The University of Delhi
From the twisted convoluted mansion of the mind, springs forth the strings of creation.The dark recess, termed as the unconscious which is beyond the reach of voluntary control is the storehouse of our repressed desires, fears, emotions... more
Brief exposition of the nature of estrangements of different sections of workers in a University Campus.
The selection of this topic for the dissertational requirements of this program have largely been guided by my experiences of being a student involved in an ongoing process of learning through the last many years of my life. Most... more
What I would like to explore in this survey of concepts are a few principle themes which will be employed in the dissertation. The necessity of speaking in an economic idiom was created by the need to be able to effectively link some of... more
A metaphor for reading like all metaphors, would speak of how I imagine myself in the act of reading. An intensely personal experience, my metaphor can't help but be a description of how I relates to it. This however must not be... more
In speaking of a document such as The Communist Manifesto one cannot but keep in mind a history that is invoked by it and those who have invoked this document and this history to struggle in the present for a different kind of future. The... more
A brief monograph on the symbolism and architectural evolution of the uses of light in medieval Gothic architecture, traced historically.
Gothic architecture as seen in churches in Europe of the 12th century evolved from the earlier Romanesque architecture. The stoic, stocky fort like constructions of the Romanesque period gave way to the more baroque constructions of the... more
A brief historical exposition on Marxist theoretical literature after Marx, paying particular attention to the works of George Lucaks and Rosa Luxemburg.
What I propose as a topic for a term paper is an attempt to draw out some of the interstices which have existed in the construction of the most basic of kinship structures in our society, the family and the reproduction of the ideology of... more
The true picture of the past flits by. The past can be seized only as an image which flashes up at the instant when it can be recognized and is never seen again. "The truth will not run away from us": in the historical outlook of... more
While a significant part of the research for my M.A dissertation draws from memories of living with different families in multiple households a component of it is also derived from experiences of a process of enquiry which in some ways... more
An ethno-historical survey of the struggles and living conditions of the student in and around the North Campus of the University of Delhi
The value presented in the work of Baruch Spinoza stands as a testament to itself, yet given the sheer extent of the vexed debates in the fields of sociology and philosophy revolving around politicised 'binaries' such as the man-woman,... more
This paper seeks to contextualize the making and unmaking of disciplinary logics and the horizon of questions the may provide insights into within the ambit of student struggles and departmental organizations in higher education in India... more
What is attempted in this paper is a re-assesment of Derrida's introduction of what has come to be called 'de-construction' to the anglophone world in his address at John Hopkins University in 1966, titled 'Structure, Sign and Play in the... more
The Indian Academic Establishment has systematically banked on the historical phenomena that was Colonialism and turns its gaze away when confronted by the very practices it indicted as 'Orientalism' when practiced by the 'west.' This... more
Critique in India, in the hands of Left Liberals if often irresponsibly diluted to a juvenile umbrage with the 'discourse' of business communications and an ill sighted yet sustained advocacy of Protectionist policies. This paper is... more
This short note seeks to chart the extent and direction of Friedrich Engels project in the 'Dialectics Of Nature' (1883). While summarizing the overarching scope of Engels' insight, liberated from ecclesiastical and academic authorities,... more
This was my first essay for a M.A. It critically engages with Peter Hamilton's reading of the genealogical moorings of Sociology, while historicizing its genesis between the Renaissance and the following Romanticism. This intellectual... more