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Chomsky thinks that Plato's problem is especially visible in language. Plato's problem -which is also called by him "Russell's Problem" -is "how can we know so much when the evidence for what we know is so vanishingly small". Plato's... more
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    • Philosophy of Cognitive Science
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    • Philosophy of Cognitive Science
A good argument for Poverty of Stimulus comes from wanna contraction. We often contract want + to to wanna. Like when we say, I wanna visit Paris (From: I want to visit Paris). Or I wanna have ice cream. (From: I want to have ice cream).
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    • Philosophy of Cognitive Science
This paper is about how Chomsky and Putnam differ on the subject of Reference, and whether they differ at all.  I have argued that the difference is slight, contrary to the common impression.
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    • Philosophy Of Language
This article introduces a dilemma, argues for it, and suggests a solution. The dilemma is about whether there are conceptual schemes or not. There are good reasons for maintaining either position. There must be conceptual schemes... more
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    • Philosophy Of Language
This paper was written under the influence of Rousseau and Sen and that reflects in the definition I arrived at.
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    • Social and Political Philosophy
Class handout dealing with examples given by Crain, Gualmini, Pietroski in "Brasstacks in Linguistic Theory" for POS arguments.
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    • Philosophy of Cognitive Science
This paper was written for an e-project for post grad students in India.  This project was funded by NMEICT
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    • Philosophy Of Language
This paper distinguishes between default identity and acquired identity and how these identities affect our development in economic terms.
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      Social and Political PhilosophyEconomics and philosophy
Class Handout dealing with Fodor's problem with CTM and a response each by Weisskopf (2002) and Ludwig and Schneider (2008).
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    • Philosophy of Cognitive Science
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    • Philosophy Of Language
This handout covers the entire book of Austin and brings out the arguments given. Indeed, in some sense the book should have been arranged differently than the way it was arranged later. The way Austin's book came out tends to blunt the... more
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    • Philosophy Of Language
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    • Philosophy of Logic
There is a universal sense of goodwill that appears to the attach to the word "corporate" as opposed to the word "government". One breathes more free almost as one hears the former word and one feels stifled as one hears the latter. Are... more
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      Social and Political PhilosophyProtest MovementsEconomics and philosophy
The paper explores the question “What makes a philosophical question “philosophical”?” There are many candidates: being useless, being meaningless, being important to the value of our lives, being questions where language has gone on... more
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    • Metaphilosophy
This paper argues for a different logical form for complex demonstratives, taking it to be true that complex demonstratives are quantificational. The proposed logical forms that are prevalent do not respect a fundamental property of... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of Logic
Definite descriptions in the singular (The F is G) admit of unique readings and in the plural (The Fs are G) admit of universal readings. This view has been challenged by Szabo (2000, 2003, 2005), and Ludlow and Segal (2004). On their... more
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    • Philosophy Of Language
Includes some material from Rickless (2007).
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This criticism is in Nicomachean Ethics
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For Conference on Putnam at IIT, Mumbai, 3-5 october, 2015
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      Hilary PutnamTheories of truth (Philosophy)