My gift posted today over at hoggywartyxmas and oh, my, is it a thing of wonder. If you like stories that break your heart and then put it back together again in a most satisfying and lyrical manner, please take a moment to go and read:
My gift has posted over at sshg_giftfest, and it is stellar. I don't know who the Mystery Author is (though I have a suspicion), but they've got a magic quill, whoever they are. Run, do not walk, to this delightful tale of a novel come to life and a bit of Christmas cheer which totally made my night :)
My quadruplet of Hogwarts-House octopods, made by the talented drinkingcocoa, protecting our incredibly valuable and constantly growing accumulation of wine corks. Note how the Slytherin one is pointedly ignoring the Gryffindor behind it, while the Ravenclaw appears typically deep in thought. And of course the loyal little Hufflepuff is wondering why, with all that wine, everyone can't just get along and be happy :)
It looks like a T. Rex bone, but the pet shop assures us it is in fact a bovine of some sort. Be sure to turn the sound up to get the full effect. Also, note warning which appears about 50 seconds in :)
pearle9240 has created icons for a number of stories from this year's sshg_exchange, and she created these two beautiful ones based on my story Bide, Lady, Bide. Aren't they little jewels? I love the detail, the colors, the way they highlight key pieces of the story. Lucky me, I can't wait to use them on things :)
Hope you're having a lovely birthday, and I hope the year ahead of you will be a good one. (Well, as good as possible, given who took office yesterday.)
Excellent, will add to box. It's a great book, super practical and useful. The only reason I'm giving it up is that we're not urban (or even suburban) any more :)
That would be awesome! Thank you! Gardening was something I had never done until the pandemic, but I find it immensely comforting. But I know so little about it. It's a steep learning curve. That…