Parenteral nutrition in bricker cyste by Ethem Duygulu
Ege Akademik Bakis (Ege Academic Review), 2009
In this study we aim to explain the patterns of leadership roles for team effectiveness in non pr... more In this study we aim to explain the patterns of leadership roles for team effectiveness in non profit organizations compared to economic organizations. For this purpose, we studied three successful organization types, i.e the amateur sports clubs (football, basketball), theater companies and, regional folk groups. Our basic hypothesis is that the relationship between the type of organization (specially teams) and

Yuksekogretim Dergisi, 2015
Bilgi paketleri, yükseköğretim kurumları için kurumu ve programları tanıtan, sistematik bir doküm... more Bilgi paketleri, yükseköğretim kurumları için kurumu ve programları tanıtan, sistematik bir dokümantasyon sağlayan, yazılım alt yapısıyla desteklenmiş, sürdürülebilir bir sistemi ifade eden rehber niteliğinde yapılardır. Bu çalışma, böylesi bir yapının Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi(DEÜ) bünyesinde nasıl tasarlandığını ve hayata geçirildiğini anlatmaktadır. İlk aşamada bu ürünün paydaşları, paydaşların kullanacağı sistem varlıkları, teknolojik alt yapı ve yazılımlar tanımlanmıştır. Paydaşlar arasındaki ilişkiler, görev dağılımları, gerçekleştirilen aşamalar, zaman içindeki ilerleyişler gözlemlenerek, standart belgeler oluşturulmuştur. Sistematik bir altyapının kurulmasından sonra, üniversite genelinde katılımın sağlanması ve problemlerin giderilmesinde “kar yığını modeli” kullanılmıştır. Bilgi Paketi bileşenleri, Bologna Süreci gerekliliklerinde tanımlanmış kurallara göre düzenlenmektedir. Bu bileşenler düzenlenirken, bazı kısımlar yeniden tanımlanmış, bazı kısımlar ise DEÜ otomasyon sisteminin diğer bileşenlerinden aktarılmıştır. Bu şekilde bütünleşerek tek bir ürün haline gelen bilgi paketi, sistemin bütünü içerisindeki hataların, eksikliklerin ve iyileştirilmesi gereken süreçlerin keşfedilmesine olanak sağlamıştır. Gerçekleştirilen örnek olay çalışmasıyla, bilgi paketi ve ilişkili olduğu tüm süreçler sistematik bir şekilde ele alınarak aralarındaki etkileşimler grafik çizimlerle sunulmuştur. Bu çalışma, zorunlu ya da gönüllü olarak benimsenen önemli bir sürecin nasıl kurgulanabileceğini sistematik bir şekilde ortaya koyması adına örnek olay niteliği taşımaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler Bilgi Paketi, Bologna Süreci, Kar Yığını Modeli, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues in Organizations, 2016
İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 2015

In this study we aim to explain the patterns of leadership roles for team effectiveness in non ec... more In this study we aim to explain the patterns of leadership roles for team effectiveness in non economic organizations compared to economic organizations. For this purpose, we studied three successful organization types, i.e the amateur sports clubs (football, basketball), theater companies and, regional folk groups. Our basic hypothesis is that the relationship between the type of organization (specially teams) and the role of leadership is not random. Therefore, we believe that an empirical approach is necessary to test the assumptions about leadership and team effectiveness. Also these empirical results are supposed to lead to professional managers in economic organizations. First, we constructed thirteen key dimension variables for leadership behavior as follows: coaching, effective communication, encouraging teamwork, establishing high standards and getting results, effective delegation, rewarding performance, developing and releasing employees, building consensus, supporting reasonable risk-taking, forecast thinking, improving the organization, managing diversity, and overall effectiveness . Second, we defined team standards and effectiveness in twenty items. And finally, we tried to emphasize factors affecting leadership roles and team effectiveness. In this study, Natemeyer and Babko (1992) Management Practices Survey data are used. Data reliability are tested before the analysis and results are discussed at the end of the study.

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2015
ABSTRACT Abstract: The aim of this article is to identify the major themes of innovation culture ... more ABSTRACT Abstract: The aim of this article is to identify the major themes of innovation culture within the context of R&D centres. The research question formulated for this purpose is: What are the aspects of corporate culture that can support building an innovation culture? To address this research question, qualitative exploratory research design was employed and focus group methodology was adopted. The research was conducted on 38 enterprises out of 127 with official R&D centre certification in Turkey. This paper contributes to the existing literature based on eight dimensions (knowledge sharing, learning and development, social networks and cooperation, allocation of free time, tolerance of mistakes, rewarding and incentive system, managing differences and teamwork) that captures the interface between corporate culture and innovativeness. A unique definition of innovation culture was also proposed. Keywords: corporate culture; innovation management; innovativeness; innovation culture; R&D centre; focus group; exploratory research design; Turkey.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Örgüt kültürü, iş doyumu.
The aim of this study is to question innovation creating capability of SMEs in Turkey. Accordingl... more The aim of this study is to question innovation creating capability of SMEs in Turkey. Accordingly our hypothesis is that operational environment, organizational culture and organizational structure have important impacts on innovation creating capability of SMEs. Our hypothesis is being tested in terms of mentioned variables, on SMEs operating in manufacturing industry in 12 regions of Turkey. Using survey methodology,
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013

African Journal of Business …, 2009
The ultimate objective of this study is to show the effects of leadership styles and organization... more The ultimate objective of this study is to show the effects of leadership styles and organizational culture on firm's innovativeness. The study has been conducted over six different firms with a total sample size of 113 employees in order to investigate empirically the joint impact of particular leadership styles (employee orientation, production orientation, change centered leadership) and organizational culture typologies (market, hierarchy, adhocracy ,clan) on firm's innovativeness within Turkish business context. The most significant finding of the study is that adhocracy culture has been found as a common variable for all firms within the sample in explaining innovativeness. On the other side, based on firm level analysis, it has been shown that for construction and chemical firms market culture, for steel and iron firm employee oriented leadership, for pharmaceutical firm hierarchy and change centered leadership and finally for aviation firm adhocracy culture have been found to explain firm's innovativeness. Considering the departmental analysis, for production department market, hierarchy and change centered leadership, for marketing department adhocracy culture are determined as common variables in explaining innovativeness within the firm.

This study analyses the effect of managerial entrepreneurship behavior on employee satisfaction. ... more This study analyses the effect of managerial entrepreneurship behavior on employee satisfaction. For the variables mentioned, the environmental and structural variables in particular, which we suppose have an influence on the satisfaction, are used as moderators in this study. According to the findings acquired, there is a strong and a positive correlation between the managerial entrepreneurship behavior and satisfaction. Also, the entrepreneurial behavior explains 75% of the employee satisfaction due to this behavior. The hierarchical regression analysis, realized according to the model, shows that only the variable of the static-dynamic dimension of the process environment has a quasi moderator effect on the satisfaction due to entrepreneurial behavior between the other moderator-variables. Of the organizational structure variables, the formalization and the centralization degree have a quasi moderator variable effect on the satisfaction of the managerial behavior. Consequently, the findings give us the result that the structural variables in the organization can be controlled, that these variables can be organized by managerial techniques for the benefit of the employees and that the managerial behaviors are very important for the perception and the satisfaction of the employees.
Parenteral nutrition in bricker cyste by Ethem Duygulu