Papers by Mari Jose Aranguren
Cluster policy is an economic policy instrument that has been extended across the world since Mic... more Cluster policy is an economic policy instrument that has been extended across the world since Michael Porter began to promote it in the context of his various works on the competitiveness of territories. These policies have „soft‟ roots in that they are oriented towards building cooperative relationships of a systemic nature, bringing together different economic, social and institutional effects. Their premise on a combination of proximity and cooperation makes them particularly relevant tools for regional policy. However there ...
Regional Studies, 2013
This paper explores the evaluation of cluster policies designed to support cooperation and networ... more This paper explores the evaluation of cluster policies designed to support cooperation and networking. We examine the case of the long-running Basque policy, where support is provided for 'cluster associations'. We first examine empirically the effects of the cluster associations on firm productivity performance, alongside other variables including agglomeration and firm behavioural characteristics. The results provide some weak evidence for the existence of additionality associated with the policy. We complement this empirical work with context-specific knowledge of the policy in question to show that the nesting of both empirical and contextual approaches is crucial for effectively evaluating such policies.

Regional innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) are currently receiving much atten... more Regional innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) are currently receiving much attention in the face of the European Commission’s requirement that all regions develop smart specialisation strategies in order to receive structural funds linked to innovation. Yet the entrepreneurial discovery process that is at the core of the smart specialisation concept remains a black box. The paper looks inside this black box through an exploration of leadership requirements. A review of literature on place leadership and territorial strategy identifies three key considerations for leadership if RIS3 are to result in coherent and successful place-based strategies for STI investment: a dualism in reference frame; a mix and rotation of leaderships; and the likely different sources of leaders. These are brought together with analysis of the distinct RIS3 processes in two neighbouring Spanish regions – the Basque Country and Navarre – to highlight a series of implications in terms of the ...
Jarraian aurkezten dugun diagnostikoa azterketa labur eta trinko bat da; lehiakortasunari eta ong... more Jarraian aurkezten dugun diagnostikoa azterketa labur eta trinko bat da; lehiakortasunari eta ongizateari lotutako adierazle nagusien bilakaera erakusten du, gainerako lurraldeekin alderatuta. Lan honen lagungarri, onlineko plataforma bat sortu dugu, txostenaren adierazleak denbora errealean kontsultatzeko aukera ematen duena, datu berrienak edukitzeko. Tresna probatzera eta, zuen komentarioen bidez, hobetzen laguntzera gonbidatu nahi zaituztegu.

There is a clear acknowledgment in the literature of the importance of developing regional innova... more There is a clear acknowledgment in the literature of the importance of developing regional innovation strategies to build competitive advantages. However, the concept remains fuzzy in terms of its limits and contents applied to the territorial field. This paper analyses one concrete type of territorial strategy that is currently being disseminated by the European Commission for regional development: the smart specialisation strategy (S3). Specifically, this paper analyses the aspects that remain under discussion and are opened to greater development and precision under the smart specialisation concept. The focus is on two dimensions: the content of the strategy and the process of the strategy (the “what” and the “how and who” of the strategy). By analysing the evolution of S3 since the 1980s and three cases of S3 based on research and development (R & D) in the Basque Country, the paper emphasises the convenience of adopting a broad definition of S3 and the different roles of the go...
Aunque el protagonismo de las empresas pequenas en la generacion de empleo no ha sido negado en l... more Aunque el protagonismo de las empresas pequenas en la generacion de empleo no ha sido negado en la literatura existente sobre el tema, si que ha sido matizado por algunos estudios que han subrayado que la mayoria de las empresas pequenas que se crean sobreviven durante un periodo de tiempo muy reducido. Entre las desventajas que en la literatura se han atribuido a las empresas pequenas destacan los mayores costes unitarios a los que tienen que enfrentarse estas unidades en los sectores en que las economias de escala son importantes. Quiza esta desventaja pueda ser explicativa de la escasa supervivencia de las empresas pequenas. Este articulo pretende responder el siguiente interrogante: ?Tienen las empresas pequenas mayores costes unitarios que las grandes por las dificultades de aprovechamiento de economias de escala?.
El objetivo final del capítulo es ilustrar, mediante un estudio de caso, el papel que los proceso... more El objetivo final del capítulo es ilustrar, mediante un estudio de caso, el papel que los procesos de aprendizaje pueden jugar en la capacidad de innovación de las Pymes y como consecuencia, en la competitividad de estas empresas y el desarrollo del área en la que ...

En este libro se analizan los origenes historicos del cluster de tecnologias electronicas, inform... more En este libro se analizan los origenes historicos del cluster de tecnologias electronicas, informatica y telecomunicaciones de Euskadi. Asimismo, se especifican las lineas generales de la evolucion de ese cluster, asi como las bases de su ventaja competitiva. Partiendo del analisis mencionado, veremos las ventajas competitivas que ofrece el cluster hoy en dia y veremos tambien hasta que punto esas ventajas son duraderas. Este trabajo es el segundo de una serie de publicaciones que se enmarcan dentro del proyecto de investigacion Los origenes historicos de los clusteres en el Pais Vasco y su legado para el presente, promovido por Orkestra - Instituto Vasco de Competitividad y Eusko Ikaskuntza. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es examinar cuando y como las empresas, los sectores y el conjunto de la economia de la region han ido creando y desarrollando su ventaja competitiva, cuales han sido sus factores de competitividad y la evolucion que han experimentado dichos factores a lo ...
After a decade since different agents took the first steps to establish cluster associations and ... more After a decade since different agents took the first steps to establish cluster associations and to design cluster policy in the Basque Country, this article describes Basque cluster associations and cluster policy, with the purpose of giving to know cluster associations in the Basque Country. After then, we make a first assessment of the Basque cluster policy. Our valuation about Basque cluster policy is, in general, positive, since with a relatively quite low investment there were created mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation in strategic areas between different Basque agents. We conclude presenting the challenges of the Basque cluster policy in our opinion.
... 1-1/1, Seleccionar todos Título: Zerbitzu-sektore desberdinen lokalizazioaren azterketa estat... more ... 1-1/1, Seleccionar todos Título: Zerbitzu-sektore desberdinen lokalizazioaren azterketa estatikoa Donostialdean Autores: Aranguren, Mari Jose; Larrea, Miren; Peña, Iñaki Revista: Estudios Empresariales, 2002 ENE-ABR; (108) Página(s): 54-63 ISSN: 04253698. © UCM 2010, ...

There is strong interest around the role that academic organizations can play as catalysts of cha... more There is strong interest around the role that academic organizations can play as catalysts of change within the territories where they are located, proactively shaping socioeconomic development. However, academic organizations need to innovate themselves to play this role effectively. This paper builds on arguments in the management literature that suggest organizational culture as a factor facilitating the open innovation capacity of business organizations. It explores a parallel argument with respect to academic organizations through an auto-reflective case study of the Basque Institute of Competitiveness (Orkestra). Orkestra was established in 2006 with a mission to develop a proactive role in the Basque Country’s socio-economic development. However fulfilling this has required organizational learning and cultural change, which may provide lessons for other institutions seeking to fulfil similar missions.
Siguiendo la metodologia Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness de la Universidad de Harvard,... more Siguiendo la metodologia Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness de la Universidad de Harvard, este estudio identifica clusteres y subclusteres en la CAPV y en sus tres provincias. Desde que, a principios de los anos noventa, Monitor realizo el primer estudio de identificacion de clusteres en la CAPV, no habia habido un ejercicio de mapeo de esta naturaleza, esencial para identificar nuevos procesos de clusterizacion que se podrian facilitar desde distintas instancias de la Administracion Publica vasca o desde las asociaciones sectoriales existentes.
Papers by Mari Jose Aranguren