Papers by Mehmet Hilal Özcanhan

Objective: Physical disability is a fact of some neurologic disorders, such as multiple sclerosis... more Objective: Physical disability is a fact of some neurologic disorders, such as multiple sclerosis. One of the treatments for such disability is routine physical exercises, or "rehabilitation". However, rehabilitation in hospitals is often unattractive to patients. Another difficulty is objectively assessing the final effect of rehabilitation on disabilities, as assessment often depends on the subjective opinion of the physician. In the present study, we offer exergaming rehabilitation at home (telerehabilitation) and an objective method for measuring the physical performance of people with multiple sclerosis using a virtual reality tool to assist the decision of whether improvement, no change, or deterioration in the patient's health status has occurred. Materials and Methods: Telerehabilitation is provided by custom-made exergames specifically designed for patients with upper extremity disabilities. Our performance measurement method records the time taken by a patient to finish a physical test and measures the angles of interest between predetermined upper extremities. The measurements are recorded and saved for future determinations of patient progress. Thus, improvement-deterioration-no change decisions can depend less on subjective opinions. Preliminary performance experimentation was conducted before and after participants played our virtual reality exergames. Results: The results reveal that our method is capable of measuring angles with an error margin of 6.44%. The accuracy of our method is 86.00%. The sensitivity, i.e., ability to detect improvements in patient performance, of our method is higher at 88.24%. The specificity, i.e., correct determination of no change in performance, is lower at 82.25%. The time taken to finish a physical test could not be evaluated due to a lack of real patients in our engineering laboratories. Conclusion: The impact of our telerehabilitation exergaming solution on patient performance requires prolonged use by patients and future analysis of accumulated medical opinions. Our proposal is the first step toward exergaming and digital performance determination.

2021 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), Sep 15, 2021
The use of Internet of things (IoT) devices in smart cities has been increasing in recent years. ... more The use of Internet of things (IoT) devices in smart cities has been increasing in recent years. The use of IoT devices, which facilitate the daily life of people living in the smart city, on wearable and mobile devices causes the vulnerability. Some countermeasures should be taken to prevent unauthorized access to IoT devices that contain personal data and to protect the data. In this study, the protocol created to ensure the security of the data communication of IoT devices in smart cities is explained. In the proposed design, IoT device-based secure data communication protocol with limited resources is presented. Data privacy methods that will work on IoT devices are designed to achieve high performance by consuming as few resources as possible. The proposed protocol provides secure data communication against 4 different attacks: Man-in-the-middle attack, malicious code injection attack, denial of service (DoS) attack, and replay attack. As a result of the formal analysis made with the Scyther tool, it is shown that data security is ensured.
Springer eBooks, Oct 30, 2012
This work presents a pseudo-random number generator for RFID tags. The proposed generator takes n... more This work presents a pseudo-random number generator for RFID tags. The proposed generator takes non-random seeds and produces output that passes popular randomness tests. The generator uses true random numbers extracted from a newly discovered property of the tag memories. Unlike previous work, the proposed scheme uses very little die area and clock, leaving space for other security applications as well. The scheme is inspired from a well founded pseudo random number generator, which has many variations for computer security applications. Even though it is simple and sequential, the proposed scheme’s performance equals similar previous work, even though others depend on random number inputs.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013
Wrong medication is an important problem of the citizens of many countries. Using contemporary te... more Wrong medication is an important problem of the citizens of many countries. Using contemporary technologies like UHF Gen-2 RFID tags helps decreasing the medication errors, experienced by many. As UHF Gen-2 tags have limited capacity, cryptographic algorithms cannot be accommodated. The only available functions PRNG and CRC cannot be used instead of cryptographic algorithms. To overcome the known weaknesses, various grouping protocols have been proposed. But, each protocol has some deficiencies. Two of those protocols are covered in this study. Some of their common deficiencies are studied and solutions are suggested.

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Apr 1, 2016
Patient delivery time is no longer considered as the only critical factor, in ambulatory services... more Patient delivery time is no longer considered as the only critical factor, in ambulatory services. Presently, five clinical performance indicators are used to decide patient satisfaction. Unfortunately, the emergency ambulance services in rapidly growing metropolitan areas do not meet current satisfaction expectations; because of human errors in the management of the objects onboard the ambulances. But, human involvement in the information management of emergency interventions can be reduced by electronic tracking of personnel, assets, consumables and drugs (PACD) carried in the ambulances. Electronic tracking needs the support of automation software, which should be integrated to the overall hospital information system. Our work presents a complete solution based on a centralized database supported by radio frequency identification (RFID) and bluetooth low energy (BLE) identification and tracking technologies. Each object in an ambulance is identified and tracked by the best suited technology. The automated identification and tracking reduces manual paper documentation and frees the personnel to better focus on medical activities. The presence and amounts of the PACD are automatically monitored, warning about their depletion, non-presence or maintenance dates. The computerized two way hospital-ambulance communication link provides information sharing and instantaneous feedback for better and faster diagnosis decisions. A fully implemented system is presented, with detailed hardware and software descriptions. The benefits and the clinical outcomes of the proposed system are discussed, which lead to improved personnel efficiency and more effective interventions.

Journal of Medical Systems, Jun 24, 2014
Reliable sources report that errors in drug administration are increasing the number of harmed or... more Reliable sources report that errors in drug administration are increasing the number of harmed or killed inpatients, during healthcare. This development is in contradiction to patient safety norms. A correctly designed hospital-wide ubiquitous system, using advanced inpatient identification and matching techniques, should provide correct medicine and dosage at the right time. Researchers are still making grouping proof protocol proposals based on the EPC Global Class 1 Generation 2 ver. 1.2 standard tags, for drug administration. Analyses show that such protocols make medication unsecure and hence fail to guarantee inpatient safety. Thus, the original goal of patient safety still remains. In this paper, a very recent proposal (EKATE) upgraded by a cryptographic function is shown to fall short of expectations. Then, an alternative proposal IMS-NFC which uses a more suitable and newer technology; namely Near Field Communication (NFC), is described. The proposed protocol has the additional support of stronger security primitives and it is compliant to ISO communication and security standards. Unlike previous works, the proposal is a complete ubiquitous system that guarantees full patient safety; and it is based on off-the-shelf, new technology products available in every corner of the world. To prove the claims the performance, cost, security and scope of IMS-NFC are compared with previous proposals. Evaluation shows that the proposed system has stronger security, increased patient safety and equal efficiency, at little extra cost.

Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems, 2018
Even though the location information of travelling passengers is very valuable, offered passenger... more Even though the location information of travelling passengers is very valuable, offered passenger tracking solutions are not at a satisfactory cost/performance level. A cost effective passenger presence information provider system proposal is made, in present work. The design makes use of our present day's off the shelf, popular, wireless Internet of Things devices like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, iBeacons™ and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) adapters. Our work goes beyond a design proposal by comparing the three passenger marker devices. Single and multiple device configurations are tested and the findings are presented. Using the findings in universally accepted performance evaluators, the performance of each configuration is determined. The performance results are compared and an evaluation of the results is provided for the reader.

ABSTRACT The number of people suffering due to wrong medication is increasing. A hospital-wide ub... more ABSTRACT The number of people suffering due to wrong medication is increasing. A hospital-wide ubiquitous system can prevent inpatient medication errors. A correctly designed system guarantees the correct medicine and dosage administration, at the correct time. Such a system also helps tracing the location, time of errors and generates fast alarms to prevent harm to patients. Two proposals using UHF passive radio frequency identification tags have been made. But the proposed schemes give away critical patient information, raising privacy and intentional harm concerns. This work studies the proposals and demonstrates a new full-disclosure attack, on both. In addition, the weaknesses of protocols using the PRNG and CRC functions as encryption algorithms are studied. A conclusion is drawn about the suitability of grouping proofs and other protocols using the EPC Global Class-1 Generation-2 tags, in patient medication.

Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2015
This work presents an ultra-lightweight, cryptographic, mutual authentication protocol for radio-... more This work presents an ultra-lightweight, cryptographic, mutual authentication protocol for radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags. The proposed scheme is more secure than its predecessors. The vulnerabilities of previous schemes based on triangular functions and rotation have been demonstrated in traditional and rotational cryptanalysis. In this paper, we summarize the successful attacks on previous schemes and demonstrate further attacks on 3 recent ultra-lightweight protocols. Next, we present a proposal that resists all of the known passive attacks. The proposal obeys the properties and rules of addition-rotation-XOR with constants systems. The proposed scheme inserts parts of advanced encryption standard S-boxes into the temperings of the Mersenne twister, which is used as a deterministic random number generator. The proposal is supported by extensive performance and security analysis. Apart from previous work, our scheme is compared and contrasted against the results of some popular hashing and encryption algorithms, recommended for RFID tags.

Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2017
Günümüzde inşa edilen yeni binalar, içerilerine eklenen gömülü sistemler vasıtasıyla akıllı hale ... more Günümüzde inşa edilen yeni binalar, içerilerine eklenen gömülü sistemler vasıtasıyla akıllı hale getirilmektedir. Bunun yanında, tüm dünyadaki gibi yurdumuzda da akıllı bina kullanıcılarına sağlanan avantajları ortalama alım gücüne sahip kullanıcılara da sağlanmak amacıyla, yüksek maliyeti olmayan akıllı giriş kapı çözümleri sunulmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada hem yeni binaların giriş kapıları, hem de mevcut giriş kapılarının güvenliğini ve işlevselliğini artırıcı akıllı kapı eklentisi önerisinde bunulmaktadır. Çalışmamız gömülü sistem donanımı ve yazılım öğeleri içermektedir. Öneri, Arduino platformuna dayalı somut bir prototip tasarımı ve pilot bir uygulama ile desteklenmektedir. Yazılım kısmında hem sunucu hem de istemci yazılımları geliştirilmiştir. Özetle, sistem ev sahibi evde olmadığı zamanlarda kapısını çalanla uzaktan görüşme olanağına ve tercih ettiği takdirde ziyaretçilerle ilgili tecrübe ve bilgileri diğer gönüllü sosyal paydaşlarla karşılıklı paylaşarak, gelişmelerden önceden haberdar olma avantajlarına kavuşturulmaktadır. Önerilen çözüm Nesnelerin İnternet'ine somut bir örnek teşkil etmekle kalmamakta, günümüzün sosyal paylaşım düşkünlüğünü bir avantaja dönüştürmektedir. Tasarıma uygun olarak üretilen bir sistem ile yapılan testler ve sonuçları da bu çalışmada takdim edilmektedir. Önerilen tasarım benzer çözümlerle kıyaslanmakta ve kıyaslama sonuçları tartışılmaktadır. Planlanan ileriki çalışmalar da sonuçtan sonra ortaya konmaktadır.

Digital images obtained through medical imaging techniques are viewed using different visualizati... more Digital images obtained through medical imaging techniques are viewed using different visualization applications (methods). Also with the help of these applications, the three dimensional (3D) models of the images are created. Usually, the visualization and modelling processes are executed by medical staff, using general purpose applications. Via the same applications operation planning is made, after various calculations and diagnosis. In our time, virtual reality applications also come forward as tools that support planning. In present study, a virtual reality application has been developed. The developed application is used to detect the movements, via a Kinect device. The work presents a software that aids the medical staff to do rotation, zooming, and length measurement between two points, on 3D objects. The developed software has been successfully tested on 3D heart and aortal aneurism.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2015
RFID is now a widespread method used for identifying people and objects. But, not all communicati... more RFID is now a widespread method used for identifying people and objects. But, not all communication protocols can provide the same rigorous confidentiality to RFID technology. In return, unsafe protocols put individuals and organizations into jeopardy. In this paper, a scheme that uses multiple low cost tags for identifying a single object is studied. Through algebraic analysis on chronologically ordered messages, the proposed multi tag arrangement is shown to fail to provide the claimed security. The weaknesses are discussed and previously proven precautions are recommended to increase the security of the protocol, and thus the safety of its users.

Eklem hastalıkları ve cerrahisi, Dec 1, 2016
Bu çalışmada beş farklı türde kortikal vida, eşdeğer test koşulları altında yapay femurlar kullan... more Bu çalışmada beş farklı türde kortikal vida, eşdeğer test koşulları altında yapay femurlar kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Gereç ve yöntemler: Dördüncü jenerasyon kompozit femurlar kullanılarak kemik-vida arayüzünde deformasyon için gerekli olan maksimum yük, her bir vida türü için ayrı ayrı çekme deneyi yapılarak incelendi. Elde edilen sonuçlar geleneksel yöntemler ve çapraz karşılaştırma ile normalize edildi. Çekme testlerini vida boyutlarına bağlı olarak yapmak için bikortikal kemik kalınlığının etkisi, vida yerleştirme şartları eşitlenerek ortadan kaldırıldı. Bulgular: Büyük çaplı ve derin hatveli kilitsiz vidaların yerinden çıkması için daha büyük çekme kuvveti gerekti; bu vidalar daha küçük boyutlu kilitli vidalarla karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak daha üstün performans gösterdi. Bununla birlikte, saf çekme yükleri arasındaki istatistiksel farklılıklar, sonuçların geleneksel normalizasyonundan sonra azaldı. Katı geometrik akıl yürütmeye bağlı olarak yeni bir normalizasyon yöntemi önerildi. Sonuç: Bu yeni yaklaşım, ortalama performans gösteriyor gibi görünen bir vida türünün aslında en iyi performans gösterenlerden istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklı sonuçlara sahip olmadığını ortaya koydu. Cerrahlar küçük boyutlu konak kemiklerde daha büyük boyutlu vidaları tercih etmek zorunda değildirler.
Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2022

Bu çalışmada besicilik alanında büyükbaş hayvanların yemlenme aktivitesinin geviş aktivitesinden ... more Bu çalışmada besicilik alanında büyükbaş hayvanların yemlenme aktivitesinin geviş aktivitesinden ayrımını kolaylaştırıcı bir gömülü sistem çözüm önerisi yapılmaktadır. İnsanlar için geliştirilen çözümlerden esinlenerek hazırlanan öneri hem donanım, hem de yazılım içermektedir. Çözüm yönsel ve açısal ivme ölçer sensör verilerine dayanarak yapılan hesaplamalarla, hayvanların boyun açısının belirlenmesi yöntemini önermektedir. Belirlenen boyun açısı sonucuna bakılarak birbirinden ayırt edilmesi güç olan "Yemleniyor"-"Yemlenmiyor" sınıflandırmasına varılabilecek, bilimsel bir büyükbaş hayvan yemlenme ayrımı yöntemi sunulmaktadır. Öneri donanım ve yazılımdan oluşan somut bir prototip sunmakta ve laboratuvar ortamında yapılan deneylerle desteklenmektedir. Sunulan prototip fazla enerji harcamadan sonuç üretebilen ve hareketlilik tespit sistemlerine ilave bir işlev olabilecek özelliklere sahiptir. Test sonuçları önceki çalışmalarda belirlenmiş uluslararası başarım ölçütlerini başarı ile geçmektedir. Sadece, önerilen çözümün büyükbaş hayvanlarda anlık aktivite tespiti için kullanılmasının uygun olmayacağı belirlenmiştir. Önerinin gerçek çiftlik ortamında da test edilmesi ve nihayetinde besicilik alanında bir ürün olarak sunulması için özel işletmeler nezdinde girişimler yapılmaktadır.
Falling costs and shrinking sizes of electronic components have led to an increase in the wearabl... more Falling costs and shrinking sizes of electronic components have led to an increase in the wearable sensor applications. Among other areas, wearable sensors are also used in medical health care applications; capitalizing on their property of mobility. But, mobile sensors use wireless technologies in transmitting their data. Thus, sensitive patient data travel through many unknown users, until reaching the data collector. In present study, a sensor designed for preventing and detecting patient falls is presented, where only encrypted data is transmitted. The capabilities, accuracy, sensitivity and specificity performances of the proposed design are compared with previous works. In addition, the presented design's results, advantages and superiorities are discussed.
International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research, 2018
Central tracking mechanisms play a vital role in the formation of intelligent cities, by providin... more Central tracking mechanisms play a vital role in the formation of intelligent cities, by providing fast information sharing, taking precautionary measures and remote intervention. In our study, a centralized system that will provide central tracking of drugs, personnel and patients inside the intelligent city emergency rooms is proposed. The information obtained through the designed pilot system by using RFID (UHF, HF) and iBeacon technologies is evaluated at a central server. The emergency rooms data is shared online with related doctors, nurses and authorized personnel. The details of the hardware and software design, experimentation, results and the performance evaluation have been presented.
Many RFID authentication protocols have been proposed for safe drug administration. Unfortunately... more Many RFID authentication protocols have been proposed for safe drug administration. Unfortunately, many of the proposed protocols have security weaknesses that put the safety and/or privacy of inpatients into danger. A recent protocol is analyzed in this work, which proves to be another such example. The secrets of the inpatient tag are exposed by software and a table created by the present author. The protocol is security upgraded to meet the patient safety expectations, by using lightweight cryptography instead of the hash function of the analyzed protocol. The proposed protocol is complemented by server control mechanisms. Performance and security comparisons show that the present proposal truly guarantees patient safety and has better performance results than its predecessor.

Özet-Yurdumuzda çok sayıda diyabet hastası bulunmaktadır. Bu hastalar diğer tüketiciler gibi tüm ... more Özet-Yurdumuzda çok sayıda diyabet hastası bulunmaktadır. Bu hastalar diğer tüketiciler gibi tüm gün boyunca yoğun Ģekilde akıllı telefon ve mobil cihaz kullanmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, diyabet hastalarının kullandıkları mobil cihazlara özel bir yazılımla bu hastaların günlük yaĢamlarını kolaylaĢtırmak mümkün görünmektedir. Bu çalıĢmada da diyabet hastalarına fiziksel veya tıbbi bir müdahalede bulunmadan, daha konforlu bir yaĢam sürmelerine yardımcı olacak mobil bulut biliĢim teknolojisine dayanan bir yazılım önerilmektedir. Hastaların diyabeti ilgilendiren günlük aktivitelerinin takibini kolaylaĢtıran özellikleriyle, geliĢtirilen çözümün hastaların iyileĢme süreçlerine de yardımcı olacağına inanılmaktadır. Önerilen sistem birçok özellik yanında kullanıcılara özel, hem uyarıcı hem de hatırlatıcı mesajlar gönderebilmektedir. Benzer çözümlerle kıyaslandığında, önerilen yazılımın daha çok özelliği bir arada bulundurduğu ve iki yeni özellik içerdiği görülmektedir. Bir sonraki aĢamada, çözümün yabancı dillere uyarlanması ve doktor gözetiminde gerçek denekler üzerinde teste tabi tutulması planlanmaktadır.
Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2022
Papers by Mehmet Hilal Özcanhan