HAHAHA LATEST UPDATE EVER. Again, I'm really sorry for that. At least Cloud got an extra two days off!
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Alrighty, last updated at June 12, 2011 @ 1am EST.
...So I found the very first gamecube game I've ever played today somewhere in my closet in the wrong game case. I'm amazed it still works. The game was released ten years ago.
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Here's the updates till 11:30pm EST; June 9, 2011.
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I freaking love tracking the post and seeing all these authoranons accidentally deanon. Over.
And over.
(Just watch me botch this post and edit it over and over. Let me know if I'm missing any threads, or if you have any preference for titling the prompts/filss)
Sorry for the lack of updates last night; this is actually the first time I've been on the laptop in two days. I just haven't been feeling like getting on. Nothing bad in my life right now; I just...wasn't in the mood. Aha.
So uh, I'm just posting this now to let you all know that I haven't forgotten yet, and I'll get to working on the most recent updates right away.
Also, hello Cloud! Thank you for doing this; your help is really appreciated. I hope you have a wonderful time!
EDIT: oh wait hold on, I might not be doing the update today after all. Cloud has already started with organizing the new requests; I can hold my update off until tomorrow. We'll see!
Let's get right into it, shall we? :3
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And that, as they say, is that. Goodbye, anons; Siilver and our newest member, Cloud, will be taking over updates for me.
It's been fun~
Thank you so much for your comments last time; it really did help me feel better. The things that made my day awful have both been resolved (we solved the second thing that made my day awful by going to the pool with everyone. the thing that made it awful was that i made plans to go to the pool with my friends and they went without me. :| ) (the first one was solved today by...me completely breaking down and starting to cry during lunch. then me and my ex-best-friend-turned-best-friend-again decided to never talk about the reason why i cried ever again. or it will result in shunning. and a slap to the face. fun. but we're both cool now.) and now I'm feeling a lot more better and relieved.
But I doubt any of you care about that, so let's get to the updates!
Also, if you're interested in doing daily updates, just send a message to Amethyst. We would really appreciate it!
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And that's it for today! Enjoy reading/filling!
Here we go!
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And as I mentioned earlier, I'm looking for a nice, friendly anon to take over my position. If you're interested, please send me a message.
Enjoy the new content, everyone!
Hi. I'm having the worst day ever. Let's just get to the updates.
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This took over an hour to compile, wow! Aaaand here we go!
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Oh my goodness, I think that's everything! Please comment if I missed something. See you anons next time. :3
Round 2 is up!
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So many new requests, and so little fills. D: I hope these all get filled, though!
earlier (six hours ago, to be exact), and not much has happened since then (just one or two updated fills, really).
So...I'll be back tomorrow with the recent update!
'Night, anons.
Hello, everyone! I'm not going to post an update today, because Amethyst updated So...I'll be back tomorrow with the recent update!
'Night, anons.
UpDATE: 3:37 pm, est, 31 May, 2011
I don't think I have the power to give you posting access if you join the comm, however, so you're going to have to talk to Amethyst about that. Or, you could just join the…