For one thing, I'm reading stories about some of my favorite people, written by some of my favorite people, in the company of some of my favorite people.

I've also given in to the forces of pop culture and am watching The Mandalorian (friends had warned me that resistance was useless, and so it proved...). With Baby Yoda we have indeed reached Peak Cuteness. Behold my favorite meme:

Even more than that, though, I love how the series so perfectly evokes the feel of the original 1977 movie, from the music to the alien races that get background cameos, from the color palette to the look and feel of the tech, right down to the goofy "wipes" used in scene changes. I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed that the encounter in the Mos Eisley cantina maps almost gesture for gesture with the original, where Luke and Ben meet Han for the first time.
And today I get to go out to lunch with Mr Psmith for the first time in ages, and I think we're going to shoot a little pool! I got him this cool thing for Christmas so he can play again.
Best of all, I'm paying no attention whatever to politics.
Ah, life is good :)
- How am I?:
Avoiding the politics is almost as hard. (I'm avoiding the late night talk shows too.)
PS: Now that you're watching The Mandalorian, how do you feel about The Witcher series?
Edited at 2019-12-22 05:19 pm (UTC)
Enjoy your time off! 🎉🎉
Eff politics!
Enjoy your time off. :D