Papers by Burak Yolaçan
XIII Türkiye’deki arkeolojik çalışmalara eğitim, araştırma ve kazıda İtalya katkısı sempozyumu, 2024
Missione archeologica a Kınık Höyük. Le opere di conservazione e restauro
Kınık Höyük Arkeolojik... more Missione archeologica a Kınık Höyük. Le opere di conservazione e restauro
Kınık Höyük Arkeolojik Misyonu. Konservasyon ve restorasyon çalışmaları

The Design Journal, 2024
Archaeological artefacts in museums serve as artistic displays and provide visitors with insights... more Archaeological artefacts in museums serve as artistic displays and provide visitors with insights into the historical context of their discovery. Some finds offer direct, observable information, while others convey more subtle, context-dependent representations, such as iconography. This study focuses on identifying the iconography of a recently discovered Hellenistic statue through an analysis of archaeological literature. The gathered information was then used to evaluate the effectiveness of the display of similar statues in museums. Key factors considered included appropriate chronological placement, spatial organization of the surrounding environment, emphasis on hierarchy, visibility from all angles, clarity of the iconographic elements, and the inclusion of explanatory text. Based on these criteria, several display design alternatives were proposed, with one selected and implemented for the exhibition of the newly unearthed statue. The effectiveness of the approach was validated through the assembly, and the adaptability of the method to similar exhibition design scenarios was discussed.

Buildings, 2024
In recent years, at the Kınık Höyük archeological site in Niğde province in Turkey, a city squar... more In recent years, at the Kınık Höyük archeological site in Niğde province in Turkey, a city square (plaza) located in the town’s acropolis was discovered. Context and spatial finds indicate that this stone-paved plaza dates to the Hellenistic era. It is made of a large cobblestone masonry structure made of local amorphous units that were fixed only with compacted earth. The conservation plan concentrated on enclosing the unbound free edges by using new pavement and a retaining wall to stop the ongoing decay because the plaza had already lost its integrity before the discovery. To distinguish between the original application and modern interventions, new cladding was designed and installed lower than the ancient pavement’s level using smaller stones from the same source. Additionally, a retaining wall was planned and built to be plastered to achieve a plain surface, where the pavement’s texture created contrast and highlighted neat craftsmanship. For this consolidation application, a hydraulic lime-based binder was combined with local earth for compatibility with the older application. The application’s suitability and durability were demonstrated after it was observed for a few years while being subjected to atmospheric impacts without any protection. Therefore, the examination confirmed that the suggested method is safe to apply in situations where similar stabilization needs arise.
Near Eastern Archaeology , 2020

Asia Anteriore AnticaJournal of Ancient Near Eastern Cultures, 2024
Excavations at the site of Kınık Höyük have brought to light over the past twelve ... more Excavations at the site of Kınık Höyük have brought to light over the past twelve years several occupational phases dated to the first Millennium BCE both on the acropolis and in the lower town, especially for the Middle Iron Age and the Hellenistic period. Since 2021 the University of Firenze joined the Univer-sity of Pavia (Italy), NYU-ISAW (USA) and Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir (Tur-key) in the excavations at the site of Kınık Höyük, and since 2022 the same univer-sity took over in the management of the project. This article is a preliminary report on recent excavations area D2-3, located in the lower town, where archaeologists could identify six phases of occupation and two large primary contexts dated to the beginning of the Middle Iron Age, that provide new insights on every-day assem-blages and inventories produced locally and the architectural and archaeological context they are related to. The most interesting element in terms of urban layout and structure is related to the construction of the massive defensive fortification of the lower town, that seems to be related so far to the earliest occupation of the Iron Age lower town, i.e. possibly at the end of the Early Iron Age. A selection of the materials and a detailed report on deposits and architecture provides the reader with the archaeological data collected mainly in the campaign 2022 and 2021 in the lower town excavations, while a general overview on the urban fortification of the acropolis allows a general picture of the whole settlement defensive system and space organisation.

Tüba-Ked, 2019
Border fortresses have been built in the hinterland of Smyrna/İzmir since earlier times as milita... more Border fortresses have been built in the hinterland of Smyrna/İzmir since earlier times as military security measures. These fortresses are built to observe and in case of an emergency, hold the valleys and roads in and out of the Izmir Plain. Today we can see more than 10 such fortress and watch towers built on strategic locations around the Ancient Smyrna. Among these fortresses, some of which have been used since the Archaic Period, to the north of the plain Adatepe and Küçük Yamanlar, to the south Akçakaya, to the east Belkahve, Sivrikaya, Kaynaklar and Kırıklar Fortress are the more remarkable fortifications. Among these Akçakaya and Belkahve are the prominent fortifications with long settlement histories. Since we have so little information about these fortifications, Belkahve, Sivrikaya, Kaynaklar, Kırıklar and Akçakaya have been visited in 2016-2017 to re-evaluate especially the architectural finds with new techniques. What we know from the literature about these find spots are interpreted in the light of new evaluations for this paper to better understand the building remains in these fortresses.
Keywords: Country (khora), Castle (phrourion), Camp (stratopedon), Greek and Roman Period, Defensive architecture.

Athenaeum, 2022
The present note offers a concise report of the excavation and restoration activities that took p... more The present note offers a concise report of the excavation and restoration activities that took place during the 10th and 11th campaigns at the archaeological site of Niğde Kınık Höyük (hereinafter N-KH). The excavations at N-KH are a collaborative research project of Pavia University and ISAW, New York University, directed by Lorenzo d’Alfonso and co-directed by Burak Yolac¸an (Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir). Starting with the 11th campaign, the University of Florence also became part of the research project.Dr. d’Alfonso was the field director for the campaign 2020, whereas Dr.Marina Pucci (University of Florence) served as field director in 2021. Participants of the international team were 13 in 2020 and 27 in 2021 1. The commissars for the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism were the archaeologist Pembe Gürrsoy (Kalehöyük Archaeological Museum) in 2020, and the archaeologist Erman Akyüz (Bayburt Archaeological Museum) in 2021.

Uluslararası Aliağa ve Çevresi-Aiolis Bölgesi- Arkeoloji ve Disiplinlerarası Araştırmalar Sempozyumu BİLDİRİLER, 2020
Leukai İzmir Körfezi içinde günümüz Üçtepeler Mevkiinde konumlanmaktadır. Antik dönemde bugün old... more Leukai İzmir Körfezi içinde günümüz Üçtepeler Mevkiinde konumlanmaktadır. Antik dönemde bugün olduğundan daha geniş bir alana yayıldığı tahmin edilen körfez içerisinde bir ada yerleşimi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. İzmir Körfezi’nin girişini kontrol anlamında önemli bir konuma sahip olduğu anlaşılan kent günümüz Menemen Ovasının oluşumu sürecinde bu özelliğini olasılıkla zaman içerisinde kaybetmiştir. Kente ait kalıntıların konumlandığı alan bugün Çiğli Doğal Yaşam Parkı ve Kuş Cenneti sınırları içerisindedir. Antik Kente ulaşım deniz ile adacıklar arasına oluşturulmuş günümüz tuzlaların varlığı sayesinde kara yoluyla da sağlanabilmektedir. İÖ. 383 yüzyılda kurulduğu bilinen kentin, bu dönem sonrasında Aiolis Bölgesi içinde gelişen birtakım olaylar çerçevesinde stratejik konumuyla önemli rol aldığını beklemek kaçınılmazdır. Kent antik kaynaklarda Pers amirali Takhos tarafından Büyük Kral İsyanı hazırlıklarının bir parçası olarak kurulmuştur. Literatürde Leukai ile ilgili önemli sayıda bilgi yer almasına rağmen yerinde bugüne kadar detaylı bir çalışma ve inceleme yapılmamıştır. Kentin ana yerleşim noktası güneybatıdaki Lodos Tepe olarak bilinmektedir. Lodos Tepe dışında Abdullah Ağa Tepe, Orta Tepe ve Poyraz Tepe’de de yoğun yerleşim izleri görülmektedir. Kültür ve Turizm bakanlığı izniyle 2016 yılından bu yana İzmir İli Merkez İlçeleri ve Menemen İlçesi Yüzey Araştırmaları kapsamında incelenen ve ziyaret edilen bu alanlarda, çeşitli arkeolojik ve bilimsel tarama, inceleme yöntemleri ile çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu ziyaretler çok sayıda ve farklı dönemlerden seramik buluntunun ve mimari kalıntıların tespitine olanak sağlamıştır. Sunumumuzda alanın arkeolojik anlamda potansiyelini ortaya koyacağına inandığımız devam eden yüz araştırmalarında elde edilen bu güncel veriler ve tespitler paylaşılacaktır.
Book Section by Burak Yolaçan

Graffti from the Basilica in the Agora of Smyrna, 2016
Edited by Roger S. Bagnall, Roberta Casagrande-Kim, Akin Ersoy and Cumhur Tanriver with contribut... more Edited by Roger S. Bagnall, Roberta Casagrande-Kim, Akin Ersoy and Cumhur Tanriver with contributions by Burak Yolaçan.
An in-depth archaeological report featuring graffiti found during a recent excavation at the Ancient Greek city of Smyrna.
The graffiti published in this richly-illustrated volume were discovered during an excavation of the Roman basilica in the Ancient Greek city of Smyrna, known today as Izmir, which is situated on the Aegean coast of modern Turkey.
The project, which began in 2003, has unearthed a multitude of graffiti and drawings encompassing a wide range of subjects and interests, including local politics, nautical vessels, sex, and wordplay. Each graffito artifact holds the potential for vast historical and cultural data, rescued in this volume from the passage of time and razing ambitions of urban development. Given the city’s history, the potential wealth of knowledge to be gleamed from these discoveries is substantial: Smyrna has an uninterrupted history of settlement since the Neolithic–Copper ages, and remains today a major city and Mediterranean seaport at the crossroads of key trade routes.
The present volume provides comprehensive editions of the texts, descriptions of the drawings, and an extensive introduction to the subjects of the graffiti, how they were produced, and who was responsible for them. A complete set of color photographs is included.

Smyrna/İzmir Kazı ve Araştırmaları I. Çalıştay Bildirileri, 2015
Agora Basilica of Smyrna is a 3 story building measuring 161 m. to 29 m. and occupies the norther... more Agora Basilica of Smyrna is a 3 story building measuring 161 m. to 29 m. and occupies the northern wing of the Agora of Smyrna and the focal point of the site. It’s a multipurpose prestige building. While it follows the tradition of Asiatic Basilicas its architects employed some surprising innovations such as the use of arches to support 2nd story and cross vaults. Basement of the Basilica also houses one of the biggest collections of graffito in Ancient Greek.
The building has been in use since at least the first quarter of 2. century as a basilica and 2. century BC as a stoa. It has gone through a major rebuilding after an earthquake in 177 and has been in use until 7. century when it was abandoned with the rest of the Agora.
Smyrna Agora Bazilikası Smyrna Agorasının kuzey kanadında, 161 m X 29 m ölçülerinde 3 katlı ve Agoranın odak noktası olan çok amaçlı bir prestij yapısıdır. Asyatik bazilikaların genel yapı özelliklerine sahip olsa da yapıda bazı yenilikçi özellikler görülmektedir; 2. katın taşınmasından kullanılan kemerler ve yapının cryptoporticusunda kullanılan çapraz kemerler gibi. Yapının bodrum katı aynı zamanda Antik dünyanın en büyük graffito koleksiyonlarından birine de ev sahipliği yapmaktadır.
Yapı MÖ 2 yydan beri stoa ve 125lerden itibaren de bazilika olarak kullanımdadır. Bazilika yapısı 177 depreminden sonra esaslı bir yapı evresi geçirmiş ve 7 yyda ise Agoranın geri kalanı ile birlikte terkedilmiştir.
Books by Burak Yolaçan

This proceeding book includes the papers presented at the Conference of the XII. Association for ... more This proceeding book includes the papers presented at the Conference of the XII. Association for the study of Marble and other stone in Antiquity (ASMOSIA XII). The conference was organized by Geological Engineering and Archaeological departments of Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir, Türkiye, on the 8th to the 14th of October. Like in the previous congresses, ASMOSIA XII was highly international and interdisciplinary.
During the conference more than 100 oral and poster presentations were submitted by the partecipants, archaeologists, geologists, art historians, conservators, historians of Classical antiquity, architectural historians, chemists and physicist from at least 15 different nationalities.
The papers presented in this book can be grouped under 4 main headings like applications to specific archaeological questions – use of marble; provenance identification marble and other stones; advances in provenance techniques, methodologies and databases; quarries and geology: quarrying techniques, organisation, transport of stones, new quarries, stone carving and dressing, hazards and preservation of quarries; stone properties, weathering effects and restoration, as related to diagnosis problems, matching of stone fragments and authenticity and pigments and painting on marble.
In this symposium, which lasted 7 days, including five days of presentations and 2 days of field trips, important scientific discussions were made on the above-mentioned issues by the attendees from various disciplines. We believe that the proceeding book of ASMOSIA XII including the results of the important multidisciplinary works will help the researchers who work in these fields.
We would like to thank Dokuz Eylül University for it’s support during the symposium and for printing this proceeding book. We would like to express our special thanks to Dr. Akın Ersoy and to the other organization committee members of the ASMOSIA XII conferences. Additionally, we also would like to thank the reviewers who gave important support during the reviewing processes of this book.
Finally, we want to dedicate this volume of the XII Asmosia Izmir Proceedings to the dear memory of Moshe Fischer. Esteemed colleague, one of the greatest scholar about roman architectural decoration in the Levant and in larger part of the Mediterranean, Moshe was fellow of Asmosia since the first Workshop held at Il Ciocco (Lucca, Italy) in 1988 and finally member of the executive Committee of Asmosia since 2015. We will never forget his friendliness and kindness, his archaeological expertise, his deep voice and his mustache.
Ali Bahadır Yavuz
Burak Yolaçan
Matthias Bruno
An in-depth archaeological report featuring graffiti found during a recent excavation at the Anci... more An in-depth archaeological report featuring graffiti found during a recent excavation at the Ancient Greek city of Smyrna.
Conference Presentations by Burak Yolaçan
Spazio pubblico e privato a Kınık Höyük in
epoca Ellenistica

Göndereceğiniz bildiri metinlerinin aşağıda belirtilen kurallara uygun olarak gönderilmesi, kitab... more Göndereceğiniz bildiri metinlerinin aşağıda belirtilen kurallara uygun olarak gönderilmesi, kitabın zamanında basımı ve kaliteli bir yayın hazırlanması açısından önem taşımaktadır. Bildirilerin yazımında kitaptaki sayfa düzeni esas alınarak; * Yazılar A4 kağıda, üstten 5.5cm. alttan 5cm. soldan 4.5cm. sağdan 3cm.lik bir boşluk bırakılarak, 10 punto ile, bir satır aralığı olacak şekilde, Times New Roman fontu ile en fazla 10 sayfa yazılmalı, * Başlık 14 punto, büyük harf ve bold olacak şekilde yazılmalı, * Bildiri sahiplerinin isimleri başlığın altında, sağ üstte yer almalı, alt alta sıralanmalı ve unvan kullanılmamalı, dipnotta unvan, adı soyadı, bağlı olduğu kurum, şehir, ülke ve e-mail adresi mutlaka yazılmalıdır. * Metinde ana başlıklar büyük harflerle ve italik, alt başlıklar, baş harfleri büyük ve italik olarak yazılmalı, * Metin içinde geçen yabancı sözcük ve terimler, örneğin "in-situ" italik olarak yazılmalı, * Metin içinde Milattan Önce gibi çok alışılagelmiş kısaltmalar dışında kısaltma kullanılmamalı, Milattan Önce ve sonra kısaltması: M.Ö., M.S. Erken Tunç Çağı: ETÇ olarak kullanılmalıdır. * Bölge adlarının ilk harfleri, aynı şekilde yer, coğrafya ve kurum adlarının ilk harfleri büyük yazılmalıdır. Örneğin: Doğu Anadolu, Yakın Doğu, Avrupa, Akdeniz Bölgesi, Dicle Nehri, Ankara Üniversitesi, Türk Tarih Kurumu gibi. * Ölçü ve ağırlıklar m. cm. mm. lt. gr. şeklinde yazılmalı, * Dipnotlar metnin altında ve metin içinde numaraları belirtilerek, 8 puntoda yazılmalı, * Dipnot ve kaynakçada (bibliyografya) kitap ve dergi isimleri italik yazılmalı, * Harita, çizim ve resimler 15 adetten fazla olmamalı, fotoğraflar JPG veya TlFF olarak gönderilmeli, gönderilen resimlerin çözünürlüğünün en az 300 pixel/ınch olmalı, * Çizimlere (Çizim: 1 ), resimlere (Resim: 1 ), haritalara (Harita: 1 ) olarak alt yazı yazılmalı ve kesinlikle levha sistemi kullanılmamalı, * Yayım için telif anlaşması gerektiren Googleearth gibi görseller kullanılmamalı, Yayınlanacak bildiri sayışının artması, kitapların zamanında basımını güçleştirdiğinden, bildirilerinizin sempozyum sırasında teslim edilmesi ya da en geç 1 Ağustos tarihine kadar,

Theatroeideis. L'immagine della città, la città delle immagini, 2018
The ancient city of Smyrna was relocated to the slopes of Mount Pagos during the 3rd cent. B.C. T... more The ancient city of Smyrna was relocated to the slopes of Mount Pagos during the 3rd cent. B.C. The Agora was a main focus of the public construction projects at this time and, with the emergence of Smyrna as one of the most important cities in Asia Minor under Roman rule, the need for enlarged/transformed/new spaces increased. This paper describes the layout of the Agora of Smyrna and how this changed and transformed over time, focusing on the results of recent excavations, which have shown that the Agora and the surrounding area underwent two major changes after its initial construction; during the first phase part of the street running between the Bouleuterion to the west, and the West Stoa and North Stoa to the east was transformed into a subterranean vaulted passage. The North Stoa was also enlarged and transformed into a new Roman Civil Basilica. The change to the street was drastic here; it was transformed into a mere passageway to access the West Stoa basement and acted as the substructure for the tribunalis of the new civil Basilica. The second major rebuilding phase in the Agora occurred after an earthquake in 177. The destruction caused by this earthquake allowed the builders to alter the urban fabric of the city, and the recent excavations to the west of the West Stoa in the Bouleuterion and the Mosaic Hall have shown that the Bouleuterion was moved further north from its original location, while the street parallel to the West Stoa was incorporated into the basement of the building. A new, raised space was created on the old location of the Bouleuterion; the so-called Mosaic Hall was built here which acted as an entrance hall for the Bouleuterion among other uses. With entrances on all four sides, this Mosaic Hall acted as an intersection in this part of the aAgora. The Basilica was further transformed after this earthquake; a wider and taller building was rebuilt using the remains of the old one; this new building is a multi-purpose Asiatic Basilica; Hellenistic forms applied to an essentially Roman idea to create a peculiar but beautiful prestige building. Smyrna had to transform itself with the emergence of new construction techniques, ideas and administration during the Imperial period, but did so by adding its own flavour to the mix. The paper shows how this transformation occurred in the Agora, the very heart of the city, creating new spaces and altering urban routes.
Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, held at the University of Catania 3–5 March 2011, 2015
İzmir: From Past to Present, 2017
Papers by Burak Yolaçan
Kınık Höyük Arkeolojik Misyonu. Konservasyon ve restorasyon çalışmaları
Keywords: Country (khora), Castle (phrourion), Camp (stratopedon), Greek and Roman Period, Defensive architecture.
Book Section by Burak Yolaçan
An in-depth archaeological report featuring graffiti found during a recent excavation at the Ancient Greek city of Smyrna.
The graffiti published in this richly-illustrated volume were discovered during an excavation of the Roman basilica in the Ancient Greek city of Smyrna, known today as Izmir, which is situated on the Aegean coast of modern Turkey.
The project, which began in 2003, has unearthed a multitude of graffiti and drawings encompassing a wide range of subjects and interests, including local politics, nautical vessels, sex, and wordplay. Each graffito artifact holds the potential for vast historical and cultural data, rescued in this volume from the passage of time and razing ambitions of urban development. Given the city’s history, the potential wealth of knowledge to be gleamed from these discoveries is substantial: Smyrna has an uninterrupted history of settlement since the Neolithic–Copper ages, and remains today a major city and Mediterranean seaport at the crossroads of key trade routes.
The present volume provides comprehensive editions of the texts, descriptions of the drawings, and an extensive introduction to the subjects of the graffiti, how they were produced, and who was responsible for them. A complete set of color photographs is included.
The building has been in use since at least the first quarter of 2. century as a basilica and 2. century BC as a stoa. It has gone through a major rebuilding after an earthquake in 177 and has been in use until 7. century when it was abandoned with the rest of the Agora.
Smyrna Agora Bazilikası Smyrna Agorasının kuzey kanadında, 161 m X 29 m ölçülerinde 3 katlı ve Agoranın odak noktası olan çok amaçlı bir prestij yapısıdır. Asyatik bazilikaların genel yapı özelliklerine sahip olsa da yapıda bazı yenilikçi özellikler görülmektedir; 2. katın taşınmasından kullanılan kemerler ve yapının cryptoporticusunda kullanılan çapraz kemerler gibi. Yapının bodrum katı aynı zamanda Antik dünyanın en büyük graffito koleksiyonlarından birine de ev sahipliği yapmaktadır.
Yapı MÖ 2 yydan beri stoa ve 125lerden itibaren de bazilika olarak kullanımdadır. Bazilika yapısı 177 depreminden sonra esaslı bir yapı evresi geçirmiş ve 7 yyda ise Agoranın geri kalanı ile birlikte terkedilmiştir.
Books by Burak Yolaçan
During the conference more than 100 oral and poster presentations were submitted by the partecipants, archaeologists, geologists, art historians, conservators, historians of Classical antiquity, architectural historians, chemists and physicist from at least 15 different nationalities.
The papers presented in this book can be grouped under 4 main headings like applications to specific archaeological questions – use of marble; provenance identification marble and other stones; advances in provenance techniques, methodologies and databases; quarries and geology: quarrying techniques, organisation, transport of stones, new quarries, stone carving and dressing, hazards and preservation of quarries; stone properties, weathering effects and restoration, as related to diagnosis problems, matching of stone fragments and authenticity and pigments and painting on marble.
In this symposium, which lasted 7 days, including five days of presentations and 2 days of field trips, important scientific discussions were made on the above-mentioned issues by the attendees from various disciplines. We believe that the proceeding book of ASMOSIA XII including the results of the important multidisciplinary works will help the researchers who work in these fields.
We would like to thank Dokuz Eylül University for it’s support during the symposium and for printing this proceeding book. We would like to express our special thanks to Dr. Akın Ersoy and to the other organization committee members of the ASMOSIA XII conferences. Additionally, we also would like to thank the reviewers who gave important support during the reviewing processes of this book.
Finally, we want to dedicate this volume of the XII Asmosia Izmir Proceedings to the dear memory of Moshe Fischer. Esteemed colleague, one of the greatest scholar about roman architectural decoration in the Levant and in larger part of the Mediterranean, Moshe was fellow of Asmosia since the first Workshop held at Il Ciocco (Lucca, Italy) in 1988 and finally member of the executive Committee of Asmosia since 2015. We will never forget his friendliness and kindness, his archaeological expertise, his deep voice and his mustache.
Ali Bahadır Yavuz
Burak Yolaçan
Matthias Bruno
Conference Presentations by Burak Yolaçan
Kınık Höyük Arkeolojik Misyonu. Konservasyon ve restorasyon çalışmaları
Keywords: Country (khora), Castle (phrourion), Camp (stratopedon), Greek and Roman Period, Defensive architecture.
An in-depth archaeological report featuring graffiti found during a recent excavation at the Ancient Greek city of Smyrna.
The graffiti published in this richly-illustrated volume were discovered during an excavation of the Roman basilica in the Ancient Greek city of Smyrna, known today as Izmir, which is situated on the Aegean coast of modern Turkey.
The project, which began in 2003, has unearthed a multitude of graffiti and drawings encompassing a wide range of subjects and interests, including local politics, nautical vessels, sex, and wordplay. Each graffito artifact holds the potential for vast historical and cultural data, rescued in this volume from the passage of time and razing ambitions of urban development. Given the city’s history, the potential wealth of knowledge to be gleamed from these discoveries is substantial: Smyrna has an uninterrupted history of settlement since the Neolithic–Copper ages, and remains today a major city and Mediterranean seaport at the crossroads of key trade routes.
The present volume provides comprehensive editions of the texts, descriptions of the drawings, and an extensive introduction to the subjects of the graffiti, how they were produced, and who was responsible for them. A complete set of color photographs is included.
The building has been in use since at least the first quarter of 2. century as a basilica and 2. century BC as a stoa. It has gone through a major rebuilding after an earthquake in 177 and has been in use until 7. century when it was abandoned with the rest of the Agora.
Smyrna Agora Bazilikası Smyrna Agorasının kuzey kanadında, 161 m X 29 m ölçülerinde 3 katlı ve Agoranın odak noktası olan çok amaçlı bir prestij yapısıdır. Asyatik bazilikaların genel yapı özelliklerine sahip olsa da yapıda bazı yenilikçi özellikler görülmektedir; 2. katın taşınmasından kullanılan kemerler ve yapının cryptoporticusunda kullanılan çapraz kemerler gibi. Yapının bodrum katı aynı zamanda Antik dünyanın en büyük graffito koleksiyonlarından birine de ev sahipliği yapmaktadır.
Yapı MÖ 2 yydan beri stoa ve 125lerden itibaren de bazilika olarak kullanımdadır. Bazilika yapısı 177 depreminden sonra esaslı bir yapı evresi geçirmiş ve 7 yyda ise Agoranın geri kalanı ile birlikte terkedilmiştir.
During the conference more than 100 oral and poster presentations were submitted by the partecipants, archaeologists, geologists, art historians, conservators, historians of Classical antiquity, architectural historians, chemists and physicist from at least 15 different nationalities.
The papers presented in this book can be grouped under 4 main headings like applications to specific archaeological questions – use of marble; provenance identification marble and other stones; advances in provenance techniques, methodologies and databases; quarries and geology: quarrying techniques, organisation, transport of stones, new quarries, stone carving and dressing, hazards and preservation of quarries; stone properties, weathering effects and restoration, as related to diagnosis problems, matching of stone fragments and authenticity and pigments and painting on marble.
In this symposium, which lasted 7 days, including five days of presentations and 2 days of field trips, important scientific discussions were made on the above-mentioned issues by the attendees from various disciplines. We believe that the proceeding book of ASMOSIA XII including the results of the important multidisciplinary works will help the researchers who work in these fields.
We would like to thank Dokuz Eylül University for it’s support during the symposium and for printing this proceeding book. We would like to express our special thanks to Dr. Akın Ersoy and to the other organization committee members of the ASMOSIA XII conferences. Additionally, we also would like to thank the reviewers who gave important support during the reviewing processes of this book.
Finally, we want to dedicate this volume of the XII Asmosia Izmir Proceedings to the dear memory of Moshe Fischer. Esteemed colleague, one of the greatest scholar about roman architectural decoration in the Levant and in larger part of the Mediterranean, Moshe was fellow of Asmosia since the first Workshop held at Il Ciocco (Lucca, Italy) in 1988 and finally member of the executive Committee of Asmosia since 2015. We will never forget his friendliness and kindness, his archaeological expertise, his deep voice and his mustache.
Ali Bahadır Yavuz
Burak Yolaçan
Matthias Bruno
yürütülen 2009 yılı arkeolojik kazı çalışmaları 06.02.2009 –29.12.2009 tarihlerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Smyrna antik kenti kazıları çerçevesinde çalışmalar ruhsat alanı içindeki iki alanda yürütülmüştür. Bu iki kazı alanından ilki olan 1. Derece Arkeolojik Sit Alanı olarak tescilli Smyrna Agorası’ndaki çalışmalar dört noktada kazı ve iki noktada graffiti
ve mozaik konservasyonu olmak üzere altı noktada sürdürülmüştür. Kazı çalışmalarının yürütüldüğü diğer alan ise Kadifekale’dir.
Projesi kapsamında; günümüz İzmir kent merkezi ve civarında konumlanmakta olan ve çeşitli arkeolojik kalıntılar barındırma potansiyeli yüksek lokasyonlarda varsa arkeolojik verilerin tespiti ve tasnifi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda 10 Ekim ile 22 Ekim tarihleri arasında gidilmek üzere İzmir merkez ilçelerinden Bornova, Buca ilçeleri ile Menemen İlçesi’nde yer alan bazı alanların araştırılması öncelikli olarak hedeflenmiştir.
Additionally, a retaining wall was planned and built to be plastered to achieve a plain surface, where the pavement’s texture created contrast and highlighted neat craftsmanship. For this consolidation application, a hydraulic lime-based binder was combined with local earth for compatibility with the older application. The application’s suitability and durability were demonstrated after it was observed for a few years while being subjected to atmospheric impacts without any protection.
Therefore, the examination confirmed that the suggested method is safe to apply in situations where similar stabilization needs arise.
All is welcome.
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