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Tfno: 94 401 67 30 Fax: 94 401 69 98 Correo electrónico: [email protected] 2 DESARROLLO MORAL EN MENORES INFRACTORES: Una aproximación empírica a partir de Kohlberg.
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There is a political impasse in Manipur, though the Indian State prefers to use the expression, "law and order" to describe the never-ending conflict situation. The tiny state, more than any other states of the Northeast India, has been... more
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      Political SciencePolitics
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      ConflictSocial Work Education
This paper discusses the politics of India's nationalising policies towards the 'region' called the 'north-eastern region' in general, and Manipur in particular, of the post-colonial Indian state. Such policies are informed by a... more
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      NationalismArmed ConflictHistory, Conflicts, peace particularly of Northeast India
Human trafficking is one of the fastest growing illegal trades in the world which affects both developed and developing countries alike. This book has come to see the light of the day at this crucial juncture when the issue of human... more
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      Child DevelopmentEthnic Conflict and Civil War
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      Cultural HeritageGesture RecognitionInteractive ArtMixed Reality
Page 1. An Experimental Usability Study for Augmented Reality Technologies in the Tourist Sector Aurkene Alzua-Sorzabaf Maria Teresa Linaza'' Marina Abad' " Faculty of Humanities, San Sebastian Campus... more
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      Augmented RealityInformation CommunicationUsability StudyEnter
conceived to be used in museums and exhibitions, due to its compatibility with traditional museum showcases, offering additional information to the public by means of a simple, direct and intuitive interface. This paper presents the real... more
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      Cultural HeritageUser Interface Evaluation
Si bien la actualidad científica demuestra grandes avances en el estudio de la dimensión emocional respecto a la interacción persona-tecnología en el comportamiento de las personas en movilidad, hasta la fecha no existe un marco teórico... more
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EuskaraElkarlanean idatzitako artikulu honen abiapuntua 2015eko IkerGazte kongresuaren izen bereko mahai-inguruan kokatzen da, non ikerlariei haien ikerketa esparru eta esperientziatik bost galdera komunei erantzuteko eskatu zitzaien.... more
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    • Engineering
Lan honen berregintza, banaketa, komunikazio publiko edo moldaketaren bat egiteko, ezinbestekoa da egileen baimena izatea, legeak ezarritako salbuespenetan izan ezik. Lan honen atalen bat fotokopiatu edo eskaneatu behar izanez gero, jo... more
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This article presents the project «Towards a Joint Construction of Future Scenarios of Basque». The project had two aims: to help shape the new phase of pro-Basque move-ment for the next decades, and to design a new interpretative... more
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      Language revitalizationBasque StudiesCommunity DevelopmentMinority Languages
The number of Basque speakers has grown considerably in the last 40 years, due largely to the rising number of new speakers, or euskaldunberris, defined here as those people who have learned the language through any means other than... more
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The number of Basque speakers has grown considerably in the last 40 years, due largely to the rising number of new speakers, or euskaldunberris, defined here as those people who have learned the language through any means other than... more
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    • History
The increase in Basque speakers in the last 30 years has been due in large part to ‘new speakers’ or euskaldunberri, a term that will be used here to refer to those who have learned the language by means other than family transmission.... more
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      SociologyPsychologyPerceptionLinguistic Anthropology
The handling of linguistic diversity in the Basque Autonomous Community has been an area of constant political debate since the establishment of the Basque-Spanish co-official linguistic regime and the introduction of a process to... more
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      SociolinguisticsPolitical SciencePoliticsNationalism
Lanak adituek berrikusi dituzte, itsu bikoitzeko sistemaren bidez/Los trabajos han sido revisados por pares doble ciego. Diseinua eta maketazioa/Diseño y maquetación: Kö estudio Imprimaketa/Impresión: Linegrafic
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      HistoryMUDAGobierno de Navarra
Lanak adituek berrikusi dituzte, itsu bikoitzeko sistemaren bidez/Los trabajos han sido revisados por pares doble ciego. Diseinua eta maketazioa/Diseño y maquetación: Kö estudio Imprimaketa/Impresión: Linegrafic
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      MUDAGobierno de Navarra