like to see how this project progresses.

thank you!

Hey nex! Will you be porting the UZG 2 to android?

Unfortunately not

Well if not then will you be adding Co op in UZG Remastered? 


do  u have any discord server?

(2 edits)

Nex, my man, just wondering if its my pc or if you havent added any maps besides lab, sandbox, and demo lvl. Keep up the awesome work (oh also are there i-frames during the slide animation? ;) )

Edit: one more thing, the sandbox level keeps crashing for me(I'm also on WebGL if that helps you any), not sure if it's on my end or a bug

Only 2 maps as of now. I am working on some more. There are no i-frames during sliding. And I'll investigate the crashing issue, thanks. 


Yeah no problem (except the lack of i-frames haha)

The sandbox map crashed for me too. But when i tried again, It worked the second time.

(I am playing on PC)

Yeah its working again for me as wel

Where are the other maps on mobile?

u stoopid

sigma boy sigma boyy

Where are the other maps on mobile?

Oh yeah nex do you think you could add in co-op and being able to pack a punch a weapon more then once. [Stronger and stronger guns for more credits?]

co-op isn’t something that will happen unless there is an overwhelmingly huge demand for it. Making a multiplayer game solo way too much for me at the moment. The game would have to be remade with multiplayer in mind

Oh thats okay. You are making some crazy  games as a solo dev!!

(1 edit)

They are super cool though, I've been playing around with them for a while. If anyone is wondering, the Ray gun is a wall gun so you could get it for I believe 33333 cash. The other 2 guns you get by luck from the random loot box (950 cash) [Also the controller support is amazing, I am using a controller!!]

Hey nex, I got these 3 guns and I don't even know what they do! Are these secret guns customized by you?


Nex Laser Gun

Nex Railgun

when i revived from the perk i instantly died after i sad :(

good game tho

me too lol


I like it :3

the best low poly cod zombie


Yo nex, when we getting combat rolls and a parry system  XD

lmao would be fhnny

Yeah you could reuse assets from the minecraft x dark souls demo you made

(1 edit) (+1)



Howdy: What music and artist was used for the menu ?


Nex thank you soo much for the blood/gore toggle!

is anyone else getting audio bugs or is it just me, because all the sounds are gone even with all the sounds up and my pc volume up too. (sorry if i become a reoccuring person nex)

what platform? Please use the in game bug report system 

could you add attachments from uzg 2 (also is uzg 2 cancelled)

(1 edit)

hey nex when do you think the full game will be out. also whats youre discord i wanna message u on there.

you can the discord from the main menu

oh ok I didnt see it

I think you should add a gore setting, or at least tone it down a little. The reason I'm saying this is that when you kill multiple zombies up close, the blood lags you like crazy.

next update

(1 edit)

when i try to start the game i get entry point not found what ever that  means can somebody please help me ?

what platform and device are you on?

turns out it was because of the update i was on now it works just fine 👍

how can i make the graphics where i cant see the pixels its annoying

change render scale in settings

ok thanks for the help

can you add an option to reduce or remove the blood and gore?

(1 edit) (+1)


next update is gonna be HYPE


and it was

this game is very Amazing and thanks for the developer cause he made such a cool game like this now I'll say what would make this game more Amazing first add more weapons and the ability to add or remove attachments secondly add new optimization to make the game better thirdly add new animations for the weapons reload and zombies and your character and add new levels and make more mods not only survival but you can try to add new modes to the game lastly upgrade the sandbox and the demo level or the lab oh and can you make it possible for us to kick the zombies if they are to close with our leg or weapons that would be useful and thanks for your hard work ❤

werent excepting it



PLEASE can you add an option to make it less violent so that i can play it with people around me

which parts are too much?

blood and gore lol

hmmm I’ll see if I can figure that out


Thank you soo much! Great games,  I've known them for a long time by now.

where is the power on the demo lvl ???? or is it not added yet

top of the area with stairs

This game is awesome btw!

Thank you!

thanks for playing!

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