It isn't epic fantasy by any means, but it's great fun and I enjoyed it thoroughly; if she writes more novels set in this world I would read them with relish.

Which is annoying, because the premise is exactly my kind of thing: a physics accident propels a group of people into another world, where they have to figure out not only the rules of their strange new world but how to escape it. And then they have to do it all over again. And again. The various worlds they fall into and out of are all very different, but each one is so short-lived that I barely had time to suss out what was going on before I was jolted into the next one; there's an abruptness to it that I found frustrating. I wanted more, and more detailed, explorations of the various neurotic obsessions that were externalized as these separate worlds.
The book also suffers a bit from being so very firmly grounded in 1957. Many little clues betray this, the most obvious being that the main villain of the piece is Communism, or rather prejudice against/fear of Communism. It's hard to grasp how enormous and looming a threat Communism was perceived to be in the 1950s; because it was a very specific enemy with a very specific lifespan, this "dates" the story a bit.
Worth a read, mostly as a psychological variant of the "many worlds" hypothesis. Plus I'm amused by the fact that the original cover shows a bunch of expendable redshirts, nine years before Star Trek made them a cultural icon :)
One of the books I have read many times is called Alas, Babylon, which was written in the 50's about nuclear war. It is extremely dated (one of the characters questions the validity of blacks and whites eating at the same table together, a real Wild-west mentality, etc), but it still has some moments that ring true for me. I wouldn't be surprised if Stephen King had read it; The Stand has loads of similarities (SK's character is called Randall Flagg, the character in Alas Babylon is called Randall Bragg, to name but one).
Interesting suggestion about The Stand (another perennial favorite of mine). I'll bet you're right. King is a pretty widely-read dude.
I just went and got my copy of Alas Babylon off the shelf and you're right -- it's pretty dated :)