Son yıllarda tıbbi gelişmelerle birlikte ameliyat öncesi-sırası-sonrası süreçlerinde hasta bakım... more Son yıllarda tıbbi gelişmelerle birlikte ameliyat öncesi-sırası-sonrası süreçlerinde hasta bakımı kanıta dayalı uygulamalara göre yapılmaktadır. Cerrahi Sonrası Hızlandırılmış İyileşme (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery; ERAS) protokolü kanıta dayalı uygulamalar arasında yer almaktadır. Bu protokoller her alanda özelleştirilmiştir. Bu alanlardan biri ise bariatrik cerrahi sonrası hızlandırılmış iyileştirme protokolleridir. Cerrahi hemşiresi ameliyat öncesi-sırası-sonrası olmak üzere cerrahi sürecin her noktasında aktif rol almaktadır. Bu çalışmada, hemşirelerin bariatrik cerrahi için hastaneye başvuran hastalara verecekleri bakımda kanıta dayalı uygulamalardan yararlanması, ayrıca hemşirelik alanına yeni ve kanıta dayalı bir bakış açısı kazandırması hedeflenmektedir.
Effect of Self-Efficacy and Selected Factors on the Quality of Life After Bariatric Surgery Backg... more Effect of Self-Efficacy and Selected Factors on the Quality of Life After Bariatric Surgery Background: Bariatric surgery has important effects on physiological and psychosocial health as well as being effective in losing weight. One of these effects is on quality of life. Objective: To examine the effect of self-efficacy and selected factors on quality of life after bariatric surgery. Method: The research is a cross-sectional, descriptive and predictive type of research. The research sample consisted of 103 patients who underwent bariatric surgery. Data were collected between September 2018 and July 2019 using the sociodemographic characteristics form, the Effect of Weight on Quality-of-Life Scale, and the Self-Efficacy Scale. Results: The mean age of the patients was 33.70 ± 8.13, and the time elapsed after surgery was 9.64 ± 5.22 months. Sleeve gastrectomy was performed for all patients. The effect of weight on the qualityof-life scale total mean score of the patients 75.12 ± 20.14; The total score average of the Self-Efficacy Scale was 51.25 ± 6.57. When the factors affecting the patients' quality of life were examined, the model was found to be significant. The variables included in the model explain 52% of the patients' quality of life. It was found that the elapsed time after the operation (β:-0.653, p = .000) significantly and negatively predicted the quality of life. Conclusion: The patients' quality of life was found to be moderate and their self-efficacy to be low. It was found that self-efficacy had no effect on quality of life in patients. It was found that the quality of life of the patients decreased as the time elapsed after bariatric surgery increased. It is recommended that nurses and team members follow up patients for long periods after surgery in order to increase the quality of life after surgery.
Corrosive esophageal injuries are mostly traumatic in childhood. In this case report, the child s... more Corrosive esophageal injuries are mostly traumatic in childhood. In this case report, the child suffering from nutritional problems due to corrosive esophageal injury and her parents are discussed according to Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Model. It is also intended to set an example for using a model in nursing care in the field of pediatric surgery. Since love and compassion are at the center of this model, it was applied comfortably in the department of pediatric surgery. Because in the department of pediatric surgery, love, compassion, and understanding are shown as well as supporting the child and parents to be operated on. In the case, nursing care was applied over the three basic concepts of the model. The child, mother and father were supported and observed with the caritas processes that started in the preoperative period and continued after the surgery. As a result of the care given and the authentic relationship established according to this model, the satisfaction of the child and her parents increased.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a peer learning on attitudes to organ... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a peer learning on attitudes to organ donation and the rate of obtaining a donor card in university students. Method: This was a quasi-experimental study in a single group. Study was conducted between October-2017 and October-2019 from nursing (n=320) and the fine arts (n=160) students. Peer learning approach was applied as an intervention. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in the nursing faculty students' positive attitudes to organ donation after peer learning. Also, there was a statistically significant difference in the secondyear nursing students' negative attitudes to organ donation after peer learning. The difference in the number of the nursing students having a donor card after peer learning was highly significant. There was not a statistically significant difference in the fine art students' positive attitudes to organ donation and having a donor card after peer learning. Conclusions: It is recommended that private and social issues such as organ donation be taught to students in the higher education curriculum with the peer learning approach.
The aim of the study is to determine the awareness of the Turkish society in COVID-19, and determ... more The aim of the study is to determine the awareness of the Turkish society in COVID-19, and determine the anxiety stress levels. Research two months after the start of the outbreak in Turkey has reached 2163 individuals completed the online platform. The Integrated Anxiety Stress Scale significantly changed according to age, gender, marital status and working status after the pandemic. According to the results of multiple binary logistic regression analysis, individuals aged 50 and over, female gender, being single and not working after the pandemic for anxiety; female gender, being married, and postpandemic study were found to be risk factors for Covid awareness. It is recommended that epidemic awareness studies and information sharing on controlled healing measures are planned considering the anxiety levels.
eriampüller bölge kanserleri, tüm dünyada gastrointestinal sistemde görülen en ölümcül kanser tür... more eriampüller bölge kanserleri, tüm dünyada gastrointestinal sistemde görülen en ölümcül kanser türü olarak kabul edilir. Erken dönemde hızlı yayılımı, geç tanı konulması ve tam bir sistemik tedavinin henüz belirlenememiş olması nedeniyle tedavi ve bakım süreci zor olabilmektedir. Tüm kanser türleri arasında görülme sıklığı açısından ele alındığında, Dünya'da erkeklerde 7., kadınlarda 9. sırada yer alan pankreas kanseri, ülkemizde erkeklerde 3., kadınlarda 4. sırada yer almaktadır. Günümüzde Pankreatikoduodenektomi, diğer adıyla Whipple prosedürü, rezektabl periampuller bölge tümörleri için standart cerrahi tedavi yöntemidir. Allan Whipple, ilk defa 1930'larda pankreatikoduodenektomi çalışmasını yayınlamıştır. Ancak bilinen ilk pankreatikoduodenektomi 1898 yılında pankreas epitelyoması nedeniyle yapılmış olup hasta ameliyat sonrası 21. günde kaşeksi nedeniyle yaşamını yitirmiştir. 1 Pankreatiko
Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2020
açısından yüksek riskli ve iyi yönetilmesi gereken kurumların başında gelmektedir. Hastanelerde d... more açısından yüksek riskli ve iyi yönetilmesi gereken kurumların başında gelmektedir. Hastanelerde de en riskli alanlar yoğun bakımlar ve ameliyathanelerdir. Salgının başlamasıyla birlikte cerrahi müdahale gerekli olan tüm hastalar, olası enfekte kabul edilerek hareket edilmelidir. Ameliyathanelerde cerrahi ekip (cerrah, hemşire, anestezist ve diğer yardımcı sağlık personeli) koordineli biçimde olası/kesin tanılı COVID-19 hastaların yönetiminde bulaş önlemlerini acilen hayata geçirmelidir. Önlemlerin amacı; olası/kesin tanılı COVID-19 hastalarının ameliyat sürecini kolaylaştırmak, sağlık çalışanlarına ve diğer hastalara yönelik viral bulaşma riskini azaltmaktır. Bu makalede, olası/kesin tanılı COVID-19 hastalarının ameliyat sürecinde alınması gereken önlemlere yönelik bir izolasyon ameliyathanesinin tanımlanması, iş akışı ve süreçlerinin belirlenmesi, personelin ve hastanın perioperatif dönem yönetimine ilişkin önlemler açıklanmıştır.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, lisans hemşirelik öğrencilerinin stoma torbası ve adaptörleri ile 24 saat bo... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, lisans hemşirelik öğrencilerinin stoma torbası ve adaptörleri ile 24 saat boyunca yaşadıkları deneyimlerini belirlemekti. Yöntem: Çalışmamız yarı deneyseldir. Örneklemde her sınıftan 10 öğrenci olmak üzere iki hemşirelik fakültesinden 80 öğrenci yer aldı. Öğrenciler rastgele örnekleme ile seçildi. Öğrencilere takılan stoma adaptör ve torbaları 24 saat sonra çıkarıldı. Öğrencilerin demografik ve tanımlayıcı özelliklerini, stoma hakkındaki önceki bilgi ve deneyimlerini ve süreç boyunca yaşadıkları deneyim ve duygularını öğrenmek için bir veri toplama formu kullanıldı. Verilerin analizinde sayı-yüzde ve ki-kare testi kullanıldı. Bulgular: Öğrencilerin %86,3'ü stoma torbasının sızdıracağından sürekli endişelendiğini ve %30,0'ı stoma nedeniyle endişeli olduğunu belirtti. Yanıtlardan dört ana tema ortaya çıktı: (1) sosyal aktivitelerde kısıtlama, (2) fiziksel aktivitelerde kısıtlama, (3) stomadan sızıntı endişesi ve (4) beden imajı üzerindeki etki. Tüm öğrenciler stoma hastalarının nasıl hissettiğini daha iyi anladıklarını ve bunun kendileri için iyi bir deneyim olduğunu söylediler. Sonuç: Bu deneyimler ve duygular, lisans hemşirelik öğrencilerinin stoma ile yaşama konusunda daha fazla farkındalığa sahip olmaları için önemlidir.
This study examined the effect of Web-based preoperative and postoperative patient care education... more This study examined the effect of Web-based preoperative and postoperative patient care education among undergraduate nursing students. This was an experimental, randomized controlled study. The study included 305 nursing students (experimental group: n = 155, control group: n = 150), who were assessed with the following instruments: the Preoperative and Postoperative Care Knowledge Test, Preoperative and Postoperative Care Skill Control List, Clinical Decision Making in Nursing Scale, and Nursing Student Clinical Performance Evaluation Scale. t Tests and χ2 tests were used to evaluate the data. There was no statistically significant difference between the students' posttest knowledge levels, clinical performance assessment, or clinical decision-making scores. The experimental group was found to perform the skills of “check patient's documents and prophylactic antibiotics when going to surgery” (χ2 = 4.88; P = .02), “controls the surgical safety checklist (before surgery) before going to surgery” (χ2 = 10.41; P = .00), and “observes surgical site/dressing (χ2 = 7.77; P = .00)” at a statistically significantly higher level. The education provided in the Web-based education was equivalent to that provided in traditional education. Thus, Web-based education appears to be a useful tool to educate student nurses in preoperative and postoperative patient care.
This descriptive, cross-sectional study in hospital ORs in İzmir, Turkey, assessed the environmen... more This descriptive, cross-sectional study in hospital ORs in İzmir, Turkey, assessed the environmental and physical ergonomic conditions that may place perioperative personnel at risk for injury or illness. We used an ergonomic conditions and risk factor description form to collect data in 58 ORs in nine different hospitals. We identified that the noise level and general air quality in the ORs were within recommended levels. However, none of the ORs had a surgical smoke evacuation system, pressure-absorbing mats, or special equipment to facilitate patient moving and lifting. Approximately 70% of the ORs had high stools to provide short periods of rest for the surgical personnel. In addition, perioperative personnel did not wear protection to prevent intraoperative radiation exposure. These results indicate that although some environmental factors were within acceptable limits, other physical ergonomic risks were not adequately addressed, thereby placing perioperative staff members at risk for health concerns.
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the incidence of inadvertent hypothermia in oper... more Objective: This study was conducted to determine the incidence of inadvertent hypothermia in operative patients and the risk factors that are involved in the development of hypothermia. Material and Methods: This prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2016to Au- gust 2016 with 144 patients who over the age of 18 years, underwent general surgery, orthopedic surgery, urologic surgery, neurosurgery, and plastic and reconstructive surgery. Data was collected with the “Hypothermia Data Col- lection Form.” Body temperature was measured by the tympanic membrane in the waiting room, operating room, and PACU. Results: Overall, 89% of the patients (n=129) were normothermic in the preoperative phase; 74.30% of the patients (n=107) in intraoperative phase and 75.70% of the patients (n=109) in postoperative phase were hypothermic. American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) score, preoperative body temperature, operating room temperature, and using heating method at operation were found to be effective in the development of inadvertent hypothermia during the operating period. It was determined that premedication, preoperative and postoperative body tempera- ture, and the operating room temperature were effective for inadvertent hypothermia in the postoperative period. Conclusion: As a result of the study, it was determined the rate of inadvertent hypothermia was high during and after surgery. Preoperative and intraoperative patient body temperature and operating room temperature were found to be effective in preventing inadvertent hypothermia. Keywords: Inadvertent hypothermia, Incidence, Risk factors, Operating room
Nöropati, genellikle sinirleri etkileyen hastalık ya da hasar anlamına gelen bir terimdir. ... more ÖZET
Nöropati, genellikle sinirleri etkileyen hastalık ya da hasar anlamına gelen bir terimdir. Nöropatisi olan hastalarda, vücudu uyaran ve tıbbi bakım arayışına yönlendiren birinci doğal uyarı sistemi olan ağrı sistemi hasarlıdır. Buna bağlı olarak, algı yetersizliği ayak yaralanmalarına neden olabilir. Nöropatili hastalarda ağrı geceleri daha hissedilir olabilir ve uyku düzenini bozabilecek keskinlikte, bıçaklama, yanma, ateş ya da elektrik çarpması şeklinde tariflenebilir. Eldiven-çorap seviyelerinde hipersensitivite mevcuttur. Zaman içerisinde, hissizlik proksimale uzanabilir. İlerlemiş nöropati sonrasında hissizlik ve bu nedenle oluşan yaralar olabilir. Özellikle alt ekstremiteleri tutan distal-simetrik duyusal polinöropati enfeksiyon ve iskemi ile birlikte en önemli ayak amputasyonu nedenidir. Bu nedenle bu makalede nöropatik yaraların oluşum nedenleri ve bakımı ele alınmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Nöropati; yaralar; hemşirelik
Neuropathy is a term that usually refers damage to or disease affecting nerves. In patients with neuropathies, the pain system, which is the first natural stimulation system that stimulates the body and directs it to seek medical care, is damaged. Consequently, inability of perception can cause foot injuries. Pain may be more prominent at nights in neuropathic patients, and it can be described in sharp enough to disrupt sleep pattern, such as stinging, burning, fever or electric shock. Hypersensitivity is present at "stocking and glove" distribution. In course of time, the numbness may extend proximally. There may be numbness after advanced neuropathy and it may caused of the wound. Distal-symmetric sensory polyneuropathy, especially involving the lower extremities is the most important cause of foot amputation with infection and ischemia. Therefore, in this article causes and care of neuropathic wounds are handled.
Comparison of the Self Esteem and Communication Skills at the 1st and Senior Year Nursing Students, 2016
Background: Education process of nursing profession is an important component of formation proces... more Background: Education process of nursing profession is an important component of formation process of self-esteem. In this process the students absorb knowledge, attitudes, value and skills that are important elements for nursing profession in time. Within this process, it is expected that the students can have self-confidence at a high level, express themselves and communicate effectively and defend their decision. Objectives: This stduy was carried out to determined relationship between self-esteem and communication skills and factors affectings self-esteem and communication skills of 1st and senior-year students at School of Nursing. Design: This study is a cross-sectional and descritive design. Settings: This study took place at a Turkish university Participants: Fresman and senior-year students studying at School of Nursing of Health Science Faculty in Turkiye were included in the scope of this study. The sample included 217 students (137 freshman and 80 senior-year students) selected using convenience sampling. Methods: The participants completed three survey forms: the Communication Skills Evaluation Scale, the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory, and a survey designed to identify their demographics. Before completing the forms, they signed informed consent forms and were informed about the objectives of the study. Each interview lasted 15 to 25 minutes. Results: The results show that the students consider themselves to have good communication skills. More than half have high self-esteem. A positive correlation is evident between the students' perceptions of communication skills and self-esteem. Conclusions: Training sessions should be organized to improve self-esteem and communication skills of nurses and nursing students and should cover coping skills, psycho-educational instruction on assertiveness training, scenarios based on communication problems, intergroup discussions, drama training, activities of student clubs, and regular social activities.
Son yıllarda tıbbi gelişmelerle birlikte ameliyat öncesi-sırası-sonrası süreçlerinde hasta bakım... more Son yıllarda tıbbi gelişmelerle birlikte ameliyat öncesi-sırası-sonrası süreçlerinde hasta bakımı kanıta dayalı uygulamalara göre yapılmaktadır. Cerrahi Sonrası Hızlandırılmış İyileşme (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery; ERAS) protokolü kanıta dayalı uygulamalar arasında yer almaktadır. Bu protokoller her alanda özelleştirilmiştir. Bu alanlardan biri ise bariatrik cerrahi sonrası hızlandırılmış iyileştirme protokolleridir. Cerrahi hemşiresi ameliyat öncesi-sırası-sonrası olmak üzere cerrahi sürecin her noktasında aktif rol almaktadır. Bu çalışmada, hemşirelerin bariatrik cerrahi için hastaneye başvuran hastalara verecekleri bakımda kanıta dayalı uygulamalardan yararlanması, ayrıca hemşirelik alanına yeni ve kanıta dayalı bir bakış açısı kazandırması hedeflenmektedir.
Effect of Self-Efficacy and Selected Factors on the Quality of Life After Bariatric Surgery Backg... more Effect of Self-Efficacy and Selected Factors on the Quality of Life After Bariatric Surgery Background: Bariatric surgery has important effects on physiological and psychosocial health as well as being effective in losing weight. One of these effects is on quality of life. Objective: To examine the effect of self-efficacy and selected factors on quality of life after bariatric surgery. Method: The research is a cross-sectional, descriptive and predictive type of research. The research sample consisted of 103 patients who underwent bariatric surgery. Data were collected between September 2018 and July 2019 using the sociodemographic characteristics form, the Effect of Weight on Quality-of-Life Scale, and the Self-Efficacy Scale. Results: The mean age of the patients was 33.70 ± 8.13, and the time elapsed after surgery was 9.64 ± 5.22 months. Sleeve gastrectomy was performed for all patients. The effect of weight on the qualityof-life scale total mean score of the patients 75.12 ± 20.14; The total score average of the Self-Efficacy Scale was 51.25 ± 6.57. When the factors affecting the patients' quality of life were examined, the model was found to be significant. The variables included in the model explain 52% of the patients' quality of life. It was found that the elapsed time after the operation (β:-0.653, p = .000) significantly and negatively predicted the quality of life. Conclusion: The patients' quality of life was found to be moderate and their self-efficacy to be low. It was found that self-efficacy had no effect on quality of life in patients. It was found that the quality of life of the patients decreased as the time elapsed after bariatric surgery increased. It is recommended that nurses and team members follow up patients for long periods after surgery in order to increase the quality of life after surgery.
Corrosive esophageal injuries are mostly traumatic in childhood. In this case report, the child s... more Corrosive esophageal injuries are mostly traumatic in childhood. In this case report, the child suffering from nutritional problems due to corrosive esophageal injury and her parents are discussed according to Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Model. It is also intended to set an example for using a model in nursing care in the field of pediatric surgery. Since love and compassion are at the center of this model, it was applied comfortably in the department of pediatric surgery. Because in the department of pediatric surgery, love, compassion, and understanding are shown as well as supporting the child and parents to be operated on. In the case, nursing care was applied over the three basic concepts of the model. The child, mother and father were supported and observed with the caritas processes that started in the preoperative period and continued after the surgery. As a result of the care given and the authentic relationship established according to this model, the satisfaction of the child and her parents increased.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a peer learning on attitudes to organ... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a peer learning on attitudes to organ donation and the rate of obtaining a donor card in university students. Method: This was a quasi-experimental study in a single group. Study was conducted between October-2017 and October-2019 from nursing (n=320) and the fine arts (n=160) students. Peer learning approach was applied as an intervention. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in the nursing faculty students' positive attitudes to organ donation after peer learning. Also, there was a statistically significant difference in the secondyear nursing students' negative attitudes to organ donation after peer learning. The difference in the number of the nursing students having a donor card after peer learning was highly significant. There was not a statistically significant difference in the fine art students' positive attitudes to organ donation and having a donor card after peer learning. Conclusions: It is recommended that private and social issues such as organ donation be taught to students in the higher education curriculum with the peer learning approach.
The aim of the study is to determine the awareness of the Turkish society in COVID-19, and determ... more The aim of the study is to determine the awareness of the Turkish society in COVID-19, and determine the anxiety stress levels. Research two months after the start of the outbreak in Turkey has reached 2163 individuals completed the online platform. The Integrated Anxiety Stress Scale significantly changed according to age, gender, marital status and working status after the pandemic. According to the results of multiple binary logistic regression analysis, individuals aged 50 and over, female gender, being single and not working after the pandemic for anxiety; female gender, being married, and postpandemic study were found to be risk factors for Covid awareness. It is recommended that epidemic awareness studies and information sharing on controlled healing measures are planned considering the anxiety levels.
eriampüller bölge kanserleri, tüm dünyada gastrointestinal sistemde görülen en ölümcül kanser tür... more eriampüller bölge kanserleri, tüm dünyada gastrointestinal sistemde görülen en ölümcül kanser türü olarak kabul edilir. Erken dönemde hızlı yayılımı, geç tanı konulması ve tam bir sistemik tedavinin henüz belirlenememiş olması nedeniyle tedavi ve bakım süreci zor olabilmektedir. Tüm kanser türleri arasında görülme sıklığı açısından ele alındığında, Dünya'da erkeklerde 7., kadınlarda 9. sırada yer alan pankreas kanseri, ülkemizde erkeklerde 3., kadınlarda 4. sırada yer almaktadır. Günümüzde Pankreatikoduodenektomi, diğer adıyla Whipple prosedürü, rezektabl periampuller bölge tümörleri için standart cerrahi tedavi yöntemidir. Allan Whipple, ilk defa 1930'larda pankreatikoduodenektomi çalışmasını yayınlamıştır. Ancak bilinen ilk pankreatikoduodenektomi 1898 yılında pankreas epitelyoması nedeniyle yapılmış olup hasta ameliyat sonrası 21. günde kaşeksi nedeniyle yaşamını yitirmiştir. 1 Pankreatiko
Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2020
açısından yüksek riskli ve iyi yönetilmesi gereken kurumların başında gelmektedir. Hastanelerde d... more açısından yüksek riskli ve iyi yönetilmesi gereken kurumların başında gelmektedir. Hastanelerde de en riskli alanlar yoğun bakımlar ve ameliyathanelerdir. Salgının başlamasıyla birlikte cerrahi müdahale gerekli olan tüm hastalar, olası enfekte kabul edilerek hareket edilmelidir. Ameliyathanelerde cerrahi ekip (cerrah, hemşire, anestezist ve diğer yardımcı sağlık personeli) koordineli biçimde olası/kesin tanılı COVID-19 hastaların yönetiminde bulaş önlemlerini acilen hayata geçirmelidir. Önlemlerin amacı; olası/kesin tanılı COVID-19 hastalarının ameliyat sürecini kolaylaştırmak, sağlık çalışanlarına ve diğer hastalara yönelik viral bulaşma riskini azaltmaktır. Bu makalede, olası/kesin tanılı COVID-19 hastalarının ameliyat sürecinde alınması gereken önlemlere yönelik bir izolasyon ameliyathanesinin tanımlanması, iş akışı ve süreçlerinin belirlenmesi, personelin ve hastanın perioperatif dönem yönetimine ilişkin önlemler açıklanmıştır.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, lisans hemşirelik öğrencilerinin stoma torbası ve adaptörleri ile 24 saat bo... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, lisans hemşirelik öğrencilerinin stoma torbası ve adaptörleri ile 24 saat boyunca yaşadıkları deneyimlerini belirlemekti. Yöntem: Çalışmamız yarı deneyseldir. Örneklemde her sınıftan 10 öğrenci olmak üzere iki hemşirelik fakültesinden 80 öğrenci yer aldı. Öğrenciler rastgele örnekleme ile seçildi. Öğrencilere takılan stoma adaptör ve torbaları 24 saat sonra çıkarıldı. Öğrencilerin demografik ve tanımlayıcı özelliklerini, stoma hakkındaki önceki bilgi ve deneyimlerini ve süreç boyunca yaşadıkları deneyim ve duygularını öğrenmek için bir veri toplama formu kullanıldı. Verilerin analizinde sayı-yüzde ve ki-kare testi kullanıldı. Bulgular: Öğrencilerin %86,3'ü stoma torbasının sızdıracağından sürekli endişelendiğini ve %30,0'ı stoma nedeniyle endişeli olduğunu belirtti. Yanıtlardan dört ana tema ortaya çıktı: (1) sosyal aktivitelerde kısıtlama, (2) fiziksel aktivitelerde kısıtlama, (3) stomadan sızıntı endişesi ve (4) beden imajı üzerindeki etki. Tüm öğrenciler stoma hastalarının nasıl hissettiğini daha iyi anladıklarını ve bunun kendileri için iyi bir deneyim olduğunu söylediler. Sonuç: Bu deneyimler ve duygular, lisans hemşirelik öğrencilerinin stoma ile yaşama konusunda daha fazla farkındalığa sahip olmaları için önemlidir.
This study examined the effect of Web-based preoperative and postoperative patient care education... more This study examined the effect of Web-based preoperative and postoperative patient care education among undergraduate nursing students. This was an experimental, randomized controlled study. The study included 305 nursing students (experimental group: n = 155, control group: n = 150), who were assessed with the following instruments: the Preoperative and Postoperative Care Knowledge Test, Preoperative and Postoperative Care Skill Control List, Clinical Decision Making in Nursing Scale, and Nursing Student Clinical Performance Evaluation Scale. t Tests and χ2 tests were used to evaluate the data. There was no statistically significant difference between the students' posttest knowledge levels, clinical performance assessment, or clinical decision-making scores. The experimental group was found to perform the skills of “check patient's documents and prophylactic antibiotics when going to surgery” (χ2 = 4.88; P = .02), “controls the surgical safety checklist (before surgery) before going to surgery” (χ2 = 10.41; P = .00), and “observes surgical site/dressing (χ2 = 7.77; P = .00)” at a statistically significantly higher level. The education provided in the Web-based education was equivalent to that provided in traditional education. Thus, Web-based education appears to be a useful tool to educate student nurses in preoperative and postoperative patient care.
This descriptive, cross-sectional study in hospital ORs in İzmir, Turkey, assessed the environmen... more This descriptive, cross-sectional study in hospital ORs in İzmir, Turkey, assessed the environmental and physical ergonomic conditions that may place perioperative personnel at risk for injury or illness. We used an ergonomic conditions and risk factor description form to collect data in 58 ORs in nine different hospitals. We identified that the noise level and general air quality in the ORs were within recommended levels. However, none of the ORs had a surgical smoke evacuation system, pressure-absorbing mats, or special equipment to facilitate patient moving and lifting. Approximately 70% of the ORs had high stools to provide short periods of rest for the surgical personnel. In addition, perioperative personnel did not wear protection to prevent intraoperative radiation exposure. These results indicate that although some environmental factors were within acceptable limits, other physical ergonomic risks were not adequately addressed, thereby placing perioperative staff members at risk for health concerns.
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the incidence of inadvertent hypothermia in oper... more Objective: This study was conducted to determine the incidence of inadvertent hypothermia in operative patients and the risk factors that are involved in the development of hypothermia. Material and Methods: This prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2016to Au- gust 2016 with 144 patients who over the age of 18 years, underwent general surgery, orthopedic surgery, urologic surgery, neurosurgery, and plastic and reconstructive surgery. Data was collected with the “Hypothermia Data Col- lection Form.” Body temperature was measured by the tympanic membrane in the waiting room, operating room, and PACU. Results: Overall, 89% of the patients (n=129) were normothermic in the preoperative phase; 74.30% of the patients (n=107) in intraoperative phase and 75.70% of the patients (n=109) in postoperative phase were hypothermic. American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) score, preoperative body temperature, operating room temperature, and using heating method at operation were found to be effective in the development of inadvertent hypothermia during the operating period. It was determined that premedication, preoperative and postoperative body tempera- ture, and the operating room temperature were effective for inadvertent hypothermia in the postoperative period. Conclusion: As a result of the study, it was determined the rate of inadvertent hypothermia was high during and after surgery. Preoperative and intraoperative patient body temperature and operating room temperature were found to be effective in preventing inadvertent hypothermia. Keywords: Inadvertent hypothermia, Incidence, Risk factors, Operating room
Nöropati, genellikle sinirleri etkileyen hastalık ya da hasar anlamına gelen bir terimdir. ... more ÖZET
Nöropati, genellikle sinirleri etkileyen hastalık ya da hasar anlamına gelen bir terimdir. Nöropatisi olan hastalarda, vücudu uyaran ve tıbbi bakım arayışına yönlendiren birinci doğal uyarı sistemi olan ağrı sistemi hasarlıdır. Buna bağlı olarak, algı yetersizliği ayak yaralanmalarına neden olabilir. Nöropatili hastalarda ağrı geceleri daha hissedilir olabilir ve uyku düzenini bozabilecek keskinlikte, bıçaklama, yanma, ateş ya da elektrik çarpması şeklinde tariflenebilir. Eldiven-çorap seviyelerinde hipersensitivite mevcuttur. Zaman içerisinde, hissizlik proksimale uzanabilir. İlerlemiş nöropati sonrasında hissizlik ve bu nedenle oluşan yaralar olabilir. Özellikle alt ekstremiteleri tutan distal-simetrik duyusal polinöropati enfeksiyon ve iskemi ile birlikte en önemli ayak amputasyonu nedenidir. Bu nedenle bu makalede nöropatik yaraların oluşum nedenleri ve bakımı ele alınmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Nöropati; yaralar; hemşirelik
Neuropathy is a term that usually refers damage to or disease affecting nerves. In patients with neuropathies, the pain system, which is the first natural stimulation system that stimulates the body and directs it to seek medical care, is damaged. Consequently, inability of perception can cause foot injuries. Pain may be more prominent at nights in neuropathic patients, and it can be described in sharp enough to disrupt sleep pattern, such as stinging, burning, fever or electric shock. Hypersensitivity is present at "stocking and glove" distribution. In course of time, the numbness may extend proximally. There may be numbness after advanced neuropathy and it may caused of the wound. Distal-symmetric sensory polyneuropathy, especially involving the lower extremities is the most important cause of foot amputation with infection and ischemia. Therefore, in this article causes and care of neuropathic wounds are handled.
Comparison of the Self Esteem and Communication Skills at the 1st and Senior Year Nursing Students, 2016
Background: Education process of nursing profession is an important component of formation proces... more Background: Education process of nursing profession is an important component of formation process of self-esteem. In this process the students absorb knowledge, attitudes, value and skills that are important elements for nursing profession in time. Within this process, it is expected that the students can have self-confidence at a high level, express themselves and communicate effectively and defend their decision. Objectives: This stduy was carried out to determined relationship between self-esteem and communication skills and factors affectings self-esteem and communication skills of 1st and senior-year students at School of Nursing. Design: This study is a cross-sectional and descritive design. Settings: This study took place at a Turkish university Participants: Fresman and senior-year students studying at School of Nursing of Health Science Faculty in Turkiye were included in the scope of this study. The sample included 217 students (137 freshman and 80 senior-year students) selected using convenience sampling. Methods: The participants completed three survey forms: the Communication Skills Evaluation Scale, the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory, and a survey designed to identify their demographics. Before completing the forms, they signed informed consent forms and were informed about the objectives of the study. Each interview lasted 15 to 25 minutes. Results: The results show that the students consider themselves to have good communication skills. More than half have high self-esteem. A positive correlation is evident between the students' perceptions of communication skills and self-esteem. Conclusions: Training sessions should be organized to improve self-esteem and communication skills of nurses and nursing students and should cover coping skills, psycho-educational instruction on assertiveness training, scenarios based on communication problems, intergroup discussions, drama training, activities of student clubs, and regular social activities.
Papers by Kübra Yasak
esophageal injury and her parents are discussed according to Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Model. It is also intended to set an example
for using a model in nursing care in the field of pediatric surgery. Since love and compassion are at the center of this model, it was applied
comfortably in the department of pediatric surgery. Because in the department of pediatric surgery, love, compassion, and understanding are
shown as well as supporting the child and parents to be operated on. In the case, nursing care was applied over the three basic concepts of
the model. The child, mother and father were supported and observed with the caritas processes that started in the preoperative period and
continued after the surgery. As a result of the care given and the authentic relationship established according to this model, the satisfaction of
the child and her parents increased.
Making in Nursing Scale, and Nursing Student Clinical Performance Evaluation Scale. t Tests and χ2 tests were used to evaluate the data. There was no statistically significant difference between the students' posttest knowledge levels, clinical performance assessment, or clinical decision-making scores. The experimental group was found to perform the skills of “check patient's documents and prophylactic antibiotics when going to surgery” (χ2 = 4.88; P = .02), “controls the surgical safety checklist (before surgery) before going to surgery” (χ2 = 10.41; P = .00), and “observes surgical site/dressing (χ2 = 7.77; P = .00)” at a statistically significantly higher level. The education provided in the Web-based education was equivalent to that provided in traditional education. Thus, Web-based education appears to be a useful tool to educate student nurses in preoperative and postoperative patient care.
and the risk factors that are involved in the development of hypothermia.
Material and Methods: This prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2016to Au-
gust 2016 with 144 patients who over the age of 18 years, underwent general surgery, orthopedic surgery, urologic
surgery, neurosurgery, and plastic and reconstructive surgery. Data was collected with the “Hypothermia Data Col-
lection Form.” Body temperature was measured by the tympanic membrane in the waiting room, operating room,
and PACU.
Results: Overall, 89% of the patients (n=129) were normothermic in the preoperative phase; 74.30% of the patients
(n=107) in intraoperative phase and 75.70% of the patients (n=109) in postoperative phase were hypothermic.
American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) score, preoperative body temperature, operating room temperature, and
using heating method at operation were found to be effective in the development of inadvertent hypothermia
during the operating period. It was determined that premedication, preoperative and postoperative body tempera-
ture, and the operating room temperature were effective for inadvertent hypothermia in the postoperative period.
Conclusion: As a result of the study, it was determined the rate of inadvertent hypothermia was high during and
after surgery. Preoperative and intraoperative patient body temperature and operating room temperature were
found to be effective in preventing inadvertent hypothermia.
Keywords: Inadvertent hypothermia, Incidence, Risk factors, Operating room
Nöropati, genellikle sinirleri etkileyen hastalık ya da hasar anlamına gelen bir terimdir. Nöropatisi olan hastalarda, vücudu uyaran ve tıbbi bakım arayışına yönlendiren birinci doğal uyarı sistemi olan ağrı sistemi hasarlıdır. Buna bağlı olarak, algı yetersizliği ayak yaralanmalarına neden olabilir. Nöropatili hastalarda ağrı geceleri daha hissedilir olabilir ve uyku düzenini bozabilecek keskinlikte, bıçaklama, yanma, ateş ya da elektrik çarpması şeklinde tariflenebilir. Eldiven-çorap seviyelerinde hipersensitivite mevcuttur. Zaman içerisinde, hissizlik proksimale uzanabilir. İlerlemiş nöropati sonrasında hissizlik ve bu nedenle oluşan yaralar olabilir. Özellikle alt ekstremiteleri tutan distal-simetrik duyusal polinöropati enfeksiyon ve iskemi ile birlikte en önemli ayak amputasyonu nedenidir. Bu nedenle bu makalede nöropatik yaraların oluşum nedenleri ve bakımı ele alınmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Nöropati; yaralar; hemşirelik
Neuropathy is a term that usually refers damage to or disease affecting nerves. In patients with neuropathies, the pain system, which is the first natural stimulation system that stimulates the body and directs it to seek medical care, is damaged. Consequently, inability of perception can cause foot injuries. Pain may be more prominent at nights in neuropathic patients, and it can be described in sharp enough to disrupt sleep pattern, such as stinging, burning, fever or electric shock. Hypersensitivity is present at "stocking and glove" distribution. In course of time, the numbness may extend proximally. There may be numbness after advanced neuropathy and it may caused of the wound. Distal-symmetric sensory polyneuropathy, especially involving the lower extremities is the most important cause of foot amputation with infection and ischemia. Therefore, in this article causes and care of neuropathic wounds are handled.
Keywords: Neuropathy; wounds; nursing
esophageal injury and her parents are discussed according to Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Model. It is also intended to set an example
for using a model in nursing care in the field of pediatric surgery. Since love and compassion are at the center of this model, it was applied
comfortably in the department of pediatric surgery. Because in the department of pediatric surgery, love, compassion, and understanding are
shown as well as supporting the child and parents to be operated on. In the case, nursing care was applied over the three basic concepts of
the model. The child, mother and father were supported and observed with the caritas processes that started in the preoperative period and
continued after the surgery. As a result of the care given and the authentic relationship established according to this model, the satisfaction of
the child and her parents increased.
Making in Nursing Scale, and Nursing Student Clinical Performance Evaluation Scale. t Tests and χ2 tests were used to evaluate the data. There was no statistically significant difference between the students' posttest knowledge levels, clinical performance assessment, or clinical decision-making scores. The experimental group was found to perform the skills of “check patient's documents and prophylactic antibiotics when going to surgery” (χ2 = 4.88; P = .02), “controls the surgical safety checklist (before surgery) before going to surgery” (χ2 = 10.41; P = .00), and “observes surgical site/dressing (χ2 = 7.77; P = .00)” at a statistically significantly higher level. The education provided in the Web-based education was equivalent to that provided in traditional education. Thus, Web-based education appears to be a useful tool to educate student nurses in preoperative and postoperative patient care.
and the risk factors that are involved in the development of hypothermia.
Material and Methods: This prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2016to Au-
gust 2016 with 144 patients who over the age of 18 years, underwent general surgery, orthopedic surgery, urologic
surgery, neurosurgery, and plastic and reconstructive surgery. Data was collected with the “Hypothermia Data Col-
lection Form.” Body temperature was measured by the tympanic membrane in the waiting room, operating room,
and PACU.
Results: Overall, 89% of the patients (n=129) were normothermic in the preoperative phase; 74.30% of the patients
(n=107) in intraoperative phase and 75.70% of the patients (n=109) in postoperative phase were hypothermic.
American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) score, preoperative body temperature, operating room temperature, and
using heating method at operation were found to be effective in the development of inadvertent hypothermia
during the operating period. It was determined that premedication, preoperative and postoperative body tempera-
ture, and the operating room temperature were effective for inadvertent hypothermia in the postoperative period.
Conclusion: As a result of the study, it was determined the rate of inadvertent hypothermia was high during and
after surgery. Preoperative and intraoperative patient body temperature and operating room temperature were
found to be effective in preventing inadvertent hypothermia.
Keywords: Inadvertent hypothermia, Incidence, Risk factors, Operating room
Nöropati, genellikle sinirleri etkileyen hastalık ya da hasar anlamına gelen bir terimdir. Nöropatisi olan hastalarda, vücudu uyaran ve tıbbi bakım arayışına yönlendiren birinci doğal uyarı sistemi olan ağrı sistemi hasarlıdır. Buna bağlı olarak, algı yetersizliği ayak yaralanmalarına neden olabilir. Nöropatili hastalarda ağrı geceleri daha hissedilir olabilir ve uyku düzenini bozabilecek keskinlikte, bıçaklama, yanma, ateş ya da elektrik çarpması şeklinde tariflenebilir. Eldiven-çorap seviyelerinde hipersensitivite mevcuttur. Zaman içerisinde, hissizlik proksimale uzanabilir. İlerlemiş nöropati sonrasında hissizlik ve bu nedenle oluşan yaralar olabilir. Özellikle alt ekstremiteleri tutan distal-simetrik duyusal polinöropati enfeksiyon ve iskemi ile birlikte en önemli ayak amputasyonu nedenidir. Bu nedenle bu makalede nöropatik yaraların oluşum nedenleri ve bakımı ele alınmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Nöropati; yaralar; hemşirelik
Neuropathy is a term that usually refers damage to or disease affecting nerves. In patients with neuropathies, the pain system, which is the first natural stimulation system that stimulates the body and directs it to seek medical care, is damaged. Consequently, inability of perception can cause foot injuries. Pain may be more prominent at nights in neuropathic patients, and it can be described in sharp enough to disrupt sleep pattern, such as stinging, burning, fever or electric shock. Hypersensitivity is present at "stocking and glove" distribution. In course of time, the numbness may extend proximally. There may be numbness after advanced neuropathy and it may caused of the wound. Distal-symmetric sensory polyneuropathy, especially involving the lower extremities is the most important cause of foot amputation with infection and ischemia. Therefore, in this article causes and care of neuropathic wounds are handled.
Keywords: Neuropathy; wounds; nursing