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Nice result but running the web demo locally is way too complicated in 2024. You should make a exe version for sure! That said, I peeked the unity package and as an experienced Unity user, I disliked the easily avoidable compiler errors and the extra "Scene" folder. The way the project should be condensed is into a folder of its own, but short of that, you should at least adhere to the standard structure of the Unity base folder. Why have 'Scene' and 'Scenes'? The easily avoidable error: Assets\Editor\TerrainEditor.cs(529,26): error CS0104: 'Cache' is an ambiguous reference between 'CoherentNoise.Generation.Cache' and 'UnityEngine.Cache'
This error could simply be a result of using a newer version of Unity than the one you used, but I saw no instructions about which version to use and defaulted to the 2021 version. I fixed the error by just replacing the 'Cache' instances in that script with "CoherentNoise.Generation.Cache", but turns out this project also has some dependencies I missed and cannot figure out what's missing.

This is so amazing. Possibly the best town layout I ever seen for a procedurally generated town. Any chances of ever seeing this add-on updated for recent Unity versions?

Hi, it's cool. Will this work with latest unity 2019.4 or later!

Hey I was wondering would this work with godot to 


Is this tool and the resulting assets 100% Royalty Free for commercial use?

If CC, then who do we credit? Thanks.


Hi, no coin was spent for this tool. All used assets were free when integrated. Basically, it is under MIT license : You can find our names at the first page of the PCG research overview.



won't run no matter what i do.

(1 edit)

Hi, it is an old tool (provided in early 2015...); somebody comments our YT video ( to specify what to do to run it on Unity 2018+

Would it be easy to change what assets it uses to generate the city?

Hi, of course, you have to replace your prefabs to the visible field of gameobject with CityGenerator script assigned.

Unity shifted to WebGL and discontinued Unity Web Player. Please update the demo!