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Journal created:
on 4 August 2011 (#40179954)
on 4 November 2011
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Writing journal for russettedbones' in-progress Steampunk fairytale.

author: russettedbones
Welcome to derailedtrees, writing journal for russettedbones's in-progress Steampunk fairytale, 'Anamnesis.' When the key to a wind-up city is broken and the citizens' time begins to run out, it's up to the king to figure out how to repair the heart he destroyed and save everything he cherishes most in his clockwork world.

The community will be updated with new chapters as they are written, and comments, critique, and/or suggestions are welcome and appreciated at any time.

{Layout code edited by me; header image created by me. Vector graphics found on various sites through Google and used with permission. Sidebar quote taken from Seneca's Hercules Furens.}
research: tumblr
inspiration: write or die
layout code: traincar
profile code: fruitstyle
