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Update: 1 June, 2011

LAST UPDATED: 9:56 PM EST, 1 June 2011

Round 2 is up!

New/Updated Fills [3]

One Final Parting Gift [Parts 1-2/?] Human!Wheatley/Chell; He's the only one who can stop her tears. Incomplete

Along the Road [Sequel to Until the End; Part 1/?] Chell/Human!Wheatley; He still isn't used to it. Incomplete

Flamboyant [Parts 1-3/?] Human!AU; Rick/Fact; Fact: The Adventure Sphere is gay. Incomplete


GLaDOS or Wheatley/Chell:
DOn't really car when or why, but I really want Chell being sick. Vomiting preferable, and at least one AI worried/grossed out over it.

Anons, all I want from life is to see GLaDOS and Wheatley tag team on their favorite subject. (As Robots, Androids, Humans, I really don't care.)

Extra amazing bonus points if it's Evil!Wheatley.

Oracle Turret!P-Body:
I know it fudges up the timeline but I just, I like it.

Perhaps something involving confused!Atlas/suspicious!GLaDOS when she accidentally voices something she shouldn't know? Whether in metaphor or not.

I dunno, go wild with it ~


Whether its Wheatley crashing down to earth getting amnesia or a canon screw with Chell/GLaDOS/potatOS having complete amnesia I WANT IT :D

Yeah, I totally didn't get this idea from the movie 'A.I.'... (I did.)

Wheatley comes crashing back to earth many many many years later, and humanity has died out. The only things left are Vortigaunts, cataloging the end of the human story, studying it if they are not the original generation that came over during the Black Mesa incident (idk maybe Vorts live forever if they aren't killed), or just inhabiting the planet as their own after the death of all the humans. They take an interest in Wheatley, the last A.I. created by humans and more-or-less the last human (going on the theory that personality cores were once human). All Wheatley wants is to say sorry and goodbye to a long dead girl, so the Vorts conjure up a fantasy or a body or whatever with their Vort magic. Wheatley gets one last day with Chell. I don't care what form Wheats takes, or if it's platonic or romantic, I just want angsty happy catharsis.

OP would write it herself if she had any confidence in her writing skills but will gladly draw all over the place for it!!

ALTERNATIVELY: A real A.I. crossover/AU/whatever with Wheatley the A.I. traveling the world looking for Chell who left him because he was TOO STUPID. Complete with Gigolo Rick the Lovebot because it would be hilarious. And sad. Original prompt would still more or less apply...

Inspired by an earlier prompt or two; Aperture Science has been trying for some while to keep GLaDOS contained by implanting control spheres with various personalities and functions into her. She has responded by more or less flattening them, her vast intellect entirely too powerful for their feeble little processors.

So they create a feedback loop and hook her up to herself, for all intents and purposes creating two of her in the same mainframe with each running on half the specs.

What happens?

So Chell escapes with Wheatley somehow or he comes back from space up to writer. Chell gets/has an apartment or home of some sort. Decides to take a bath, and brings Wheatley along... Core!Wheatley please. Can be sexual, can be awkward (preferred), can be fluffy, anything. Shy Wheatley preferred. I'd like some bath time fun of some sort. Lets assume he's waterproof, if he isn't already.

She might have been in it for the Science...but that's hardly to say she didn't enjoy it, while it lasted. She'd do anything to feel the data surge through her systems the way it did the first time she tested. Not that she'd ever admit it..

I'd love to see some GLaDOS with her test-euphoria responses fully functioning - I don't mind if it's some kind of glitch in her system that makes it work again, from back in t'old days before she built up her tolerance to it (or memories thereof), or however else so long as she's trying fairly unsuccessfully not to actually let on how much she's enjoying the whole thing, because that would be terribly embarrassing, would it not?

I don't care how it's done (Chell can get involved as long as GLaDOS is still her wonderful robot self), I'm just obsessed with this thought! *laughs*

Rick/Fact: Filled!
Fact: The Adventure Sphere is gay.

So Fact Sphere decides on a new "fact" to share. With everyone. All the time. Rick doesn't take too kindly to this new development and finally shuts up Fact Sphere in a... very gay way. Please.

Rick: (Not sure if this is a request, though. Lol.)
I don't think anyone has posted a prompt for this but it came to me yesterday and I thought you all would like it :)

Adventure core Rick gets a job at an automated phone service 

(idea for this came from having to get my car towed and dealing with a automated phone menu. Remeber to think of adventure cores voice when reding this :) Enjoy!)

Hello there! Are you a man or a woman? 'woman'

Hello gorgeous! What can ol' Rick help you with? 'car trouble'

Well just let Rick help you with your lady car problems! What would you like to have done? Want me to come out and show
you my black belt in car fixing, and bedroom *sexy growl* 'I need my car towed'

Ok. Ok. Where is your lady car at? 'Aperture Science Laboratories parking lot'

Is your beautiful self standing next to your lady car? 'yes'

Is the hood up on your lady car? 'yes'

Are you bent over looking pretty seeing what's under the hood? 'no' 

Why not? Do you know what's wrong with your lady car? 'no'

What kind of lady car do you have? '2010 Silver Chrysler'

Hooie! That is one nice car! Once you get it fixed want to come get me and go on an adventure? 'no' 

It's ok darlin'. I understand if adventure frightens you. Well I'll make sure that tow truck gets to you and your lovely self. if you stay on the line you can take a survey and tell them how amazing I was at helping you. Have a nice day gorgeous!

Listening to fact core's quotes:

and I hear this one: "According to most advanced algorithms the world's best name is Craig."

so out of all of Fact core's rambling, Rick hears that his name is Craig.
His reaction? Surprise me -u- get creative.

Round 2 Prompts Start Here!

GLaDOS ships the voices in her head.

Portal 2/System Shock Crossover:

GLaDOS/SHODAN would be the best AI couple ever. Or possibly the worst.

i remmber reading in one fill that evil!wheatley got off to chell's voice by hurting her a bit

what if he hurt her more
what if he crushed her a bit or broke some of her bones or poked her eye or grinded her face across the wall or or

anything violent

Any Core/Any other Core:
You know when you're trying to fall asleep but your brain won't stop coming up with porn ideas? =/ Uhh yeah so this happened last night.

Alright, so for an upcoming project, Aperture requires multiple cores to be working together in some environment with one core acting as a leader. So to test how well two cores can get along when one has more power than the other, they create a device that allows them to be synced, with one core having complete control over the others' punishment/reward function. Then they just sit back and wait to see what happens.

Basically I want the leader!core to abuse this ability. A lot. Can be any core pairing you want, but please keep them as cores.

i think this meme has given me a helplessness kink and i don't even mind

AU, please, where Chell takes Wheatley with her. His whole goal was originally to escape, but what can he possibly do? He's a personality core, and a dimwitted one. Chell would probably be the one to house him. Let's say Chell has trouble supporting them both. Her being mute is causing problems with being able to get a job, since she's been frozen in cyrosleep for so long nobody understands sign language anymore besides Wheatley. Plus, she no longer finds humans attractive, being around robots for so long.

Sexually and situationally frustrated, the poor girl is. And Wheatley - like the dumbass he is - says something that pushes her buttons and she has to keep herself from jumping him.

I'm looking for a flurry of innocent innuendos from Wheatley followed by frustrated Chell sexytimes and a panicking, whatthebloodyhellareyoudoing Wheatley.

(reposted from the 1st bunch)

Kind of a weird prompt, but here it goes:

So there's a lot of Chell noncon around here, and i'd like to see her in a situation where she is almost noncon'd, but is saved by Wheatley (either through extrordinary means, or whatever)

human, sphere, android, AU; I don't really care, just as long as some sexy times with Chell and him occur and he manages to sweep her off her feet.

GLaDOS has somehow been turned into a human. Despite former... events, Chell is willing to bring her into her home.

Anyway, Chell decides to bake a cake/teach GLaDOS how to bake. Sort of humorous, and open for potential sexytimes after whatever chaos they create in the kitchen? ;o

Though it would probably work best with a human!GLaDOS, I suppose a normal form!GLaDOS would work just as well, though Chell would probably have to return to Aperture for that to work out.

My kink is angst. I mean, think about all that's wrong with their relationship: there's a ridiculous imbalance of power, if Caroline ever figures out that Cave's default setting is "batshit insane" and stops hero-worshipping him, she can angst about falling in love with a total loony, know...tragic death by moon rocks and also a case of I-Think-It's-a-Good-Idea-to-Turn-my-Love

As angsty and as smutty as you want. (Smutty is actually preferable).

So many new requests, and so little fills. D: I hope these all get filled, though!


Delicious Potatoes || A Portal 2 Kinkmeme Index

Latest Month

June 2011


  • deliciouspotato
    27 Jun 2011, 05:41
    M'kay. I just joined the community and please contact Amethyst for me as I'm not sure if she'd look at a message from a person she doens't know. >.
  • deliciouspotato
    26 Jun 2011, 00:50
    Well, Cloud is currently dealing with family matters, and I'm just unsure of whether or not I should update for just one day or all of the days that we missed; we missed nearly two weeks and just…
  • deliciouspotato
    26 Jun 2011, 00:46
    Ah, I don't mind at all!

    I don't think I have the power to give you posting access if you join the comm, however, so you're going to have to talk to Amethyst about that. Or, you could just join the…
  • deliciouspotato
    24 Jun 2011, 20:56 this ever going to be updating again?
  • deliciouspotato
    24 Jun 2011, 04:40
    Excuse me....I was wondering, since both of you are busy with things, if you two wouldn't mind some help with the index until whatever it is you guys are dealing with eases up. Because I'd be more…
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