Papers by Joey R . Cabigao, PhD

The primary aim of the study is to assess the impact of professional competencies of school heads... more The primary aim of the study is to assess the impact of professional competencies of school heads (SHs) on school outcome, organizational culture, and principals’ performance. This study utilized a descriptive-correlational research method through standard questionnaires as primary data gathering tool, substantiated by extensive documentary analysis. The respondents of the study were the SHs and teachers in the public [government] elementary and junior high schools of DepEd Schools Division of City of Malolos for School Year 2018-2019. The findings of the study revealed that: (1) the SHs’ level of professional competencies are generally competent on the nature of their duties and functions as education leaders; (2) the SBM Level of Practice are generally Developing; (3) majority of teachers obtained Very Satisfactory performance; (4) majority of the SHs recorded Outstanding performance; (5) school’s organizational culture was high; (6) majority of the SHs are Principals’ Test passers; and (7) professional competencies of SHs generally have no significant impact on school outcome, school’s organizational culture, and principals’ performance. Combined significant impact of SHs' professional competencies was only recorded on SBM practices as one of the three measures of school outcome as used in the study. Inputs on the existing policy guidelines based on the findings of the study may be necessary to strengthen the performance indicators of quality leadership among school heads that will further improve the quality of schools we have today. Keywords - Professional Competencies, School Outcome, Organizational Culture, Principals’ Performance

Education 3-13, 2021
This action research primarily aims to remediate the low level of basic writing skills (writing i... more This action research primarily aims to remediate the low level of basic writing skills (writing in cursive, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and paragraphing) of Grade 7 learners in Filipino class/subject in a government high school. The researcher conducted (1) assessment of learners’ writing competency through pre and post-tests; (2) preparation/development of writing exercises; (3) activities are emphasizing the conduct of writing activities in and out of the classroom; and (4) home visitations to reinforce the teacher’s and parents’ monitoring on the progress of their children. A five-point rating scale was utilized in assessing learners’ outputs. An increase of 1.56 was recorded in the general rating of pre to post-test, which shows that 80% improvement is manifested among the learners’ basic writing competencies, proving that the intervention used is effective in achieving the target of the study. The study reveals the significant role of teachers in arousing learners’ i...

Philippine Normal University, 2012
This study primarily aims to determine the perceptions and proposed changes of the public seconda... more This study primarily aims to determine the perceptions and proposed changes of the public secondary school teachers handling Filipino subject in the Division of the City Schools of Malolos, School Year 2012-2013, on the contents of the 2009 Manual of Orthography in Filipino (Gabay sa Ortograpiyang Filipino), after almost three years of its implementation.
This study is based on the descriptive method of research and was conducted through language survey – a type of statistical study which was according to Brown (1991) is done through data collection on the nature and acquisition of language, and perception of the source of data in oral or written interview.
To collect the necessary data of this study, the researcher developed a questionnaire with three parts: (1) the personal data of the respondents; (2) the questions to measure the perception of the respondents on each specific rule of the orthography; and (3) a survey to determine the proposed changes on the certain rules of the orthography as part of the standardization of the Filipino language. This study was conducted for three months, from July to September 2012.
Findings of the study revealed that: (1) majority of the teacher-respondents are in the baseline/entry position as of the time of this study; (2) teacher-respondents in general strongly approved the contents of the existing orthography; and (3) there is just a slight contrasting views and opinions among teacher-respondents on the rules regarding translation.
The study recommends: (1) teachers and school officials to attend various seminars/trainings related language and linguistics, to broaden and deepen their competencies on the interpretation and usage of the existing orthography; (2) to conduct a valuable and truthful study on language to acquire a keener sense of explaining and critiquing a policy on the language use in the country; (3) to devote enough time with teachers and education authorities on language teaching and/or language policy-making endeavors for clarity and unity in writing official correspondences and other write ups in the academe; (4) to have an open mind on the continuous changes and development of Filipino, as the national language, to go along with what the present time dictates; and (5) to conduct similar studies to test the reliability and validity of the findings stated.
Key Words: Perception, Proposed Change, Orthography, Filipino

International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR), 2021
This paper presents a School-Based Assessment Framework for Learners this COVID-19 Pandemic in a ... more This paper presents a School-Based Assessment Framework for Learners this COVID-19 Pandemic in a triadic representation. The framework is primarily anchored on DepEd"s Vision, Mission, and Core Values and the equally important contribution of school, home, and community in the education of our learners is likewise highlighted. The role of assessment as the heart of teaching-learning engagement for the growth and development of learners comes into three dimensions, the assessment "for" learning, "as" learning, and "of" learning. The center of the paradigm are the learners who are expected to complete the K to 12 Basic Education Program and acquire the assigned learning competencies to prepare them holistically into a higher ground as productive citizens with 21st century skills. The inevitable relationship of the identified triadic variables will help all other educators and stakeholders to realize that the continuous improvement of our learners is all anchored on the existing policy guidelines and issuances of the department especially this challenging time when the landscape of the education system came into metamorphosis due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the sudden change of education landscape worldwide brought by COVID-19 pandemic this year 20... more With the sudden change of education landscape worldwide brought by COVID-19 pandemic this year 2020, DepEd Philippines strategized concrete policy guidelines in ensuring the continuity of teaching and learning in the basic education level across the country, and this was made possible through the issuance of The Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan in the Time of COVID-19 in May of this year. As Sec. Leonor Magtolis Briones stated in this issuance, the issued continuity plan of the department is an integrated output of DepEd from a series of consultation with partners and advisers, legislators, executives and directors, teachers, parents, learners, and the general public (p. 1).
To ensure the continuity of schoolchildren’s education despite the community quarantine protocol of the government, DepEd implemented major adjustments from all levels of governance at a magnitude never done before (p. 28.) These adjustments include: (1) the streamlining of the K to 12 Curriculum into the Most Essential Learning Competencies or MELCs; (2) introducing different learning delivery modalities; (3) the updating of learning resources; (4) the strategies for Kindergarten to Grade 3; (5) the learning assessment; (6) the strengthening of the Alternative Learning System or ALS; and (7) the establishment of a committee for the development, acquisition, and deployment of learning resources (pp. 28-40).
So, in order to address the needs of teachers and learners in the assessment of learning, this school-based assessment framework as a localized and contextualized version of DepEd’s perspective of learning assessment anchored on Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (1978, as cited in DepEd Order 8, s. 2015) is hereby revised/updated based on the existing guidelines of DepEd. Similar to the previously crafted paradigm, this localized/contextualized framework is a product of a series of internal and external stakeholders’ common interpretation and understanding on the importance and sanctity of a valid and reliable assessment in ensuring a culture of quality teaching and learning engagement at all times.

May, 2019
This school-based assessment framework is a localized and contextualized version of DepEd’s persp... more This school-based assessment framework is a localized and contextualized version of DepEd’s perspective of learning assessment anchored on Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (1978, as cited in DepEd Order 8, s. 2015). This localized/contextualized framework is a product of a series of internal and external stakeholders’ common interpretation and understanding on the importance and sanctity of a valid and reliable assessment in ensuring a culture of quality teaching and learning engagement at all times.
The school upholds DepEd’s notion that classroom assessment is a joint process that involves both teachers and learners as an integral part of teaching-learning process. Moreover, the school recognizes the significant roles being played by parents at home and the community at large in assisting the learners to widen their thoughts and experiences to fully grasp the necessary skills they need as productive citizens of the 21st century. To make each teaching-learning episode appealing to the inquisitive minds of today’s learners, various forms of assessment must be given in the most appropriate time, thus gauging learners’ level of competencies not just as terminal evaluation but as well as helping learners in all parts of the teaching-learning engagement, from beginning to end.

Grounded on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) of Ajzen (1985& 2002) that explains individual d... more Grounded on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) of Ajzen (1985& 2002) that explains individual decision-making processes, this study was conducted to primarily answer: How do teachers’ levels of job satisfaction and professional competencies significantly affect their financial literacy skills and practices? Respondents of the study, chosen through stratified random sampling, are the 103 nationally-funded teachers from the select five junior high schools covering the five districts of DepEd City of Malolos. The study ran from August 2019 to March 2020 employing a descriptive correlational type of research with a three-part questionnaire to capture the necessary variables adhering to the salient provisions of the Data Privacy Act of 2012. The data gathered were tallied and computed using the MS Excel and the statistical treatment was processed using SPSS Version 20. The study found out that: (1) teachers have high level of job satisfaction in the workplace; (2) teachers are consistently demonstrating professional competencies; (3) teachers have only moderate level of financial literacy skills and practices; (4) job satisfaction in the workplace has no significant impact on financial literacy skills and practices; (4) professional competencies have significant impact on financial literacy skills and practices; (5) there should be regular financial literacy programs based on their actual needs. The study recommends capacity-building programs that will enhance teachers to continuously improve themselves as financial managers of themselves and as active and responsible members of the organization.

DepEd Region III - Schools Division of City of Malolos, 2020
This study utilizing mixed methods concurrent triangulation design primarily aims to determine th... more This study utilizing mixed methods concurrent triangulation design primarily aims to determine the alignment of Grade 10 learners’ academic performance and occupational fields of interest to their personal preferences in college studies to come up with a strategic school-initiated career guidance program. The study is anchored on Trait & Factor Theory (1908) and adopted the Input-Process-Output model to operationalize its variables. The assumptions of the study are: (1) Learners’ academic performance poses significant impact on their recorded areas of occupational interest and (2) A strategic school-initiated career guidance program is necessary to ensure learners’ alignment of recorded areas of occupational interest to their preferred courses in college. The 187 Grade 10 learners from the four junior high schools in DepEd City of Malolos served as the respondents which were chosen through random stratified sampling. Findings of the study revealed that: (1) learners’ academic performance in general is only satisfactory level; (2) their NCAE occupational interest rating is generally in moderate preference level; (3) academic performance significantly impacts their recorded fields of occupational interest; (4) general preferences of learners in college are courses on personal services, professional services, engineering courses, military and law enforcement, and business and finance/ commerce; (5) their common reasons in choosing a college course are their personal choice/ line of interest, influence of others, present financial conditions of the family, and employability to work local and/or abroad; and (6) their preferred courses in college are aligned to their recorded potentials/inclinations based on NCAE but only to a moderate preference level. The study recommends: (1) the implementation of appropriate interventions for learners to improve their academic performance in each learning area; (2) the conduct of effective orientation and reorientation programs on NCAE not only to learners but also for teachers and parents/guardians; (3) instituting a strategic school-initiated career guidance program in order to assist learners to come up with a sound decision in choosing what line of studies or occupations to pursue in the future.
Papers by Joey R . Cabigao, PhD
This study is based on the descriptive method of research and was conducted through language survey – a type of statistical study which was according to Brown (1991) is done through data collection on the nature and acquisition of language, and perception of the source of data in oral or written interview.
To collect the necessary data of this study, the researcher developed a questionnaire with three parts: (1) the personal data of the respondents; (2) the questions to measure the perception of the respondents on each specific rule of the orthography; and (3) a survey to determine the proposed changes on the certain rules of the orthography as part of the standardization of the Filipino language. This study was conducted for three months, from July to September 2012.
Findings of the study revealed that: (1) majority of the teacher-respondents are in the baseline/entry position as of the time of this study; (2) teacher-respondents in general strongly approved the contents of the existing orthography; and (3) there is just a slight contrasting views and opinions among teacher-respondents on the rules regarding translation.
The study recommends: (1) teachers and school officials to attend various seminars/trainings related language and linguistics, to broaden and deepen their competencies on the interpretation and usage of the existing orthography; (2) to conduct a valuable and truthful study on language to acquire a keener sense of explaining and critiquing a policy on the language use in the country; (3) to devote enough time with teachers and education authorities on language teaching and/or language policy-making endeavors for clarity and unity in writing official correspondences and other write ups in the academe; (4) to have an open mind on the continuous changes and development of Filipino, as the national language, to go along with what the present time dictates; and (5) to conduct similar studies to test the reliability and validity of the findings stated.
Key Words: Perception, Proposed Change, Orthography, Filipino
To ensure the continuity of schoolchildren’s education despite the community quarantine protocol of the government, DepEd implemented major adjustments from all levels of governance at a magnitude never done before (p. 28.) These adjustments include: (1) the streamlining of the K to 12 Curriculum into the Most Essential Learning Competencies or MELCs; (2) introducing different learning delivery modalities; (3) the updating of learning resources; (4) the strategies for Kindergarten to Grade 3; (5) the learning assessment; (6) the strengthening of the Alternative Learning System or ALS; and (7) the establishment of a committee for the development, acquisition, and deployment of learning resources (pp. 28-40).
So, in order to address the needs of teachers and learners in the assessment of learning, this school-based assessment framework as a localized and contextualized version of DepEd’s perspective of learning assessment anchored on Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (1978, as cited in DepEd Order 8, s. 2015) is hereby revised/updated based on the existing guidelines of DepEd. Similar to the previously crafted paradigm, this localized/contextualized framework is a product of a series of internal and external stakeholders’ common interpretation and understanding on the importance and sanctity of a valid and reliable assessment in ensuring a culture of quality teaching and learning engagement at all times.
The school upholds DepEd’s notion that classroom assessment is a joint process that involves both teachers and learners as an integral part of teaching-learning process. Moreover, the school recognizes the significant roles being played by parents at home and the community at large in assisting the learners to widen their thoughts and experiences to fully grasp the necessary skills they need as productive citizens of the 21st century. To make each teaching-learning episode appealing to the inquisitive minds of today’s learners, various forms of assessment must be given in the most appropriate time, thus gauging learners’ level of competencies not just as terminal evaluation but as well as helping learners in all parts of the teaching-learning engagement, from beginning to end.
This study is based on the descriptive method of research and was conducted through language survey – a type of statistical study which was according to Brown (1991) is done through data collection on the nature and acquisition of language, and perception of the source of data in oral or written interview.
To collect the necessary data of this study, the researcher developed a questionnaire with three parts: (1) the personal data of the respondents; (2) the questions to measure the perception of the respondents on each specific rule of the orthography; and (3) a survey to determine the proposed changes on the certain rules of the orthography as part of the standardization of the Filipino language. This study was conducted for three months, from July to September 2012.
Findings of the study revealed that: (1) majority of the teacher-respondents are in the baseline/entry position as of the time of this study; (2) teacher-respondents in general strongly approved the contents of the existing orthography; and (3) there is just a slight contrasting views and opinions among teacher-respondents on the rules regarding translation.
The study recommends: (1) teachers and school officials to attend various seminars/trainings related language and linguistics, to broaden and deepen their competencies on the interpretation and usage of the existing orthography; (2) to conduct a valuable and truthful study on language to acquire a keener sense of explaining and critiquing a policy on the language use in the country; (3) to devote enough time with teachers and education authorities on language teaching and/or language policy-making endeavors for clarity and unity in writing official correspondences and other write ups in the academe; (4) to have an open mind on the continuous changes and development of Filipino, as the national language, to go along with what the present time dictates; and (5) to conduct similar studies to test the reliability and validity of the findings stated.
Key Words: Perception, Proposed Change, Orthography, Filipino
To ensure the continuity of schoolchildren’s education despite the community quarantine protocol of the government, DepEd implemented major adjustments from all levels of governance at a magnitude never done before (p. 28.) These adjustments include: (1) the streamlining of the K to 12 Curriculum into the Most Essential Learning Competencies or MELCs; (2) introducing different learning delivery modalities; (3) the updating of learning resources; (4) the strategies for Kindergarten to Grade 3; (5) the learning assessment; (6) the strengthening of the Alternative Learning System or ALS; and (7) the establishment of a committee for the development, acquisition, and deployment of learning resources (pp. 28-40).
So, in order to address the needs of teachers and learners in the assessment of learning, this school-based assessment framework as a localized and contextualized version of DepEd’s perspective of learning assessment anchored on Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (1978, as cited in DepEd Order 8, s. 2015) is hereby revised/updated based on the existing guidelines of DepEd. Similar to the previously crafted paradigm, this localized/contextualized framework is a product of a series of internal and external stakeholders’ common interpretation and understanding on the importance and sanctity of a valid and reliable assessment in ensuring a culture of quality teaching and learning engagement at all times.
The school upholds DepEd’s notion that classroom assessment is a joint process that involves both teachers and learners as an integral part of teaching-learning process. Moreover, the school recognizes the significant roles being played by parents at home and the community at large in assisting the learners to widen their thoughts and experiences to fully grasp the necessary skills they need as productive citizens of the 21st century. To make each teaching-learning episode appealing to the inquisitive minds of today’s learners, various forms of assessment must be given in the most appropriate time, thus gauging learners’ level of competencies not just as terminal evaluation but as well as helping learners in all parts of the teaching-learning engagement, from beginning to end.