January 15th, 2006 - The Tales of the World — LiveJournal
? ?
Jan. 15th, 2006 @ 11:29 pm (no subject)
Morgan felt her very bones creaking as she stirred from sleep in the back of that sleek Merc; uncomfortable though it was in the back of the vehicle, she felt strangely well rested and a lot less unsteady than she had before sleeping. Dawn was still slowly clawing its way in through the darkness with chilly, pale fingers of watery sunlight, and Morgan shivered, realising she no longer had the warm body of Jacob next to her. That had been more comforting than she had acknowledged in her drowsy state, and she scanned around quickly for him.

There he was, with some youth, standing over the body of an even more youthful youth, who was dead. He would have looked like the closest thing possible to an angel, all blond hair and wide, innocent blue eyes - had half his face not been blown off by a gun. Such a shame, the way beautiful things are always the first to get ruined. Morgan turned away before her eyes became full of the sight of him, laying there. Her gaze went back to Jacob, and he said something she couldn't make out to the guy he'd been with and came over to her.

"Feeling any better now?".

She nodded sleepily. "Yes, thankyou for being my pillow. But if you don't mind....where the Hell are we? I thought we were supposed to be going to a library, and I may not be the most literary of people but I was lead to believe that they weren't usually littered with dead bodies...." her stomach clenched as she looked at the bloody angel again.

"Yes well I'm sorry you had to see this, it was quite unexpected...the library is within this warehouse see, because it looks desolate from the outside so no-one will pay attention to it. Obviously the bikers knew something, or at least thought they did..." he trailed off, clearly miles away.

Morgan sat up straighter on the car seat. "It's fine, it's not like I've not seen worse. It was just a bit of a shock to wake up to, that's all." Her jaw was jutted out in that defiant way that Jacob took to mean the issue was now closed.

"So what now, are we still going to go inside and look or do you reckon it's dangerous?"

"We should definately go in, we've come too far to not. I think the bikers know when they're not welcome" Jacob finished, throwing a look of disgust at the debris from the recent battle.

"Right then". With some difficulty, Morgan heaved herself from the car. "Shall we?"
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