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Books by Carla Corti
Papers by Carla Corti
left to personal initiative, with temporary or longer lasting effects, produced
even in Cisalpine Gaul a constantly evolving socio-cultural context. From the
beginning, spontaneous migratory flows joined the movements connected to
the policy of colonization promoted by the Roman government. They also
included individuals who circulated freely between the two banks of the Po
river. Traces of mobility from the Transpadana have been identified in the city
of Mutina (Modena), between the late Republic and the early Imperial period,
thanks to the analysis of material culture when it’s properly contextualized. /
La mobilité des personnes, qu’elle soit volontaire ou induite, planifiée par les
institutions ou laissée à l’initiative personnelle, avec des effets temporaires ou
à plus long terme, a produit aussi en Gaule Cisalpine un contexte socioculturel
en constante évolution. Aux mouvements effectués dans le cadre de la
politique de colonisation promue par le gouvernement romain s’ajoutent dès
le départ des flux migratoires spontanés, incluant également de personnes qui
circulaient librement entre les deux rives du Pô. Grâce à l’analyse de la culture
matérielle, convenablement contextualisée, des traces de mobilité depuis la
Transpadane ont ainsi pu être clairement identifiées à Mutina (Modène), entre
la fin de l’époque républicaine et le début de l’époque impériale.
left to personal initiative, with temporary or longer lasting effects, produced
even in Cisalpine Gaul a constantly evolving socio-cultural context. From the
beginning, spontaneous migratory flows joined the movements connected to
the policy of colonization promoted by the Roman government. They also
included individuals who circulated freely between the two banks of the Po
river. Traces of mobility from the Transpadana have been identified in the city
of Mutina (Modena), between the late Republic and the early Imperial period,
thanks to the analysis of material culture when it’s properly contextualized. /
La mobilité des personnes, qu’elle soit volontaire ou induite, planifiée par les
institutions ou laissée à l’initiative personnelle, avec des effets temporaires ou
à plus long terme, a produit aussi en Gaule Cisalpine un contexte socioculturel
en constante évolution. Aux mouvements effectués dans le cadre de la
politique de colonisation promue par le gouvernement romain s’ajoutent dès
le départ des flux migratoires spontanés, incluant également de personnes qui
circulaient librement entre les deux rives du Pô. Grâce à l’analyse de la culture
matérielle, convenablement contextualisée, des traces de mobilité depuis la
Transpadane ont ainsi pu être clairement identifiées à Mutina (Modène), entre
la fin de l’époque républicaine et le début de l’époque impériale.
century BC, had the importation of some products from the island of Rhodes, the wine above all. They were transported in amphorae of such a characteristic shape as to allow the immediate identification of the place of production. In this paper the finds coming from the Cispadana, the large area between the river Po in the north and the Apennines in the south, will be taken into consideration. If we consider the chronology of the Rhodian amphorae found in the Cispadana and we examine the map of the distribution of the finds (Fig. 2), it clearly emerges that in this area the importation of products coming from Rhodes and the process of romanization are two closely connected phenomena.
The literary and epigraphic sources are quite clear in this regard. Near the city, at the Campi Macri, starting from the beginning of the Imperial age the most important suburban cattle fair in Northern Italy took place. Here also went Turranius Niger, to whom Varro dedicated his book on ars pecuaria (VARRO rust. 2, praef. 6). The archaeological evidence related to this important productive sector of Mutina has been more elusive. Apart from the epigraphic data, the subject of interest have been loom weights of truncated pyramidal shape decorated using matrix stamps. No installation intended for sheep keeping has been so far identified. In the light of the review of old discoveries, it is however possible to suggest the presence of a textile workshop at the villa Scartazza, partially excavated in 1877. Of particular interest is the transformation of the residential part into a productive installation through the inclusion of dolia in the masonry and the presence of adjacent areas, of which at least one is interpretable as a tub with a drain channel, arranged on two levels. Interesting is also the finding of various balance weights and an aequipondium for scales of large dimensions, possibly usable for weighing of large quantities of wool or textiles. The villa is located in a favorable position for the implantation of a textile workshop, ca. 200 m south of the Via Aemilia and not far from the course of the river Panaro (Scultenna), on whose banks Strabo (STR. 5, 12) noted a pasture for sheep with precious wool.
The literary and epigraphic sources are quite clear in this regard. Near the city, at the Campi Macri, starting from the beginning of the imperial age the most important suburban cattle fair in north Italy took place. Here also went Turranius Niger, to whom Varro dedicated his book on ars pecuaria (rust. 2, praef. 6). The archaeological evidence related to this important productive sector of Mutina has been more elusive. Apart from the epigraphic data, the subject of interest have been loom weights of truncated pyramidal shape decorated using matrix stamps. No installation intended for sheep keeping, or the various activities related to the processing of wool (lanariae, textrinae and fullonicae) has been so far identified. In the light of the review of old discoveries, it is however possible to suggest the presence of a textile workshop at the villa Scartazza, partially excavated in 1877. Of particular interest is the transformation of the residential part into a productive installation through the inclusion of dolia in the masonry and the presence of adjacent areas, of which at least one is interpretable as a tub with a drain channel, arranged on two levels. Interesting is also the finding of various balance weights and an aequipondium for scales of large dimensions, possibly usable for weighing of large quantities of wool or textiles. The villa is located in a favorable position for the implantation of a textile workshop, ca. 200 m south of the Via Aemilia and not far from the course of the river Panaro (Scultenna), on whose banks Strabo (5, 12) noted a pasture for sheep with precious wool.
La città di Mutina (Modena) era rinomata in tutto il mondo romano per la qualità delle sue lane e la produzione tessile, nei vari suoi aspetti, è stata in età romana un motore di sviluppo economico e di mobilità sociale. Le fonti letterarie ed epigrafiche sono piuttosto chiare al riguardo.
Nei pressi della città, ai Campi Macri, si tenne inoltre fino alla prima età imperiale la più importante fiera extraurbana nord-italica di bestiame. Qui si recava anche Turranius Niger, a cui Varrone dedicò il suo libro sull’ars pecuaria (rust. 2, praef. 6).
Il dato archeologico legato a questo importante settore produttivo di Mutina risulta invece più sfuggente. Oggetto di interesse sono stati soprattutto, accanto ai dati epigrafici, i pesi fittili da telaio di forma tronco-piramidale decorati a matrice. Nessun impianto destinato all’allevamento ovino o alle varie attività legate alla lavorazione della lana (lanariae, textrinae e fullonicae) è stato invece finora individuato.
Appare invece possibile ipotizzare, alla luce del riesame di vecchi rinvenimenti, la presenza di un laboratorio tessile presso la villa della Scartazza, parzialmente scavata nel 1877. Di particolare interesse è la trasformazione della parte residenziale in impianto produttivo con l’inserimento di dolia nelle murature e la presenza di ambienti contigui, di cui almeno uno interpretabile come vasca con canaletta di scolo, disposti su due livelli. Interessante è inoltre il rinvenimento di vari pesi per bilancia e di un aequipondium per stadera di grosse dimensioni, utilizzabili per la pesatura anche di grossi quantitativi di lane o tessuti.
La villa si trova infine in posizione favorevole all’impianto di un laboratorio tessile ca. 200 m a sud della via Aemilia e a poca distanza dal corso del fiume Panaro (Scultenna), presso le cui sponde Strabone (5, 12) ricorda il pascolo delle pecore dalla pregiatissima lana.
These kind of bone needles were very often found and that it should be explained by the nålbinding using to produce fabrics both in the familia and in textile laboratories. With this kind of technique would also get possible to diversify the textile production, with an important economic field.
Nei siti di età romana si trovano spesso aghi in osso. Essi provengono sia da insediamenti, che da sepolture. Generalmente si tratta di aghi con un solo foro, ma compaiono frequentemente anche esemplari con due e soprattutto tre fori. Si tratta in tutti i casi di aghi da cucito o questi oggetti, soprattutto gli esemplari a tre fori, potevano avere anche altri utilizzi? La nostra proposta è che questi aghi possano essere stati utilizzati anche per realizzare tessuti con la tecnica del nålbinding, conosciuta anche in età antica. Con questa tecnica si possono ottenere indumenti senza cuciture, estremamente elastici e adatti per realizzare importanti complementi dell’abbigliamento, come le calze. Per verificare questa nostra ipotesi sono stati realizzati tessuti utilizzando copie di aghi di età romana.
La frequente presenza nei siti romani di aghi in osso potrebbe quindi essere spiegata proprio con l’uso del nålbinding per realizzare indumenti sia all’interno della familia, che nei laboratori tessili. La realizzazione di tessuti con questa tecnica avrebbe inoltre consentito di diversificare la produzione e rappresentato un'importante opportunità economica per il laboratorio tessile.
The ship’s cargo excavated by archaeologists includes a big variety of merchandise: lead ingots, some with the stamp of Agrippa, amphorae and ceramics of various type and provenance, lamps, boxwood logs, fourths of meat and various small objects, including several tiny lead foil votive temples.
A turn-over steelyard for retail trade and a big stone weight are also found in the cargo. They were part of the ship’s equipment. The turn-over steelyard has two capacities and a stamp with the mention of one personage, probably the mensor who built the instrument in according to similar finds. The stone weight, a centussis (100 librae), was used instead for wholesale trade. This weight has an inscription too, which mentions in this case the magister navis, the shipmaster, as recently proposed.
The finding of these measuring instruments on the Valle Ponti’s wreck provides an opportunity for some remarks about weighting procedure on Roman maritime and fluvial trade and about control of scales and weights.
The first significant data emerged concerns the chronology of the peopling. The Roman presence manifests itself in fact already during the Republican time (2nd/1st century BC), but in three sites is also documented an earlier, pre-Roman frequentation. The Roman presence becomes significant in the Augustan age and continues until the full High Middle Ages, when it is built here the Parish Church of Santa Maria in Trenta/Trentum (Trento).
The remains of material culture well document the good quality of the standard of living achieved during the Roman period and the close relationship that developed between the settlements and the road network. From here passed a secondary branch of the Po and the area was affected by the passage of a road that from Mutina (Modena) and Bononia (Bologna) led to Aquileia, mentioned in the Itinerarium Antonini. The area is fully inserted in the long-range trades again in Late Antiquity. It also indicates the presence in the territory of discharged soldiers (Roman military diplomas) and Ostrogoths.
The data shows clearly the centrality of the area gravitating around Chiunsano-Trento.
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